Praying with the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit

Father, Son, H Spirit.jpgThat we are in the days prior to the great feast of Pentecost our prayer ought to be more intensely centered on the third Person of the Blessed Trinity, God the Holy Spirit. My friend Dom Mark calls to mind the seven mysteries of the Holy Spirit found in the Rosary dealing with the action of the Holy Spirit in salvation history, especially attentive to the fact that these mysteries personally, deeply touch our own lives. His blog entry is helpful —read for yourself.

What gifts ought we to pray for? What about a fuller appreciation of and living out of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. They are: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Courage (fortitude), Knowledge, Piety (reverence), and Fear of the Lord (Awe of God).
Veni Sanctae Spiritus. Veni per Mariam.