- 2013.07.23: Prophet Ezekiel
- 2013.07.22: Saint Mary Magdalen
- 2013.07.19: Jesus is united to the whole of humanity
- 2013.07.18: Cooling a dog
- 2013.07.16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- 2013.07.16: Shakespeare's Sonnet 116
- 2013.07.15: Saint Bonaventure on mystical prayer
- 2013.07.15: Distinguishing religion and theology
- 2013.07.14: A New Apologetics project
- 2013.07.11: Jesus is not an isolated missionary, nor are we
- 2013.07.11: Pacis Nuntius: St Benedict as "exemplar and type of absolute beauty"
- 2013.07.11: I acknowledge my transgression
- 2013.07.11: Saint Benedict, the man of blessing
- 2013.07.10: Blessed Massabki Brothers
- 2013.07.09: Our Lady of the Atonement
- 2013.07.08: Father Abdallah Zaidan, MLM new bishop for Maronite Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles
- 2013.07.07: Being a new creation in Christ Jesus is way of life
- 2013.07.06: "Be zealous for true religion" in a time of theological narcissism requires a different orientation
- 2013.07.05: John XXIII and John Paul II to be canonized
- 2013.07.05: Lumen Fidei ("The Light of Faith")
- 2013.07.05: Francis and Benedict bless statue of St Michael
- 2013.07.04: The Fourth of July: looking to live in a freedom for excellence
- 2013.07.03: In believing we may have life in Jesus
- 2013.07.03: The shared priesthood in a family
- 2013.07.03: Antonietta (Nennolina) Meo
- 2013.07.03: Saint Thomas
- 2013.07.02: Second miracle for John Paul's canonization approved by the bishops
- 2013.07.02: Why the face?
- 2013.07.01: Blessed Junípero Serra
- 2013.07.01: Pope Francis' prayer intentions for July 2013
- 2013.06.30: Christian freedom means talking about God, listening to God --to be truly free
- 2013.06.30: Desiring to do everything the Father desired
- 2013.06.29: Glastonbury Abbey monks elect new abbot, Fr Thomas O'Connor
- 2013.06.29: Remembering the Church of Rome
- 2013.06.29: Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
- 2013.06.29: 35 metropolitan archbishops receive pallium from Pope
- 2013.06.27: Being a missionary as a Benedictine Sister
- 2013.06.26: Pope Francis sets stage for reforming the Vatican Bank
- 2013.06.26: Too many NFL players are not good role models
- 2013.06.26: Saint Josemaría Escrivá
- 2013.06.25: "A bishop of the people," Bishop Anthony Wieslaw Krótki ordained
- 2013.06.25: Father Franҫois Mourad, Syrian monk, killed
- 2013.06.23: Back to the cross
- 2013.06.23: In the face of life's perils, can we really trust in the Lord?
- 2013.06.21: Windows into Heaven --Knights of Columbus Museum exhibits Russian icons
- 2013.06.21: Saint Lazarus
- 2013.06.21: Pope Paul VI elected 50 years ago
- 2013.06.21: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
- 2013.06.20: Grayson, Daddy loves you.
- 2013.06.19: Saint Romuald, monk
- 2013.06.18: Adding the name of St Joseph to the Eucharistic Prayer
- 2013.06.18: Pope Francis tells La Civilta Cattolica to be concerned with dialogue, discernment, and frontier
- 2013.06.18: Francis and his successor?
- 2013.06.18: Love your enemies, Jesus said
- 2013.06.17: Rimini Meeting 2013: The Human Person: a State of Emergency
- 2013.06.16: Pope Francis the biker pontiff?
- 2013.06.14: The Apostles' Fast 2013
- 2013.06.14: Monks meet in 51st Chapter
- 2013.06.13: Saint Anthony of Padua
- 2013.06.12: Sr Teresita, 105 and 86 years in the monastery, dies
- 2013.06.12: Pietro Vittorelli, OSB, resigns abbacy of Montecassino
- 2013.06.11: Saint Barnabas
- 2013.06.10: 11th Anniversary of a tragedy at Conception Abbey
- 2013.06.08: Remembering Gerard Manley Hopkins, priest
- 2013.06.07: The vocation to be a priest relies on a daily dialogue with Jesus, living with the Church
- 2013.06.07: The Spirit of the Liturgy from Benedict to Francis
- 2013.06.07: Eastern Catholic Churches by the numbers, 2011
- 2013.06.07: The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2013.06.06: The unexpected grace of Matushka Magdalena
- 2013.06.06: Litany in honor of Our Holy Father Norbert
- 2013.06.06: When you meet Christ, you accept his history
- 2013.06.05: "The food we throw away is as if stolen from the table of the poor," the Pope teaches
- 2013.06.04: Blessed Mary Elizabeth Hesselblad
- 2013.06.04: The Jesuits by the numbers
- 2013.06.03: Vatican Bank begins to change image
- 2013.06.03: Christ the Zumba Instructor in Rome
- 2013.06.03: Pope Francis shows the import of Blessed John XXIII on his anniversary of death
- 2013.06.03: Saint Charles Lwanga and companions
- 2013.06.03: The anniversary of death of Pope John XXIII, the Mosul martyrs, and a Trappist
- 2013.06.01: Well, if it's a symbol, to hell with it, Flannery O'Connor's insight into eucharistic coherence
- 2013.06.01: Christian meditation is the gift of the whole person to God
- 2013.06.01: Saint Justin Martyr
- 2013.06.01: Father Andrew Greeley, RIP
- 2013.06.01: Pope Francis' prayer intentions for June 2013
- 2013.05.31: What is the relation the Holy Spirit to the Church
- 2013.05.31: Dorothy Day and St Procopius Abbey meet again
- 2013.05.31: Connecticut retreat house has a saint's severed arm
- 2013.05.31: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2013.05.30: For Giovannimaria
- 2013.05.30: New York-native Benedictine monk illuminates the Word
- 2013.05.30: Monastero de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad
- 2013.05.30: Saint Joan of Arc
- 2013.05.28: Mother of silence preserving the mystery of God
- 2013.05.27: What Matters is Jesus and Letting Ourselves be Led by Him
- 2013.05.27: Saint Augustine of Canterbury
- 2013.05.26: The Most Holy Trinity
- 2013.05.26: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
- 2013.05.26: Saint Philip Neri
- 2013.05.26: Trinity Sunday
- 2013.05.25: Congrats to the newly ordained
- 2013.05.25: A new bishop for Oakland: Jesuit Michael Barber
- 2013.05.25: Saint Bede the Venerable
- 2013.05.24: Learning Latin is still possible, and encouraged
- 2013.05.24: Our Lady Help of Christians, Our Lady of Sheshan: a prayer for Chinese Catholics
- 2013.05.23: Christians face being insipid
- 2013.05.23: Vice and good works: where's the salt of true life?
- 2013.05.22: Saint Rita
- 2013.05.22: A future Roman Pontiff?
- 2013.05.21: 3 poses of Ratzinger
- 2013.05.21: The Modern Cross that Brings Us to our Knees
- 2013.05.21: When the Church is closed off, it gets sick...we need many witnesses
- 2013.05.20: Saint Bernardine of Siena
- 2013.05.20: John Rutter's Mass of the Children at Carnegie Hall
- 2013.05.20: Masters degree in GREGORIAN CHANT
- 2013.05.20: A Latin American view of Pope Francis
- 2013.05.20: Who were the Beguines?
- 2013.05.20: Only the Spirit can awaken diversity
- 2013.05.19: The Spirit writes on your heart, and not on tablets of stone
- 2013.05.19: Responding to the mystery of the living God as beggars of faith
- 2013.05.18: Matteo Ricci's cause for sainthood moves to Rome
- 2013.05.18: What is Benedictine monastic life?
- 2013.05.18: The Holy Spirit makes us sons and daughters of God
- 2013.05.17: Pope Francis helped US Pontifical Mission Societies broaden reach
- 2013.05.16: Saint Simon Stock
- 2013.05.15: The Church by the numbers 2013
- 2013.05.15: Saint Pachomius
- 2013.05.14: Where are the 12 Apostles buried?
- 2013.05.14: A working cardinal: O'Malley really does work
- 2013.05.14: Saint Matthias: listened to the community, and followed Jesus
- 2013.05.13: Our Lady of Fatima
- 2013.05.13: Father Taft: we need a new ecclesiology --a startling revolution-- Catholics are the no longer the only kids on the block
- 2013.05.12: A pope and the cardinals
- 2013.05.12: 802 new saints reflect the the glory of Love
- 2013.05.11: Saints Odo, Maiolus, Odilo, Hugh, and Blessed Peter the Venerable, Abbots of Cluny
- 2013.05.10: Popes of Rome and Alexandria meet: Francis and Tawadros
- 2013.05.09: Saint Isaiah, Prophet
- 2013.05.09: Jesus' Ascent into Heaven
- 2013.05.09: Novena to Our Lady grows over 18 years at Our Lady of Pompeii Church, East Haven
- 2013.05.08: Clarence Gallagher, SJ, RIP
- 2013.05.07: The Ear of the Heart: An Actress' Journey From Hollywood to Holy Vows: Dolores Hart gives personal insight
- 2013.05.07: The 4 known angels: Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Uriel
- 2013.05.07: Order of Malta in Lourdes, France --a pilgrimage with the sick
- 2013.05.06: Eucharistic coherence today when there's division of communio
- 2013.05.06: Rogation Days
- 2013.05.05: Making a home with God
- 2013.05.04: Mary, as Mother, helps us to grow, to face life and to be free
- 2013.05.04: Holy Saturday from an Orthodox perspective
- 2013.05.04: Saint John Houghton, Saint Robert Lawrence, and Saint Augustine Webster
- 2013.05.04: One World, One Mother
- 2013.05.04: The Time of the Holy Spirit is now
- 2013.05.04: New Haven Orthodox Christians celebrate Pascha
- 2013.05.03: Francis and Ignatius - saints who rebuilt the Church
- 2013.05.03: Saints Philip and James
- 2013.05.02: 2 Popes at the Vatican, a first in history
- 2013.05.02: Mary, the Mother of God is united with the Church, St Ambrose teaches
- 2013.05.02: Saint Athanasius
- 2013.05.01: Trappistine nuns in Syria
- 2013.05.01: Saint Joseph the Worker
- 2013.05.01: Pope Francis' prayer intentions for May 2013
- 2013.04.30: What does it mean to be a priest?
- 2013.04.30: Saint Pius V, pope
- 2013.04.29: Saint Catherine of Siena
- 2013.04.29: Set the world on fire by being who are meant to be...
- 2013.04.29: Why Christians need Antioch
- 2013.04.29: Without perseverance no one can please God, St Catherine of Siena taught
- 2013.04.29: Does What I Believe In Affect My Life?
- 2013.04.29: Saint Catherine of Siena
- 2013.04.28: Third Order Dominicans, New Haven, celebrate rites of reception and profession
- 2013.04.28: The Spirit changes us
- 2013.04.28: Giussani helps us to understand the struggle for meaning, purpose and beauty
- 2013.04.28: Christians follow a messiah who loved us more than himself
- 2013.04.27: Kevin Seasoltz, OSB, RIP
- 2013.04.27: Latin Hymns for Liturgy of the Hours translated in new book
- 2013.04.25: "Giving a Reason for the Hope that Is in Us" by Fr Robert P. Imbelli
- 2013.04.25: A dog with talent
- 2013.04.25: Saint Mark
- 2013.04.24: The Ear of the Heart by Mother Dolores Hart
- 2013.04.24: Praying for the abbot in the Eucharistic Prayer at Mass?
