Communion and Liberation Community Day

CL Community Day


Saturday, November 8, 2008


Jesus’ call always entails entrusting yourselves to a community

(L. Giussani, Is it Possible to Live This Way).



We will meet at 10:15 a.m. at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint James to participate in the
Nicholas DiMarzio.jpg annual event of the Ecclesial Movements in the Diocese of Brooklyn. Bishop DiMarzio is bringing together the ecclesial movements for prayer, fraternity and diocesan unity.

After the diocesan event Communion & Liberation will then move to Saint Patrick’s Church in Bay Ridge for lunch, singing, witnesses and an assembly.


Location & times:


9:30 a.m., Holy Hour

10:15 a.m., Mass


Cath St James.jpgThe Cathedral Basilica of Saint James

Jay Street & Cathedral Place (one block south of Tiliary Street)

Brooklyn NY 11201


Saint Patrick Church

9511 Fourth Avenue

Brooklyn (Bay Ridge) NY 11209


Bring your own lunch and a little something to share. Bring the song book.