Opening Day for NY Communion & Liberation

The Communion & Liberation Opening Day for the New York community will be on
CL.jpg Saturday, October 25 at 2 PM at Holy Family Church, East 47th Street in Manhattan.


More details to follow. Everybody is invited; this is a public event open to anybody who has an interest in finding out more about the movement.




CL2.jpgCommunion & Liberation (CL) describes its purpose as “the education to Christian maturity of its adherents and collaboration in the mission of the Church in all the spheres of contemporary life.” It aims to communicate the awareness that Christ is the one true response to the deepest needs of people in every moment of history. CL says that it requires only that Christ be recognized as immediately present. The person who encounters and welcomes the presence of Christ undergoes a conversion that affects not only the individual but also the surrounding environment.


Communion and Liberation