- 2013.04.24: Remembering Saint Augustine's conversion
- 2013.04.23: Pope Francis: cannot believe in Jesus without the Church
- 2013.04.23: St. George and The Dragon
- 2013.04.23: John Paul could be canonized in 2013
- 2013.04.23: Kidnapping of two Syrian bishops
- 2013.04.23: Frédéric Ozanam at 200
- 2013.04.22: Saint Anselm of Canterbury
- 2013.04.22: VIP party
- 2013.04.22: The Church, ecology and Earth Day: works of being Pro Life
- 2013.04.21: St Gianna Center, New Haven blessed today by Hartford Archbishop
- 2013.04.21: Pope ordains 10 men to the priesthood of Jesus Christ
- 2013.04.21: Jesus the Good Shepherd is desires intimate communion with us
- 2013.04.19: Happy 8th anniversary of election to Benedict XVI, pope emeritus of Rome
- 2013.04.19: Rose Hawthorne's cause for sainthood advances
- 2013.04.19: Music has the power of the heart
- 2013.04.19: Milan Lach nominated auxiliary bishop of Presov
- 2013.04.19: Priest killed allegedly for giving bad homilies
- 2013.04.18: A Concert for Peace: a tribute to the Heroes of the Boston Marathon 2013
- 2013.04.17: Catholics are reborn and have a new humanity through baptism
- 2013.04.16: Catholics obliged to tithe?
- 2013.04.16: Happy 86th birthday, Benedict, Bishop of Rome emeritus
- 2013.04.15: Doing School of Community
- 2013.04.15: Pope Francis begins reforming the US religious orders of women
- 2013.04.14: Francis: live an intense relationship with Jesus
- 2013.04.14: Francis outside the Walls: called to proclaim, witness, worship God
- 2013.04.13: How Catholics use Scripture: Pope Francis talks on inspiration and truth in the Bible
- 2013.04.12: That heaven and earth touch, St Peter's Omaha guides
- 2013.04.11: Saint Stanislaus of Krakow, bishop and martyr
- 2013.04.10: A patron saint for Catholic reverts: Blessed Anthony Neyrot
- 2013.04.10: Blessings, etc, at a priest's First Mass
- 2013.04.10: Vatican: Benedict's grave illness not true
- 2013.04.10: Catholicism and evangelical Christianity are Religious Extremists, US Defense Department says
- 2013.04.10: Benedictines and Jesuits converge
- 2013.04.10: Pope Benedict's health in decline?
- 2013.04.09: Is it possible to be spiritual and not religious and still be Christian?
- 2013.04.08: The Annunciation: God's presence among us is true
- 2013.04.08: Father Edward Flanagan, Servant of God
- 2013.04.07: Second Sunday of Easter: Thomas shows us the contours of God's mercy
- 2013.04.06: Understanding Pope Francis
- 2013.04.06: José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, is NEW Secretary of the Congregation for Religious
- 2013.04.06: Litany to Blessed Piergiorgio Frassati
- 2013.04.05: Gonzaga University rejects Knights of Columbus because they are Catholic
- 2013.04.05: La Civiltà Cattolica will bridge Church and postmodern world
- 2013.04.05: Pope Francis to be decisive in sexual abuse crimes
- 2013.04.04: Irish Dominicans cling to tradition, are renewed
- 2013.04.04: St. Edmund's Retreat, Enders Island at Mystic, CT
- 2013.04.04: Pope Francis: ...some favorite things
- 2013.04.03: Father Joseph Walijewski's cause for beatification opened
- 2013.04.03: Jesuit presence therefore influence in Rome
- 2013.04.03: The God Particle to be discussed in NYC
- 2013.04.03: Do you really want to recognize the Lord? Emmaus is certainty
- 2013.04.03: Women in the New Testament
- 2013.04.02: The Eucharistic Theology of Pope Francis: Covenant and holiness for service and life
- 2013.04.02: Do the Russian Orthodox consider Francis to be "Pope hypocrite"?
- 2013.04.02: Pope Francis calls Archbishop Loris Capovilla
- 2013.04.02: John Paul's 8th anniversary
- 2013.04.01: Student Government at Johns Hopkins University: pro-life students = white supremacists
- 2013.04.01: The Pope's Regina Coeli address: the Easter sacraments Easter are an enormous source of strength for renewal
- 2013.04.01: Regina Coeli - Queen of Heaven
- 2013.04.01: Pope Francis' prayer intentions for April 2013
- 2013.03.31: Urbi et Orbi 2013: God's mercy can make even the driest land become a garden, Pope teaches
- 2013.03.31: Easter: Jesus no longer belongs to the past, but lives in the present, is projected towards the future
- 2013.03.31: Blessed Easter!
- 2013.03.30: The Blessing of the Easter Food on Holy Saturday
- 2013.03.30: God speaks through the Cross and responds to evil, God's word is Mercy
- 2013.03.28: The Crucified Savior of Humanity
- 2013.03.28: Praying for John Shankman
- 2013.03.28: Francis' homily for Holy Thursday 2013
- 2013.03.28: Pope Francis to priests: "we need constantly to stir up God's grace"
- 2013.03.27: The contrite heart
- 2013.03.27: Francis: Election of a Pope from the Ends of the Earth
- 2013.03.27: Spy Wednesday
- 2013.03.27: Following Jesus means stepping outside ourselves, Pope tells us today
- 2013.03.27: The Blessing of Oils
- 2013.03.27: Which love story do you live?
- 2013.03.26: Private notes of Jorge Bergoglio from pre-conclave meetings published
- 2013.03.25: Popes who belonged to religious orders
- 2013.03.25: Marcel Lefebvre RIP
- 2013.03.25: Passover 2013, Francis united in prayer with the Jewish people
- 2013.03.25: Pope Francis' books draw on Ignatian spirituality
- 2013.03.25: The Annunciation: the beginning of salvation
- 2013.03.25: St Mary's Monastery (Petersham) hosts Fr Robert Imbelli for a Year of Faith presentation on Hope
- 2013.03.25: Pacem in Terris after 50 years
- 2013.03.24: Jesus made an ass of Himself
- 2013.03.24: Pope Francis: we accompany, we follow Jesus
- 2013.03.24: Oscar Romero's 33rd anniversary
- 2013.03.24: Palm Sunday: Keep your eyes on the Lord
- 2013.03.23: A papal brotherhood
- 2013.03.23: Matthew Bunson's "Pope Francis"
- 2013.03.22: Francis writes to Adolfo: thanks for prayers and unconditional service to the Church and Christ's Vicar
- 2013.03.22: New roots in ancient soil, the Cistercians revive monastic life in Norway
- 2013.03.22: Pope meets
with Vatican gardeners and cleaners
- 2013.03.22: We need to work the good of every person upon this earth: fight spiritual and material poverty, Pope exhorts
- 2013.03.21: Communion and Liberation's prayer on St Benedict's feast
- 2013.03.21: Pope moves Holy Thursday rites to a juvenile prison
- 2013.03.21: Francis' official portrait
- 2013.03.21: Prayer to Saint Benedict
- 2013.03.20: Pope Francis meets with ecumenical partners and representatives of world religions
- 2013.03.20: What will Benedict XVIs legacy be in the years ahead?
- 2013.03.20: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 9
- 2013.03.20: St Dominic's Monastery: A Life of Faithfulness
- 2013.03.19: A focus on mission, Pope Francis points to direction
- 2013.03.19: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 8
- 2013.03.19: Metropolitan Hilarion on the offensive
- 2013.03.19: Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary
- 2013.03.19: On the feast of Saint Joseph there's a horizon of hope, horizon of God, Petrine ministry of Francis inaugurated
- 2013.03.19: Bestowal of the Fisherman's Ring
- 2013.03.19: Imposition of the Pallium
- 2013.03.18: Bishop of Rome --appreciating its significance for the churches
- 2013.03.18: Pope Francis' coat of arms
- 2013.03.18: Smearing the Pope
- 2013.03.18: Pope Francis in Motion
- 2013.03.18: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 7
- 2013.03.17: Pope Francis: What is your Lenten Gesture of Solidarity?
- 2013.03.17: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 6
- 2013.03.17: Pope Francis: "Mercy is the Lord's most powerful message."
- 2013.03.17: Pope Francis: God has the ability to forget
- 2013.03.17: Through the Cross, that Wondrous Tree
- 2013.03.16: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 5
- 2013.03.16: Francis comments Giussani: on saying Yes to Christ
- 2013.03.15: Truly Catholic?
- 2013.03.15: Francis: Pope of a New World by Andrea Tornielli
- 2013.03.15: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 4
- 2013.03.15: Articles on or about Pope Francis
- 2013.03.15: Faithful catechists are "witnesses rather than teachers," Pope Francis has said
- 2013.03.15: Ecumenical and Interfaith leaders respond to the election of Pope Francis
- 2013.03.15: Pope Francis speaks to the cardinals: the Paraclete is the supreme protagonist of every initiative; never give in to pessimism, to bitterness
- 2013.03.14: Pope Francis' first homily as the Bishop of Rome
- 2013.03.14: Pope Francis writes about Fr Luigi Giussani: he "helped me to pray"
- 2013.03.14: The First American Pope: Catholicism's turn into an evangelical future
- 2013.03.14: Father Julián Carrón: Pope Francis has an "awareness of his ministry as Bishop in communion
- 2013.03.14: Jesuit Superior General writes to Pope Francis
- 2013.03.14: Pope Francis visits Marian Shrine
- 2013.03.14: Pope Francis first non-European pope since 741
- 2013.03.14: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 3
- 2013.03.13: Pope Francis teaching us to look at Christ
- 2013.03.13: The Bergoglio Family
- 2013.03.13: Pope Francis' schedule in the coming days
- 2013.03.13: Pope Francis imparts his first Apostolic Blessing "Urbi et Orbi"
- 2013.03.13: Jorge Mario Bergoglio's coat of arms: Miserando atque Eligendo
- 2013.03.13: The Attraction of the Cardinal
- 2013.03.13: Three brief profiles of Pope Francis
- 2013.03.13: Pope Francis, the new Bishop of Rome, the Supreme Pontiff, the First American Pope
- 2013.03.13: We have a Pope!
- 2013.03.13: Ratzinger on the Holy Spirit electing a pope
- 2013.03.13: Saint Leander of Seville
- 2013.03.13: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 2
- 2013.03.12: Step by Step Through the Papal Interregnum
- 2013.03.12: Novena of Prayer to Saint Benedict, Day 1
- 2013.03.12: Cardinal's mother doesn't think son can handle the ...
- 2013.03.12: The Litany Run
- 2013.03.12: Black smoke on the first ballot
- 2013.03.12: Extra omnes
- 2013.03.12: Cardinals take oath
- 2013.03.12: Assembled cardinals March 2013 electing Pope
- 2013.03.12: Fulton Sheen: The Art of Preaching
- 2013.03.12: The Sistine Chapel ready
- 2013.03.12: Going my way???
- 2013.03.10: Laetare Sunday
- 2013.03.09: Saint Frances of Rome
- 2013.03.09: Way of the Cross over the Brooklyn Bridge to Ground Zero 2013
- 2013.03.08: Conclave date set: for the good of the Universal Church, solum Deum prae oculis habentes.
- 2013.03.08: Formal Apology or reconciliation
- 2013.03.08: Change your clocks Saturday
- 2013.03.07: Newman: God has created me to do Him some definite service
- 2013.03.07: The Chicken Church
- 2013.03.06: Father Augustine Thompson lectured on "Baptismal Theology and Practice in the Age of St. Thomas Aquinas"
- 2013.03.06: Newman: Happiness, the ways by which perfection is reached
- 2013.03.06: Holy Hour for Conclave today - cardinals call Church to pray
- 2013.03.05: Cultivating Peace --the Benedictine way
- 2013.03.04: Newman Bookstore, Washington, DC to close doors
- 2013.03.04: Jesus and fig tree: God is patient with our procrastination, with our failure to repent, but not indefinitely
- 2013.03.04: The Room of Tears
- 2013.03.03: Visit St Meinrad's - for 2 minutes -- virtually
- 2013.03.03: Patriarch Kyril writes to Pope Benedict XVI on his resignation
- 2013.03.03: Saint Katharine Drexel
- 2013.03.03: The Burning Bush reveals the living God: a foreshadowing the new Pentecost
- 2013.03.03: Church completes Benedictine merger: Subiaco Cassinese Benedictine Congregation
- 2013.03.02: Novena for the election of a new pope
- 2013.03.02: Cardinal Sodano's Letter Calling the Cardinals to work
- 2013.03.01: Teaching Beauty: A Reflection on the Legacy of Benedict' XVI's Pontificate
- 2013.03.01: Being a mature Christian in the face of difficulty from within
- 2013.03.01: New patriarch for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church
- 2013.03.01: Papal apartments, Lateran Basilica sealed
- 2013.03.01: What Benedict XVI will be reading?
- 2013.03.01: The Pope's prayer intentions for March 2013
- 2013.02.28: Apologetics for Teens sponsored by Envoy Institute
- 2013.02.28: Swiss Guard at the Gandolfo door
- 2013.02.28: The Chair of Saint Peter is now empty
- 2013.02.28: Benedict XVI's final address: to the College of Cardinals: "I vow unconditional reverence and obedience to the future Pope"
- 2013.02.28: Contemplatives asked to pray for the Church and Pope
- 2013.02.27: Sacra Liturgia 2013: a preview
- 2013.02.27: Pope Benedict to the English speaking world: we are called to renew a joyful trust in the Lord
- 2013.02.27: Benedict XVI's final audience address: I do not abandon the cross
- 2013.02.26: Sacra Liturgia 2013
- 2013.02.26: Melkite Patriarch wants to work for peace, denounces recent terrorist explosions
- 2013.02.26: CDF Prefect rehearses work at hand for moral formation, dignity of the person
- 2013.02.26: Details on Pope Benedict...
- 2013.02.25: The Patriarch of Constantinople's letter to Benedict
- 2013.02.24: Pope: The Lord is calling me to "climb the mountain"
- 2013.02.24: Neofit elected new Bulgarian patriarch
- 2013.02.23: Benedict Ashley, OP, RIP
- 2013.02.23: Saint Polycarp
- 2013.02.22: Edward Gorey's nativity
- 2013.02.22: Chair of Saint Peter
- 2013.02.22: Luigi Giussani's 8th anniversary of death
- 2013.02.21: Joseph Ratzinger in Communio: Anthropology and Culture --published
- 2013.02.21: The Benedictine Mission House: generous missionaries
- 2013.02.21: The Cardinals who will elect 2013
- 2013.02.21: Saint Peter Damian
- 2013.02.19: World Youth Alliance hosts the Manhattan International Film Festival 2013
- 2013.02.18: Pray like a child
- 2013.02.18: How a pope is elected --an interactive presentation
- 2013.02.18: Lenten Reading according the Rule of St Benedict
- 2013.02.18: Moving to God...
- 2013.02.17: Indulgences when there is no pope
- 2013.02.17: The Catholic Moment is over ... where does hope exist?
- 2013.02.16: Act of Confidence in God by Saint Claude la Colombière
- 2013.02.16: Ratzinger's Cross
- 2013.02.15: Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2013.02.15: Paul J. Murray's "Random thoughts from a Catholic musician in NYC"
- 2013.02.15: Dolan's lifting the conclave
- 2013.02.15: Eating alligator in Lent, an archbishop approves
- 2013.02.15: Cardinal electors by region
- 2013.02.15: Saint Claude la Colombière
- 2013.02.14: Weigel's Evangelical Catholicism: Deep Reform in the 21st-Century Church
- 2013.02.14: Liturgical notes for the papal transition
- 2013.02.13: God Recycles -- Happy Ash Wednesday!
- 2013.02.13: Benedict XVI's homily for Ash Wednesday: "return to God with all our heart," and you will be new people
- 2013.02.13: Benedict XVI: to whom do you belong? --asks for prayers for himself and future pope
- 2013.02.13: Ash Wednesday
- 2013.02.12: OUR sede vacante ... the key players... in the papal election
- 2013.02.12: Douthat evaluates Benedict's resignation
- 2013.02.12: Should a pope resign his office?
- 2013.02.11: Go and do likewise --21st World Day of the Sick
- 2013.02.11: The Incredible Freedom of a Man Taken Hold of By Christ, Fr Julián Carrón recalls
- 2013.02.11: The Cardinal electors for 2013
- 2013.02.11: The timeline for Pope Benedict
- 2013.02.11: Papal resignations
- 2013.02.11: Pope Benedict intends to resign the Petrine Office
- 2013.02.10: Charlotte's Web still rocks
- 2013.02.10: Saint Scholastica
- 2013.02.09: Saint Maron
- 2013.02.08: Hanging Concentrates the Mind
- 2013.02.08: Do others see the Catholic difference in us?
- 2013.02.08: Saint Josephine Bakhita
- 2013.02.07: Blessed Pius IX, pope
- 2013.02.07: Pope speaks to the Fraternity of Saint Charles Borromeo, Fr Paolo Sottopietra elected new superior
- 2013.02.06: Treachery to the truth today?
- 2013.02.05: 1 Million Hits for Life!
- 2013.02.05: Curbing sex abuse is a long term process
- 2013.02.05: Saint Agatha
- 2013.02.02: Presentation of the Lord, Candlemas
- 2013.02.01: Mother Catherine of Alexandria (née Kathleen Janet) Talbot, 73
- 2013.02.01: Louis Sako elected Patriarch of the Chaldean Church
- 2013.02.01: Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of REAL Happiness --a 4 day Lenten retreat by Fathers John Trigilio & Ken Brighenti
- 2013.02.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for February 2013
- 2013.01.31: Saint John Bosco
- 2013.01.30: Blessed Sebastian Valfre
- 2013.01.27: Septuagesima Sunday signals the springtime
- 2013.01.26: Fr Pacwa on The Eucharist for the Year of Faith
- 2013.01.25: Preaching ... to the pope and others
- 2013.01.25: Conversion of Saint Paul
- 2013.01.24: Saint Scholastica Priory (Petersham, MA) announce "Monastic Experience."
- 2013.01.24: Visiting clerics in prison --a provocation to conversion
- 2013.01.24: Saint Francis de Sales
- 2013.01.23: Pro Life 2013 pictures in NYC
- 2013.01.22: Cardinal George to present "Jesus of Nazareth: the Infancy Narratives"
- 2013.01.22: At 40 we've expended 55 million
- 2013.01.21: Day of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person
- 2013.01.21: Prayer for the President of the United States of America
- 2013.01.21: Saint Agnes
- 2013.01.20: Cana: the window of glory
- 2013.01.19: Receiving Holy Communion: correct gestures?
- 2013.01.17: The sacraments are events
- 2013.01.17: Saint Anthony Anthony of the Desert
- 2013.01.16: Ibrahim Isaac Sidrak elected new Patriarch for Catholic Copts
- 2013.01.15: Walter Ciszek: Chained, but Free
- 2013.01.15: Charles J. Chaput to Campus Ministers: enable students to hear God
- 2013.01.15: Saints Maurus and Placid
- 2013.01.15: Chaput speaks about the issues
- 2013.01.13: Pope Benedict's baptism of 20 children today: they inherit eternal life
- 2013.01.13: The Spirit descends
- 2013.01.12: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx: God is friendship
- 2013.01.11: Religious orders dying out
- 2013.01.10: Catholics and Orthodox need to preserve the good of the dialogue for unity
- 2013.01.10: The Syriac Catholic Church in North America
- 2013.01.08: New York Encounter 2013: Experiencing Freedom
- 2013.01.08: Dorothy Day: former atheist, social advocate & journalist, moves toward sainthood
- 2013.01.07: Saint André Bessette
- 2013.01.07: Saint Raymond Penyafort
- 2013.01.06: Benedict XVI to new bishops: Our criterion is the Lord himself...fear of God frees us
- 2013.01.06: Blessing of Chalk
- 2013.01.06: Benedict XVI ordains 4 bishops
- 2013.01.06: Epiphany, brightest and best of the sons of the morning
- 2013.01.05: Saint John Neumann
- 2013.01.05: From Bethlehem to Golgotha to glory: connecting with the tragedy in Newtown in the Christian view
- 2013.01.04: Recall Abortion
- 2013.01.04: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
- 2013.01.03: 113th United States Congress took office
- 2013.01.03: Moses B. Anderson, SSE, dead at 84
- 2013.01.03: The Holy Name of Jesus
- 2013.01.03: Can working for the Church be a good thing?
- 2013.01.02: Pope meets the Kings
- 2013.01.02: The saint and his bear: Saint Seraphim of Sarov
- 2013.01.01: Peace with God firmly linked with faith, Pope preaches on Jan. 1
- 2013.01.01: Mary, the Holy Mother of God
- 2013.01.01: St Benedict's Prologue to the Holy Rule: orienting 2013
- 2013.01.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for January 2013
- 2012.12.31: Go to Mass on New Year's Day
- 2012.12.31: Benedict XVI's Year's end Vespers homily
- 2012.12.31: A Te Deum in thanksgiving for 2012 and for 2013
- 2012.12.30: The Holy Family of Nazareth: an 'incomparable gift from God'
- 2012.12.28: St Benedict's Abbey elects Father James Albers 9th abbot
- 2012.12.28: New NFP newsletter ... Naturally
- 2012.12.28: The Holy Innocents
- 2012.12.27: Kansas monks set to elect new abbot
- 2012.12.27: Saint John the Evangelist
- 2012.12.26: Christ is present in His Church today
- 2012.12.26: Saint Stephen
- 2012.12.25: Nativity of the Lord
- 2012.12.23: A change of heart
- 2012.12.23: Festivus, a celebration?
- 2012.12.23: The Perfect Gift
- 2012.12.23: Locked doors, open hearts -to Satan
- 2012.12.22: Benedict XVI forgives former butler Paolo Gabriele
- 2012.12.21: In a fractured world is Pope Benedict calling for political engagement?
- 2012.12.21: Pope Benedict speaks to Roman Curia, reviews 2012, gives Christmas greetings
- 2012.12.20: Canceling Christmas is not an option
- 2012.12.20: Pope Paul on the way to sainthood, others move ahead
- 2012.12.20: The Knights make me feel safe
- 2012.12.19: Chaldean Patriarch and Cardinal Emmanuel III Delly, resigns
- 2012.12.19: Fasting to prepare for Christmas
- 2012.12.19: Cardinal Francis George details keeping Catholic faith part of American consensus
- 2012.12.19: From Nazareth to the street
- 2012.12.18: New Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch elected
- 2012.12.17: The Greater Antiphons, the Church's prophetic utterances...
- 2012.12.16: Advent Three, Gaudete
- 2012.12.14: The New Evangelization and St Benedict
- 2012.12.13: Saint Lucy
- 2012.12.12: Our Lady of Guadalupe
- 2012.12.12: Papal twittering has a history
- 2012.12.11: Millions tweet, even the Pope
- 2012.12.10: Massimo Camisasca, FSCB, ordained bishop
- 2012.12.10: Mother Marie des Douleurs, the anniversary of death of a spiritual mother of mercy
- 2012.12.10: Thomas Merton, a light still shining
- 2012.12.08: Vatican Radio on iTunes
- 2012.12.08: Christians lack nothing with Christ
- 2012.12.08: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2012.12.07: Saint Ambrose
- 2012.12.06: Saint Nicholas
- 2012.12.05: Advent Holy Hour for the Year of Faith, preached by Archbishop Daniel Cronin, East Haven, CT, December 6
- 2012.12.05: A Marseille priest who loves his vocation: everything must start afresh from Christ
- 2012.12.05: Dave Brubeck, 91, RIP
- 2012.12.05: 135K Syrian refugees in Lebanon, AVSI reports
- 2012.12.05: Patriarch Ignatius IV Hazim, 91, RIP
- 2012.12.04: Vatican Library digitized
- 2012.12.04: wanted for work: a priest's vocation
- 2012.12.04: Saint John Damascene
- 2012.12.04: Tweeting. Are you? Join me.
- 2012.12.04: Ecclesia in America at 15, Carl Anderson reflects
- 2012.12.04: Benedict XVI to tweet... join in
- 2012.12.03: Martin Luther King, Jr and Saint Francis Xavier with the Church
- 2012.12.03: Saint Francis Xavier
- 2012.12.02: It was love...
- 2012.12.02: Prophet Habakkuk
- 2012.12.02: Advent's First Sunday
- 2012.12.01: Blessed Charles Eugène de Foucauld
- 2012.11.30: Chaput tells us that Catholic life needs to be reignited; American culture is a new kind of mission territory
- 2012.11.30: Living in Joyful Hope
- 2012.11.30: Saint Andrew
- 2012.11.30: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for December 2012
- 2012.11.30: Speaking of God in 140 characters
- 2012.11.29: The Season of Advent proposes reclaiming the Garden of Eden
- 2012.11.29: James Schall hits the target: On the "Art of Jesuitism"
- 2012.11.29: Dorothy Day's 32nd anniversary of death
- 2012.11.28: Benedictine Father Michael Zielinski appointed Head of Office for the Pope's Worship Office
- 2012.11.28: The "man from the Veneto" who was John Paul I
- 2012.11.27: Dorothy Day is not the patron saint of the "left" nor an agenda item of the "right"
- 2012.11.27: Feast of the Miraculous Medal
- 2012.11.27: Schools of Theology: A 2012 Review
- 2012.11.27: The end times are indeed near at hand...
- 2012.11.25: 3 unavoidable questions for Christian faith's reasonability
- 2012.11.25: Pope to the faithful: bear witness to the kingdom of God, to the truth
- 2012.11.24: Pope Benedict's homily for new cardinals: being Catholic embraces the whole universe, bear witness to Christ
- 2012.11.23: Dorothy Day's vision of being a saint
- 2012.11.23: Saint Clement of Rome
- 2012.11.22: Happy Thanksgiving 2012
- 2012.11.22: Saint Cecilia
- 2012.11.21: Two saints arrived
- 2012.11.21: St Mary's Monastery, Petersham celebrates 25 years
- 2012.11.21: Benedictine Oblate promises renewal
- 2012.11.21: The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2012.11.20: Christian faith through lens of the Creed presented at the Monastery of the Glorious Cross, Branford, CT
- 2012.11.20: The Infancy Narratives by Joseph Ratzinger
- 2012.11.19: Saint Mechtilde of Hackeborn
- 2012.11.19: New cardinals are coming
- 2012.11.18: When Fig Leaves Sprout
- 2012.11.16: Saint Gertrude the Great
- 2012.11.15: Alexia Kelley, Obama consultor to head FADICA
- 2012.11.14: Sant'Anselmo unveils strategic plan
- 2012.11.14: Congress of Abbots 2012 statistics
- 2012.11.14: Dorothy Day's cause for canonization gets US bishops approval
- 2012.11.14: Benedictine All Souls
- 2012.11.13: Priest bites off priest's ear
- 2012.11.13: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
- 2012.11.13: Connecticut lawmakers to consider physician assisted suicide
- 2012.11.13: New Norbertine abbot blessed
- 2012.11.13: New York Encounter 2013 - Experiencing Freedom
- 2012.11.13: Benedictine All Saints
- 2012.11.12: Saint Josaphat Kuncevyc
- 2012.11.12: Cardinal Dolan tells US bishops: work on your own conversion first
- 2012.11.12: Dorothy Day's cause for canonization by US bishops
- 2012.11.11: Saint Martin of Tours
- 2012.11.10: Martin Boler, OSB RIP
- 2012.11.09: Justin Welby appointed 105th Archbishop of Canterbury
- 2012.11.08: Significant remarks from the Evangelization Synod: a catechist's view
- 2012.11.07: Significant remarks from the Evangelization Synod: the Good News ensured by small groups of survivors
- 2012.11.07: Versed in Prayer: a poetry reading by Rita A. Simmonds
- 2012.11.06: Significant remarks from the Evangelization Synod: faith's different reality in Northern Europe
- 2012.11.06: Is this cartoon unfair?
- 2012.11.06: Julián Carrón speaks about the Evangelization Synod: it was a "most decisive about the experience"
- 2012.11.06: Significant remarks from the Evangelization Synod: on interreligious dialogue
- 2012.11.05: As with the married couple, so with the Church: love and forgiveness given and received
- 2012.11.05: Religious life observes All Saints and All Souls Days
- 2012.11.04: Communion and Liberation following the closely the Pope's teaching
- 2012.11.04: New pope elected ... for the Coptic Orthodox Church
- 2012.11.02: Souls in Purgatory and our obligation
- 2012.11.02: All Souls
- 2012.11.01: Francis Arinze, Nigerian cardinal, turns 80
- 2012.11.01: Voices without a vote
- 2012.11.01: New life in a New England seminary
- 2012.11.01: What is a Holy Day?
- 2012.11.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for November 2012
- 2012.11.01: All Saints
- 2012.10.31: BVM undamaged in storm
- 2012.10.31: The Pittsburgh Encounter 2012
- 2012.10.30: No charge for sacraments
- 2012.10.29: Gianna Center --Keeping hope alive for infertile couples
- 2012.10.29: Conflict in Syria close to home
- 2012.10.28: Prayer at the Threat from Malevolent Winds and Sea Storm
- 2012.10.28: Work to regain the light of faith lost, or weakened, Pope preaches
- 2012.10.28: Cardinal Dolan: Synod message may be too optimistic
- 2012.10.24: New cardinals named by Pope Benedict
- 2012.10.23: Human Genomics help us to understand Adam and Eve, Father Nicanor Austriaco says
- 2012.10.23: Elections 2012 - A Call to Build Anew
- 2012.10.23: 6 monks get their groove
- 2012.10.22: Philosophy and theology are important in the Church's dialogue with the contemporary world
- 2012.10.22: Blessed John Paul II
- 2012.10.21: Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
- 2012.10.18: Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete
- 2012.10.15: Julián Carrón's contribution to the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization
- 2012.10.15: Saint Teresa of Avila
- 2012.10.14: Goodness vs Greatness
- 2012.10.12: The Year of Faith and how we're called to live it
- 2012.10.12: Life as Vocation, Life with Christ is our new beginning
- 2012.10.12: The law has betrayed its own vocation, Cardinal George tells
- 2012.10.11: Archbishop of Hartford Henry Mansell blogs, tweets
- 2012.10.11: Alvaro Corcuera, LC, steps aside as General Director of the Legion of Christ
- 2012.10.11: Year of Faith: sharing Christ's Good News is new life, a journey that transforms
- 2012.10.10: God keeps us waiting because...
- 2012.10.10: Proclaim Liberty: Notes on the Next Great Awakening in America --Carl Anderson's new book
- 2012.10.09: 2013 Portsmouth Institute Announced
- 2012.10.08: Portsmouth monks talk about their Lourdes Grotto
- 2012.10.07: Not daring to ask
- 2012.10.07: Two new Doctors of the Church
- 2012.10.07: Pope Benedict speaks of the New Evangelization as an "encounter the Lord, who alone who fills our existence"
- 2012.10.07: Our Lady of the Rosary
- 2012.10.06: Saint Bruno
- 2012.10.05: Saint Luigi Scrosoppi
- 2012.10.04: Mary is the living house of the Lord, Pope recalls John XXIII 50th anniversary visit
- 2012.10.04: Saint Francis of Assisi
- 2012.10.03: Big Bird looking for work, needs seed
- 2012.10.03: Mother Placid Dempsey, OSB, RIP
- 2012.10.02: Mediums and Christian Faith --incompatible?
- 2012.10.02: Guardian Angels
- 2012.10.02: Christian living is a personal experience given by God
- 2012.10.01: St Thérèse of Lisieux
- 2012.10.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for October 2012
- 2012.09.30: Following the Lord demands a profound conversion, Pope Benedict reminds
- 2012.09.29: 3 US Synod Fathers speak on the New Evangelization
- 2012.09.29: Massimo Camisasca, a 'ciellino' named bishop of Reggio Emilia
- 2012.09.28: Pietro Vittorelli, abbot of Monte Cassino needs prayers
- 2012.09.28: Ecclesial Movements impact Synod of Bishops on Evangelization
- 2012.09.28: America's Voice in the World's New Evangelization
- 2012.09.28: Ratzinger Prize 2012
- 2012.09.27: Saint Vincent de Paul
- 2012.09.26: St Joseph Abbey Seminary College damaged by fire
- 2012.09.26: Saints Cosmas and Damian, patrons of doctors and pharmacists
- 2012.09.25: Young Catholic monks maintain tradition, respond to needs in faith
- 2012.09.25: Humans are Useless, indeed
- 2012.09.24: Norbertines vested, professed in Paoli, PA
- 2012.09.24: Pics of the St Meinrad Archabbey
- 2012.09.24: Our Lady of Walsingham
- 2012.09.24: Our Lady of Mercy
- 2012.09.21: Religious life 2012: Profession of vows, entrances and ordinations
- 2012.09.21: Saint Matthew
- 2012.09.21: Notker Wolf re-elected Abbot Primate for world-wide Benedictines
- 2012.09.19: Re-creating the Apostleship of Prayer
- 2012.09.18: Representing 126 Billion dollars
- 2012.09.17: Michael J. Brescia to speak at October White Mass, New Haven
- 2012.09.17: Saint Hildegarrd of Bingen
- 2012.09.16: Rosh Hashanah 5773/2012-13
- 2012.09.15: Our Lady of Sorrows
- 2012.09.14: Dolan meet Colbert
- 2012.09.14: Nuns... pray for vocations
- 2012.09.14: Blessing of Basil on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- 2012.09.14: The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- 2012.09.13: Saint John Chrysostom
- 2012.09.12: Prayer participates in Christ's coming in glory
- 2012.09.12: "For Greater Glory" now available on DVD
- 2012.09.12: Fr. Carrón gives tribute to Cardinal Martini, calls Communion and Liberation to live differently with the bishop
- 2012.09.12: The Most Holy Name of Mary
- 2012.09.11: Getting a handle on Benedictine life -- Subiaco style
- 2012.09.11: 9/11 - eternal memory
- 2012.09.10: Subiaco Congregation of monks meet
- 2012.09.09: Praying for Charles Chaput and Philadelphia
- 2012.09.09: Be opened!
- 2012.09.08: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2012.09.05: Entertainment Weekly and the crass cliché of a slutty nun
- 2012.09.05: Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
- 2012.09.04: Saint Moses
- 2012.09.03: Saint Gregory the Great
- 2012.09.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for September 2012
- 2012.08.31: Dad's 72
- 2012.08.31: Pope Benedict sends note on death of Cardinal Martini
- 2012.08.31: Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini dies
- 2012.08.30: Kellen Clemens is 'Catholic by Blood'
- 2012.08.30: Blessed Ildefonso Schuster
- 2012.08.30: Peggy Noonan blogs
- 2012.08.30: Saints Margaret Ward, Margaret Clitherow and Anne Line
- 2012.08.29: Dolan's presence at Conventions raises eyebrows
- 2012.08.29: A Swan Song
- 2012.08.29: The Passion of Saint John the Baptist
- 2012.08.28: Salvatore Cordileone arrested for DUI
- 2012.08.28: Saint Augustine
- 2012.08.27: Residences of Maronite and Melkite Bishops in Aleppo, Syria
- 2012.08.27: Luigi Giusanni had gift for deciphering signs of the times, Ignacio Carbajosa Pérez tells Rimini
- 2012.08.27: Rimini Meeting 2012
- 2012.08.27: Pope Benedict writes to The Meeting 2012
- 2012.08.27: Saint Monica
- 2012.08.26: Pope John Paul I, elected 34 years ago today
- 2012.08.26: Latria ought to be paid to the Eucharist
- 2012.08.25: 'American dream' fulfilled in Jesus
- 2012.08.25: A walk to Defeat ALS in New Haven, September 16
- 2012.08.25: Saint Louis
- 2012.08.24: Saint Bartholomew
- 2012.08.23: Remembering the Future...John Zizioulas' new book
- 2012.08.22: Queenship of Mary
- 2012.08.21: Raymond Hunthausen, last US bishop to attend Vatican II
- 2012.08.21: Saint Bernard Tolomei
- 2012.08.21: Saint Pius X
- 2012.08.20: Capuchin Friars open their 84th General Chapter
- 2012.08.20: Working with your FOMO
- 2012.08.20: Post-Christian America: what does it look like, why?
- 2012.08.20: Saint Bernard, 900 years since entering Cîteaux
- 2012.08.18: Benedictine abbots to meet in Rome
- 2012.08.18: The Sex Abuse Crisis in Ireland, a review
- 2012.08.18: Nellie Gray, Pro-Life "mother" died
- 2012.08.17: Catholic University Looks East
- 2012.08.17: Oriental Orthodox Churches face elections
- 2012.08.16: Cardinal Dolan explains his invites to Al Smith Dinner
- 2012.08.15: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2012.08.14: Saint Maximillian Kolbe
- 2012.08.12: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
- 2012.08.12: Monks brewing liquid bread
- 2012.08.11: Two St Louis Abbey monks ordained deacon
- 2012.08.09: Saint Teresa Benedicta of Cross
- 2012.08.07: The dinner invite that shouldn't
- 2012.08.07: The Gremlin still prowls
- 2012.08.04: Saint John Marie Vianney
- 2012.08.03: Rediscover the newness of faith by a gift of self
- 2012.08.03: From the Olympics to the Convent
- 2012.08.02: The risks the fire
- 2012.08.02: What is the Church for?
- 2012.08.02: Saint Mary of the Angels & The Portiuncula Indulgence
- 2012.08.01: Sister Stella and Companions or Blessed Martyrs of Nowogródek
- 2012.08.01: NDHS legend Brother Benjamin celebrates a birthday
- 2012.08.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for August 2012
- 2012.07.31: Pope: configuration to Christ is the precondition and basis for renewal
- 2012.07.31: Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- 2012.07.30: The matter is settled....
- 2012.07.29: Celebrating a priest's 25th
- 2012.07.29: Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus
- 2012.07.29: Douthat, He Good
- 2012.07.28: Oratorian Father Edoardo Aldo Cerrato nominated bishop
- 2012.07.26: Saints Joachim and Anne, grandparents of the Lord
- 2012.07.25: Gerhard Müller talks to the press about SSPX, etc
- 2012.07.25: Saint James
- 2012.07.24: Difficulty with beauty
- 2012.07.24: Are you living in Christ now?
- 2012.07.23: Saint Sharbel Makhūf
- 2012.07.19: Changing others, or changing self?
- 2012.07.18: "The Sea Within", a Kindly Light production
- 2012.07.18: Saint Camillus de Lellis: patron saint of nurses, the sick and hospitals
- 2012.07.18: Church thinking about social communication
- 2012.07.17: Gerald Ryan, no ordinary parish priest in the Bronx
- 2012.07.17: Blessed Teresa of St Augustine and Companions, the Martyrs of Compiègne
- 2012.07.17: The work of the Theologian to the Papal Household
- 2012.07.16: Bit-by-bit getting to the Carmelite charism with Father Reginald Foster
- 2012.07.16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- 2012.07.15: Liberal Christianity on the decline
- 2012.07.15: Saint Bonaventure
- 2012.07.14: Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument, New Haven
- 2012.07.13: Saint Henry, king and Benedictine Oblate
- 2012.07.12: Will Catholics be forced into pariah status by aggressive secularism?
- 2012.07.11: Communion and Liberation seeks Saint Benedict's help
- 2012.07.11: The Vocation To Life
- 2012.07.11: Saint Benedict
- 2012.07.10: Shanghai's new auxiliary bishop faces government crackdown
- 2012.07.09: The encounter with Christ means following a road through the dark valley
- 2012.07.08: Ancient mosaic found
- 2012.07.06: Life is changed, not ended
- 2012.07.05: Protagonists: of truth not only in words, but also in deeds -- Chaput urges
- 2012.07.04: Happy Independence Day!
- 2012.07.03: Virtual Vigil for Religious Liberty
- 2012.07.03: Congrats on your ordination
- 2012.07.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions for July 2012
- 2012.06.30: A casual summer Saturday
- 2012.06.29: Kleponis' new book tackles porn as epidemic
- 2012.06.29: To the roots of communion
- 2012.06.29: Saints Peter and Paul
- 2012.06.28: Saint Irenaeus of Lyons
- 2012.06.28: Fulton J. Sheen, Mother Angeline Teresa advances another step toward sainthood
- 2012.06.27: How nice are you?
- 2012.06.27: Gunnar, the U.S. Navy seal, dies at age 38
- 2012.06.27: What is a theologian? What purpose does the work of a theologian have? To be "In the Communion of the Church"
- 2012.06.26: Hans Urs von Balthasar
- 2012.06.26: Saint Josemaría Escrivá
- 2012.06.26: What's your favorite day?
- 2012.06.25: The newbies for the Swiss Guard
- 2012.06.24: Do Catholics believe in the use of indulgences today?
- 2012.06.24: Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
- 2012.06.22: Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2012.06.22: Saints Thomas More and John Fisher
- 2012.06.21: Confession: a source of New Life
- 2012.06.19: Saint Romuald
- 2012.06.19: The loss of the Pentecost octave
- 2012.06.17: The Kingdom of God is like the mustard tree
- 2012.06.17: Happy Father's Day 2012
- 2012.06.16: Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2012.06.15: Not doctrine, but power: recent tensions in the Church
- 2012.06.15: A Light from the South illuminating the World?
- 2012.06.15: Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2012.06.14: A different view women of religious today
- 2012.06.14: Vatican works more closely with Sport
- 2012.06.14: Origen attracts new interest with discovery
- 2012.06.13: Saint Anthony of Padua
- 2012.06.13: Modern Science, Ancient Faith: Portsmouth Institute set
- 2012.06.11: Profession of vows, celebration of 50 years of monastic vows
- 2012.06.11: Washed in Christ's blood St Catherine's parishioners take to NYC streets for Corpus Christi
- 2012.06.10: Lauda Sion Salvatorem: Corpus Christi a Mysterical renunion
- 2012.06.10: Corpus Christi 2012
- 2012.06.09: Remembering Cyril
- 2012.06.07: The Meeting (Rimini) 2012: By Nature, man is relation to the Infinite
- 2012.06.06: Saint Norbert
- 2012.06.05: Christians: Let us be neither dogs that do not bark
- 2012.06.05: Mark Cooper elected 5th abbot of Saint Anselm's Abbey, Manchester, NH
- 2012.06.05: America Magazine appoints Matt Malone 14th editor in chief
- 2012.06.04: Where do you remain, and with whom? Where is your joy?
- 2012.06.04: 25 years later
- 2012.06.03: 7 years since Basil Pennington
- 2012.06.03: Can't be called a Theist if you don't believe in a Personal God
- 2012.06.03: NEXT World Meeting of Families to be held in Philadelphia, 2015
- 2012.06.03: The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
- 2012.06.02: More Pentecost to celebrate
- 2012.06.02: The Queen's 60th on the Throne: Elizabeth celebrates
- 2012.06.01: Secularism manipulates God
- 2012.06.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions for June 2012
- 2012.05.31: Benedict XVI wants us to meet Christ
- 2012.05.31: The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
- 2012.05.30: Give your "Amen" to God's glory
- 2012.05.30: For Greater Glory
- 2012.05.28: The friar knows how to celebrate
- 2012.05.28: Be living sacraments of Christ's presence in the world leading all to eternal life
- 2012.05.28: Memorial Day 2012
- 2012.05.28: Holy Spirit Day
- 2012.05.27: Two new Doctors of the Church: The Lord's effective witnesses in the world
- 2012.05.27: Pope: live according to the Spirit of unity and truth; the beg the Spirit to guide us to objective Truth
- 2012.05.27: Don't forget the dog at the Liturgy
- 2012.05.27: The Pentecost
- 2012.05.26: Saint Philip Neri
- 2012.05.25: Saint Gregory VII
- 2012.05.24: Lori speaks on legitimate separation of church and state, Church's voice
- 2012.05.24: Translation of the Relics of Saint Dominic
- 2012.05.24: Peter Maurin and Dorothy Day: still relevant today
- 2012.05.24: Work, culture and education according to Benedict
- 2012.05.23: Are you part of the problem?
- 2012.05.22: Pope lunches with friends, speaks of struggle against evil
- 2012.05.20: A new CFR priest! Father John Paul
- 2012.05.19: Everyone knows your sin --on Facebook
- 2012.05.18: A blessing of a priest
- 2012.05.17: The Lord waits to be gracious
- 2012.05.15: Saint Pachomius
- 2012.05.13: Happy Mother's Day
- 2012.05.13: Blessing of a Child in the Womb
- 2012.05.12: Flying high...
- 2012.05.11: Hildegard of Bingen: the reliable witness
- 2012.05.11: The Holy Spirit... the most precious gift, that personal love
- 2012.05.10: Saint Peter's prayer is accompanied by immense joy
- 2012.05.10: Pope recognizes Benedictine nun as a saint, others of the USA as having heroic virtue
- 2012.05.09: Honoring the inner monk
- 2012.05.09: Discretion keeps the practice of virtue between extremes
- 2012.05.08: The obligation to love
- 2012.05.07: Prime Minister Cameron's former girlfriend became a Benedictine nun
- 2012.05.07: St Scholastica Priory Petersham, MA announce a vocation weekend
- 2012.05.06: Jesus is the true vine
- 2012.05.04: Portsmouth Abbey monks dedicate Lourdes Grotto
- 2012.05.03: Dominican Tertiaries professed, new members admitted
- 2012.05.02: Recognizing Christ's Presence in healthcare in New York City
- 2012.05.02: God so desires her (our) salvation
- 2012.05.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions for May 2012
- 2012.05.01: Saint Joseph the Work: the model of holiness through working
- 2012.05.01: 1 Year Anniversary of Beatification of Pope John Paul II
- 2012.05.01: Adé Béthune
- 2012.04.30: Father Julián Carrón to receive honorary doctorate from CUA
- 2012.04.30: Saint Catherine of Siena
- 2012.04.28: For you and for many... the Pope reflects
- 2012.04.28: Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
- 2012.04.27: Paul's conversion
- 2012.04.26: Sisters throw Jesus under bus
- 2012.04.25: Saint Mark
- 2012.04.24: Possible Olivetan abbot general?
- 2012.04.23: Saint George
- 2012.04.21: Charles Colson, RIP at 80
- 2012.04.21: Saint Anselm
- 2012.04.21: New evangelizers in the United States
- 2012.04.19: 7 years of papal service: working in the Lord's vineyard, Benedict XVI
- 2012.04.17: Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
- 2012.04.17: Yearning for the riches of the Lord's glory
- 2012.04.16: Disciples Called to Witness: The New Evangelization
- 2012.04.16: The Fortnight for freedom - a proposal of prayer for matters of freedom
- 2012.04.16: O day of resurrection!
- 2012.04.16: What we hold most dear -- the Communion and Liberation response to the HSS mandate
- 2012.04.16: Pope Benedict turns 85
- 2012.04.16: Saint Benedict Joseph Labre
- 2012.04.15: The Christian ... like the Easter Candle
- 2012.04.14: Christ risen is constantly present
- 2012.04.13: Can God still surprise me?
- 2012.04.12: Our First, Most Cherished Freedom -- the US Bishops speak up for religious liberty
- 2012.04.11: Fra' Andrew Bertie's study in the cause for beatification opened
- 2012.04.11: Saint Stanislaus, bishop and martyr
- 2012.04.11: Christ's resurrection means that now our humanity is elevated to the divine
- 2012.04.09: Felix Varela's cause for canonization moves ahead
- 2012.04.07: The 13th Station: a mother and son united by an unfathomable bond both human and divine
- 2012.04.06: In that crucified Man, ... the Son of God, even death itself takes on new meaning and purpose: it is redeemed
- 2012.04.03: Christ on the silver screen --Momentum Studios
- 2012.04.02: Portsmouth Institute announces the 2012 conference: "Modern Science, Ancient Faith"
- 2012.04.02: Saint Clare of Assisi continues to inspire countless
- 2012.04.02: Good Friday is now a holiday in Cuba, following Pope's request
- 2012.04.01: Palm Sunday, the donkey and the Christian
- 2012.04.01: Cardinal Edward Egan preaches Palm Sunday Vespers at St Catherine of Siena Church, NYC
- 2012.04.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for April 2012
- 2012.04.01: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
- 2012.03.31: Lazarus Saturday
- 2012.03.29: Knights of Columbus Founder's Day
- 2012.03.28: Father Kevin O'Rourke, OP RIP
- 2012.03.27: The Golden Rose given to Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, Cuba
- 2012.03.27: Happiness and fullness of being in communion, not suffering, did God make us
- 2012.03.26: Pope Benedict tells Cuba: We can no longer continue in the same cultural and moral direction
- 2012.03.26: Populorum Progressio, 45 years later Pope Paul's admonition remains true
- 2012.03.26: Matthew Leavy, abbot of Saint Anselm's Abbey to retire after 26 years
- 2012.03.26: The Annunciation of the Lord
- 2012.03.25: The authentic Church is an extension of Good Samaritan today
- 2012.03.25: Christ alone can give life in its fullness; what is needed is a pure heart, Pope tells us
- 2012.03.25: Annunciation of the Lord
- 2012.03.23: The Papal cane
- 2012.03.21: Walter Ciszek's advances incrementally to sainthood
- 2012.03.21: Saint Benedict
- 2012.03.20: Compunction awakens our soul
- 2012.03.19: Stand up for religious freedom: Connecticut takes a stand against HHS
- 2012.03.19: Ken Hackett receives Notre Dame's Laetare Medal
- 2012.03.19: Saint Joseph, our model
- 2012.03.18: Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria, dead at 88
- 2012.03.17: Abbot Luke Rigby, RIP
- 2012.03.16: Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, steps down
- 2012.03.16: CDF updating its files
- 2012.03.14: Humane Vitae is coming to life again
- 2012.03.12: New leadership for St Vincent de Paul Society
- 2012.03.07: Where do we get happiness?
- 2012.03.06: Gratitude is a sincere gift of self
- 2012.03.05: BC Jesuits get backbone in teaching theology
- 2012.03.05: The Church in Ireland faces reality with her archbishop, Diarmuid Martin
- 2012.03.02: Erroneous judgement --what does the Church teach
- 2012.03.02: "Building a New World": exploring human and spiritual issues through film
- 2012.03.01: Prayer of Intercession
- 2012.03.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for March 2012
- 2012.02.29: Siena Forum for Faith and Culture hosts Frank Hannigan on Marriage lectures
- 2012.02.28: Wisdom ... our life ... in Christ
- 2012.02.28: Lectio Divina not an intellectual exercise
- 2012.02.27: Nun hits Hollywood, again: Mother Dolores Hart turns heads
- 2012.02.27: Saint Gabriel Possenti of Mary, the Mother of Sorrows
- 2012.02.26: Cardinal Francis George preaches Sunday Vespers for Lent I
- 2012.02.25: Arm yourself for the culture war, Peter Kreeft, advocates at the Siena Forum for Faith and Culture
- 2012.02.24: Indulgence granted on Friday in Lent....
- 2012.02.22: Lent 2012: we, prodigal children, can return
- 2012.02.22: Communion and Liberation opens cause for beatification and canonization for Luigi Giussani today
- 2012.02.22: Lent: When fallen humanity humbles himself before divine justice
- 2012.02.22: Lent's begun: let's do spiritual battle against sin
- 2012.02.20: Melkite and Maronite Churches begin Lent today
- 2012.02.20: Cardinal Dolan's church in Rome
- 2012.02.19: Evangelization Today : Communion and Pastoral Collaboration between Africa and Europe
- 2012.02.19: Testifying the joy of Christ's love
- 2012.02.19: Pope: faith is oriented towards love, reminds us; Mass with new cardinals
- 2012.02.18: Getting a title: the Pope assigns parish churches to new cardinals
- 2012.02.18: Blessed John of Fiesole --Fra Angelico
- 2012.02.18: 30th anniversary of Communion and Liberation
- 2012.02.18: Benedict to new Cardinals: you are entrusted with the service of love: love for God & for Church --it's absolute and unconditional
- 2012.02.14: Church is right on sex, women, birth control and abortion: admit it
- 2012.02.14: A prayer on Saint Valentine's Day
- 2012.02.14: Saints Cyril and Methodius
- 2012.02.14: Saint Valentine
- 2012.02.13: In the soil of our heart God first planted the root of love for him
- 2012.02.13: Blessed Jordan of Saxony
- 2012.02.12: Healing the leper in all of us...Jesus touches our hearts
- 2012.02.10: Saint Scholastica, the persistent twin sister
- 2012.02.08: Saint Josephine Margaret Bakhita
- 2012.02.07: Pope urges concern for others, reciprocity and personal holiness for lenten lessons
- 2012.02.07: Orthodox bishops rally faithful to protest the Obama administration
- 2012.02.07: Snow in Rome, Sant'Anselmo covered
- 2012.02.06: The Sexual Abuse of Minors: A Multi-faceted Response to the Challenge, Cardinal William Levada's address
- 2012.02.06: Where's Saint Paul buried?
- 2012.02.06: Christ is something that is happening to me now --our engagement with Giussani's At the Origins of the Christian Claim
- 2012.02.06: Saint Paul Miki and companions
- 2012.02.03: Blessing of Throats on the feast of Saint Blaise
- 2012.02.03: Being a Catholic Priest--and Married, salient reflections....
- 2012.02.02: Brimming over with the Father's love
- 2012.02.01: Anthony Joseph Cardinal Bevilacqua, dead at 88
- 2012.02.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for February 2012
- 2012.01.31: The Marriage Reality: How are you so engaged? Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers speaks at the Siena Forum for Faith and Culture
- 2012.01.31: Archbishop Dolan prays where Christ died
- 2012.01.31: Nuncio takes up work in Ireland
- 2012.01.31: Saint John Bosco
- 2012.01.30: Communion & Liberation of Connecticut meets for Mass
- 2012.01.30: Confession: Celebration of mercy, not trial before prosecution
- 2012.01.30: A Hope that is Stronger than the Recession
- 2012.01.30: The Jesus mandate vs. Obama's mandate --the challenge of religious freedom
- 2012.01.30: CT Catholics to fight Department of Health and Human Services on conscience rights
- 2012.01.29: Pope shows us that "True authority is humble service in love"
- 2012.01.29: Obama's breach of faith over contraceptive ruling
- 2012.01.28: The priority renewal of the faith
- 2012.01.28: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- 2012.01.27: Pelicanus
- 2012.01.27: Saint Angela Merici
- 2012.01.27: Law and the Gospel of Life --Archbishop Dolan addresses a NY crowd
- 2012.01.25: Archbishop Dolan on Obama's healthcare reform law and protecting our religious freedom
- 2012.01.25: Benedict: Our divisions diminish our witness to Christ...The goal of full unityis a secondary victory but important for the good of the human family
- 2012.01.25: Christ's desire for unity, a communio
- 2012.01.24: "Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization" explained
- 2012.01.24: Introduction to the Devout Life --De Sales lasting legacy
- 2012.01.24: Pope speaks on the World Communications Day: Silence and Word: Path of Evangelization
- 2012.01.24: Saint Francis de Sales
- 2012.01.23: Prayers for those who have died as a result of abortion
- 2012.01.23: Day of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion
- 2012.01.22: Jonah and the whale
- 2012.01.19: William Charles Skurla elected 8th bishop of the Ruthenian Eparchy, Pittsburgh
- 2012.01.19: Church has role proposing a more excellent way: happiness & freedom
- 2012.01.18: Faith Comes by Hearing: Illiteracy not an obstacle in sharing Biblical faith
- 2012.01.18: Pope explains the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- 2012.01.17: It's Christianity. Simple.
- 2012.01.17: Unpacking the Pope's World Day of Peace message for 2012
- 2012.01.17: Saint Anthony of the Desert
- 2012.01.16: We have a common, irreducible God: let's live like it
- 2012.01.16: Bertone recalls the Church's particular vocation: being a sign and instrument of God's love and justice
- 2012.01.16: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2012
- 2012.01.16: Cardinal Francis Eugene George, OMI, turns 75, submits resignation
- 2012.01.15: Jesus Christ is our light
- 2012.01.14: Tebowing...Catholics did it first...
- 2012.01.14: Hungary changes constitution, status of some religious orders changes in the law
- 2012.01.12: Changes in creating new cardinals 2012
- 2012.01.09: Baptism of the Lord, no ordinary feast
- 2012.01.08: The temptation of Christmas
- 2012.01.08: Epiphany
- 2012.01.06: Ordination of bishops
- 2012.01.05: The monastic life can give new life to ailing Church
- 2012.01.05: Through the Church Christianity is new life
- 2012.01.05: Saint John Neumann
- 2012.01.04: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
- 2012.01.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for January 2012
- 2011.12.31: Our Dayspring
- 2011.12.30: Holy Family
- 2011.12.28: Holy Innocents
- 2011.12.27: Saint John the Evangelist
- 2011.12.26: Saint Stephen
- 2011.12.23: Catholic priest at the South Pole for Christmas
- 2011.12.22: Anton Baumstark: On the Historical Development of the Liturgy
- 2011.12.22: Benedict XVI reviews 2011: our encounter with Jesus Christ, inflaming our love for God and for others
- 2011.12.21: Robert Barron's Catholicism to be shown in New York in 2012
- 2011.12.21: Infinity Dwindled to Infancy --reviewed by George Weigel
- 2011.12.21: The Visitation as a model for Christian life
- 2011.12.19: Miracles, heroic virtue, new blesseds, new saints, 2 Americans
- 2011.12.16: Christopher Hitchens, 62, RIP
- 2011.12.16: Benedict XVI issues message for World Day of Peace: Educating Young People in Justice and Peace
- 2011.12.14: Create a space for silence, Bishop Hugh Gilbert tells us
- 2011.12.14: Saint John the Cross
- 2011.12.13: Define Necessity
- 2011.12.13: Saint Lucy
- 2011.12.12: Avery Dulles' 3rd anniversary
- 2011.12.12: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Partroness of America
- 2011.12.11: John Patrick Cardinal Foley: God's voice dies
- 2011.12.09: Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers to address the Siena Forum for Faith and Culture in New York City, 2012
- 2011.12.09: Saint Juan Diego Cuahtlatoatzin
- 2011.12.08: Why is the Immaculate Conception important?
- 2011.12.08: The Church is alive, complacency is not an option, Archbishop Chaput told his people
- 2011.12.08: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2011.12.07: Pearl Harbor remembered: 70 years later
- 2011.12.07: Saint Ambrose
- 2011.12.06: Saint Nicholas
- 2011.12.05: Are we engaged in reality?
- 2011.12.05: Read the Pope's address to the Pontifical Council of the Laity
- 2011.12.03: Mercies Remembered: Reflections and Reminiscences of a Parish Priest
- 2011.12.03: Saint Francis Xavier
- 2011.12.03: Dolan inaugurates Project on Human Dignity at Notre Dame
- 2011.12.02: Joseph Ratzinger's "The pastoral approach to marriage should be founded on truth"
- 2011.12.01: On adhesion to the Second Vatican Council
- 2011.12.01: Meeting Santa and his helpers....
- 2011.12.01: The new evangelization depends largely on the family
- 2011.12.01: Vatican archbishop speaks to issues regarding HIV/AIDS on World AIDS Day 2011
- 2011.12.01: World AIDS Day and Pope Benedict
- 2011.12.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for December 2011
- 2011.11.30: Saint Andrew: brought Peter to the Lord
- 2011.11.30: Pope Benedict give reasons for lectio divina, the springtime of the Church
- 2011.11.29: Archbishop Wenski: Protect rights of conscience, Mr. President
- 2011.11.29: Male religious life revives
- 2011.11.29: Benedict on music and Liturgy
- 2011.11.28: Nuns on parade in the Hung Hoa Diocese
- 2011.11.27: First Sunday of Advent
- 2011.11.27: Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
- 2011.11.27: Pope speaks to New York Bishops: we ourselves are the first to need re-evangelization,
- 2011.11.21: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Benedictine Oblation
- 2011.11.20: Saint Mechtilde
- 2011.11.15: New subcommittee for Health Care Issues formed by Catholic Bishops
- 2011.11.15: Adult Stem Cell research, ethics --has support of the Catholic Church
- 2011.11.15: Cardinal Wuerl's report on the Implementation of the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus
- 2011.11.15: Anglican Ordinariate For U.S, To Be Established January 1; Bishop Kevin Vann, Delegate
- 2011.11.15: Saint Albert the Great
- 2011.11.14: 2 new Blesseds added US liturgical calendar
- 2011.11.14: USCCB Religious Liberty committee and consultants finalized
- 2011.11.14: Remembering the End: the Schola Dominicana features musical works from many periods, November 20
- 2011.11.14: Claim the Truth of Christ, says Archbishop Dolan in USCCB address November 14, 2011
- 2011.11.14: Benedictine All Souls
- 2011.11.12: Ad Limina of New England bishops 2011
- 2011.11.11: Belmont Abbey College files suit against government
- 2011.11.11: Defining the Church's charitable mission
- 2011.11.10: USCCB's Committee on Religious Liberty detailed
- 2011.11.10: New York Encounter hosts concert of classical music in NYC, November 30
- 2011.11.10: What, rather who, is Wisdom?
- 2011.11.10: Jasper String Quartet to perform Aaron Jay Kernis & Franz Schubert at St Catherine of Siena Church NYC
- 2011.11.10: Saint Leo the Great
- 2011.11.08: Melkite bishop explores ordaining married men, again
- 2011.11.07: Carlo Maria Viganò, America's Nuncio, meets Pope --to arrive soon
- 2011.11.07: CATHOLICSM: The New York Premier
- 2011.11.07: Meeting the Pope, Connecticut and Rhode Island bishops
- 2011.11.05: Hartford Archdiocese Bishops meet with Pope
- 2011.11.04: Saint Charles Borromeo
- 2011.11.03: Saint Martin de Porres
- 2011.11.02: All Souls
- 2011.11.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for November 2011
- 2011.10.31: A witch and her brew
- 2011.10.30: Recent book explores ethical dimension of human cell research
- 2011.10.30: Protestant faith community unable to replace Catholic truth
- 2011.10.30: Priesthood Sunday 2011
- 2011.10.29: Defending Our First Freedom, Archbishop José Gomez, decries slowly losing sense of religious liberty in America
- 2011.10.28: New Prior of St Catherine of Siena Priory NYC
- 2011.10.28: Saints Simon and Jude
- 2011.10.28: Vespers for All Saints and a lecture "Art, Beauty and the Sacred" in NYC
- 2011.10.27: Fr Aldo Trento speaks to a new life in Christ amid suffering
- 2011.10.27: Adalbert de Vogüé, RIP
- 2011.10.26: Catholics can't ignore personal piety: forming others to be religious and spiritual
- 2011.10.26: Clarifying the meaning of religious freedom
- 2011.10.24: US Commission on International Religious Freedom could cease in November
- 2011.10.22: Blessed John Paul II Mass Collect
- 2011.10.22: Blessed John Paul II
- 2011.10.20: Fr Bob Bedard RIP
- 2011.10.20: More on the Assisi Day of Reflection and dialogue 2011
- 2011.10.19: North American Martyrs
- 2011.10.18: The beauty of God's creation
- 2011.10.18: Julián Carrón speaks on the New Evagelization, relationship between the Gospel and culture
- 2011.10.18: Bocelli, Messori & Mother Veronica Berzosa support the New Evangelization
- 2011.10.18: Reflection, Dialogue and Prayer: pilgrims of truth, peace and justice in Assisi 2011
- 2011.10.18: Saint Luke the Evangelist
- 2011.10.17: Maronite Bishop admonishes Obama for rebuff of Patriarch Béshara Raï
- 2011.10.17: Mother Dolores Hart speaks about her life and Faith
- 2011.10.17: The Pope has new wheels
- 2011.10.17: Peter John Cameron speaks on Luigi Giussani, the priest wounded by beauty
- 2011.10.17: Dolores Hart steps out of the Abbey to help her sisters
- 2011.10.16: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
- 2011.10.15: Saint Teresa of Avila
- 2011.10.14: Poverty Eradication and Intergenerational Justice: Stewardship, Solidarity and Subsidiarity
- 2011.10.14: "New Evangelizers for the New Evangelization - The Word of God grows and spreads" in a spirit of joy
- 2011.10.12: Saint Seraphin of Montegranaro
- 2011.10.11: Pope Benedict throws light on the value of the monastic life
- 2011.10.09: Saint Louis Bertrand
- 2011.10.08: 14 countries deny religious freedom, says a US agency
- 2011.10.08: Go ND!!!
- 2011.10.07: Our Lady of the Rosary
- 2011.10.07: Catholic bishops and religious freedom
- 2011.10.07: Pope encourages sustained inter-religious dialogue
- 2011.10.06: Was John Paul II euthanized?
- 2011.10.05: Was Jonah's anger reasonable?
- 2011.10.05: Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos
- 2011.10.04: Siena Forum for Faith and Culture to host Dr James Healy on being marriage and still engaged
- 2011.10.04: Saint Francis of Assisi
- 2011.10.03: Yousef Nadarkhani sentenced to death for being Christian in Iran, the Church silent
- 2011.10.03: "Magdalene's Song": a film of beauty and grace
- 2011.10.02: Guardian Angels
- 2011.10.01: A frustrating week...
- 2011.10.01: Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus
- 2011.09.30: Saint Jerome
- 2011.09.29: Saint Michael the Archangel and the archangels
- 2011.09.27: Saint Vincent de Paul
- 2011.09.24: Speed of light changes
- 2011.09.23: Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
- 2011.09.22: Tithing barn building at a CT monastery
- 2011.09.21: Cardinal Angelo Scola receives pallium today
- 2011.09.21: Saint Matthew, apostle
- 2011.09.21: Daniel M. Buechlein, Archbishop of Indianapolis, retires
- 2011.09.20: Saints Andrew Kim Taegon and Paul Chong Hasang and companions
- 2011.09.20: When true friendship effects change...
- 2011.09.17: Saint Robert Bellarmine
- 2011.09.15: Traces magazine: there's an app for it on iPad
- 2011.09.15: La Civiltà Cattolica has new leadership with Antonio Spadaro
- 2011.09.15: Our Lady of Sorrows
- 2011.09.15: Pope to new bishops: balance your Christian life, be open to the laity
- 2011.09.15: Benedictines bake for papal Mass in Germany
- 2011.09.14: Vatican cardinal meets SSPX superior general
- 2011.09.14: SSPX insulting Pope Benedict?
- 2011.09.14: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- 2011.09.12: Lorenzo Albacete on 9/11
- 2011.09.12: Omaha Archbishop reminds faithful on the meaning of Sunday observance
- 2011.09.12: Most Holy Name of Mary
- 2011.09.11: Monks from St Bernard's Abbey on EWTN's Life on the Rock
- 2011.09.11: Rowan Williams set to quit?
- 2011.09.11: Pope Benedict's prayer for the 9/11
- 2011.09.10: Friends after dinner by a Branford Marsh
- 2011.09.10: The graces of Mass are from God & descend like the dew
- 2011.09.10: Pope writes to Americans on the 9/11 anniversary
- 2011.09.09: Chaput gives witness to the vocation of bishop
- 2011.09.09: Irish government makes peace with Vatican
- 2011.09.09: Pope speaks with new British Ambassador to the Holy See
- 2011.09.09: "Ecumenism Is To Be Revived and Promoted" says Mansueto Bianchi
- 2011.09.09: THE well-dressed student in NYC
- 2011.09.09: Forgiveness Has Implications in This Life, the Next
- 2011.09.09: Saint Peter Claver
- 2011.09.08: Firefighters' Names Endure in St. Patrick's Towers
- 2011.09.08: Richard John Neuhaus and the Priestly Vocation: an unforgotten anniversary
- 2011.09.08: Nativity of Mary
- 2011.09.07: Fraternal love and correction essential, Pope reminds
- 2011.09.06: Chaput talks about acceptance of Catholic teaching
- 2011.09.06: Vows, ordinations and entrance in the Service of the Lord, 2011
- 2011.09.05: John Paul II's Laborem exercens makes 30 years
- 2011.09.05: Labor Day: "the Church has been and is on the side of the worker"
- 2011.09.04: Saint Moses
- 2011.09.03: Artistic expression is part of that "way of beauty" that leads to God
- 2011.09.03: Saint Gregory the Great
- 2011.09.02: On retreat ...
- 2011.09.02: Catholic gynecologists meet in Rome
- 2011.09.01: Saint Joshua
- 2011.09.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for September 2011
- 2011.09.01: Irene redecorates Rt. 106 Vermont
- 2011.08.31: Happy 71st birthday, Dad!
- 2011.08.30: Saint Jeanne Jugan
- 2011.08.30: Friends meet at the Enthronement of Melkite Bishop
- 2011.08.29: Archbishop Edwin F. O'Brien to lead the Order of the Holy Sepulchre
- 2011.08.29: Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
- 2011.08.28: Saint Augustine of Hippo
- 2011.08.28: Archbishop Dmitri reposes
- 2011.08.28: Hurricane Irene, Sunday, 28 August 2011
- 2011.08.28: New York undergrad Seminarians 2011
- 2011.08.27: Saint Monica
- 2011.08.25: Man's best friend mourns his death
- 2011.08.25: Saint Louis of France
- 2011.08.24: Sofia Cavalletti, 94, dies
- 2011.08.24: Ján Chryszostom Cardinal Korec, SJ
- 2011.08.22: No substitute for a personal encounter with the Lord
- 2011.08.22: Priest and seminarian killed in Tulsa Diocese
- 2011.08.22: Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2011.08.21: Peter, you are the rock upon which I will build my church
- 2011.08.20: The Magis according to St Ignatius of Loyola
- 2011.08.20: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
- 2011.08.19: WYD cross
- 2011.08.19: Benedict to women religious: testify to your personal encounter with Christ
- 2011.08.19: Pope Benedict speaks to journalists: there's a universal bond of friendship, truth accessible in freedom, truth is dialogic
- 2011.08.18: The good zeal is not just for monks but for all Christians...
- 2011.08.18: The Reoccurring Dream: Calculus is easy??!!!
- 2011.08.17: Prayers for Bishop David M. O'Connell, CM
- 2011.08.17: Sofia Cavalletti needs our prayerfilled support
- 2011.08.16: Cistercian nun leaves monastery to visit Pope Benedict, first time in 84 years
- 2011.08.16: Attention in Prayer
- 2011.08.16: Saint Stephen of Hungary
- 2011.08.15: Clelia Merloni's canonization cause advances, miracle investigated
- 2011.08.15: Assumption of Mary, Mother of God
- 2011.08.15: In the Virgin Mary's Assumption we have a path to our destiny in the God
- 2011.08.14: Saint Maximillian Kolbe
- 2011.08.13: Ángel Herrera Oria: a journalist turned cardinal
- 2011.08.13: a small garden with a punch
- 2011.08.13: Silence is the environmental condition to listen to God
- 2011.08.13: Siena Forum for Faith and Culture to host seminar on liturgy and chant
- 2011.08.13: Saint Maximus the Confessor
- 2011.08.12: Siena Forum for Faith and Culture announces Fall events
- 2011.08.12: The Assumption (Dormition) of the Blessed Virgin Mary - a period of fast
- 2011.08.12: Hans Urs von Balthasar's 106th birthday
- 2011.08.12: Fr Z under attack?
- 2011.08.11: Saint Clare of Assisi: a year to receive an indulgence
- 2011.08.11: Monasteries are true and proper oases for humanity, Benedict XVI reminds us
- 2011.08.10: Saint Lawrence
- 2011.08.09: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
- 2011.08.09: Father Anselm Atkinson, OSB New Abbot of Pluscarden
- 2011.08.09: Vincent Bataille elected new abbot president of the Swiss American Congregation of Monks
- 2011.08.09: Monks in the Newark hood
- 2011.08.08: The Liturgical Commentaries of St Symeon of Thessalonika
- 2011.08.08: Saint Dominic de Guzman
- 2011.08.07: A Still Small Voice: meeting God
- 2011.08.06: God launches us into life's adventure with the grace needed to succeed, Father Julián Carrón reminds
- 2011.08.06: A view of the family
- 2011.08.05: Benedictine abbots meet
- 2011.08.05: World Youth Day participants to consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart
- 2011.08.05: Are you making the right connections?
- 2011.08.04: Celebrating St Dominic 2011 NYC
- 2011.08.02: Saint Peter Julian Eymard
- 2011.08.02: John Francis Whealon, 20th anniversary
- 2011.08.02: The New Evangelization: Locating the keys
- 2011.08.01: Building a tithe barn to last 600 years
- 2011.08.01: Saint Alphonsus Liguori
- 2011.08.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for August 2011
- 2011.07.31: German Benedictines prepare for Benedict's visit
- 2011.07.31: Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- 2011.07.30: Breivik may help Christians clarify identity and belonging to the Church
- 2011.07.30: Created good and love by God
- 2011.07.28: Vox Clara Committee meets in Rome this week
- 2011.07.27: Pietro Sambi, 73, Pope's ambassador to the USA, RIP
- 2011.07.26: Saints Ann and Joachim
- 2011.07.25: Quilting ladies of St Benedict's Abbey, Benet Lake
- 2011.07.25: Visiting a friend
- 2011.07.25: Saint James the the Greater
- 2011.07.25: Vatican Nuncio to Ireland recalled
- 2011.07.25: Monastic Worship Forum launched
- 2011.07.24: Virgilio Cardinal Noè, RIP, former Archpriest of St Peter's Basilica
- 2011.07.22: Emil Kapaun's cause for beatification moves to Vatican
- 2011.07.22: Saint Mary Magdalen: a witness to the "healing power of Christ's tender mercy."
- 2011.07.21: Somalia is the most severe humanitarian emergency in the world
- 2011.07.21: Prophet Daniel
- 2011.07.21: Work of Human Hands: A Theological Critique of the Mass of Paul VI: Alcuin Reid reviews
- 2011.07.19: Bishop-elect Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv.
- 2011.07.19: The Brown Scapular: Mary's promise
- 2011.07.19: Franciscans make a splash today
- 2011.07.19: Archbishop Chaput is official!
- 2011.07.18: The changing church
- 2011.07.18: Hugo Chavez received the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
- 2011.07.18: Charles Joseph Chaput 9th Archbishop of Philadelphia, Pope nominates
- 2011.07.18: St Ann Melkite Church of Waterford, CT hosting a Middle Eastern festival
- 2011.07.16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- 2011.07.15: Father Paul Archambault, 42, RIP, remembered
- 2011.07.15: Christ begging for the heart of man
- 2011.07.15: Saint Bonaventure
- 2011.07.13: Truly an ecumenical approach born from the good news of Christianity
- 2011.07.13: Fisichella's Metropolitan mission to secularized cities
- 2011.07.13: Saint Henry: Benedictine Oblate and patron of sovereign leaders
- 2011.07.13: The promise made by Christ: error won't prevail
- 2011.07.12: St Basil's Cathedral at 450
- 2011.07.11: Understanding Saint Benedict
- 2011.07.11: A bold abbot, Communion and Liberation, the BVM and Saint Benedict
- 2011.07.11: A Benedictine's art collection
- 2011.07.11: Saint Benedict and his friend the raven
- 2011.07.09: Aidan Kavanagh, monk, priest, liturgical scholar: 5th anniversary of death
- 2011.07.08: Why Bill Keller misses the mark with Catholicism
- 2011.07.07: Father Carrón clarifies The Meaning of Charitable Work
- 2011.07.07: Thomas Frerking, Abbot, re-elected at St Louis Abbey
- 2011.07.05: John Corapi leads a double life, SOLT explains
- 2011.07.05: Examination of Conscience for priests published by Vatican
- 2011.07.05: Otto von Habsburg, 98, Archduke, RIP
- 2011.07.04: A blessed 4th of July
- 2011.07.01: Congregation of Holy Cross merge two US provinces
- 2011.07.01: Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests
- 2011.07.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for July 2011
- 2011.06.30: L'Osservatore Romano lauded by Pope for 150 years of service
- 2011.06.30: 1,400 year old fresco of St Paul found
- 2011.06.29: Love is the means to overcome darkness of heart
- 2011.06.29: Saints Peter and Paul: "I no longer call you servants, but friends"
- 2011.06.28: Reciprocal festal gestures for Sts Peter & Paul feast: Pope and an Ecumenical delegation meet
- 2011.06.28: Angelo Scola: how do we face the post-modern world as a Church? In happiness and freedom as announced by Christ!
- 2011.06.28: Benedict XVI launches with his new iPad
- 2011.06.28: Angelo Scola, 69, cardinal-archbishop, TO Milan
- 2011.06.27: Corpus Christi is God's expression of love that doesn't consume
- 2011.06.27: New Fraternity of St Charles priests and deacons
- 2011.06.26: The Church can't live without the Eucharist, Pope Benedict reminds
- 2011.06.26: Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer
- 2011.06.25: Adult Stem Cells: Science and the Future of Man and Culture: a deeper dialogue between science and faith
- 2011.06.25: Vincent Long Van Nguyên responds to a call to venture into a new depth
- 2011.06.24: Corpus Christi in Rome 2011
- 2011.06.24: Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
- 2011.06.22: Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker Movement: an American witness to the Culture of Life
- 2011.06.21: Saint Aloysius Gongaga
- 2011.06.20: Benedict asks us to preserve and appreciate our Christian values, identity
- 2011.06.19: The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
- 2011.06.19: John Corapi takes a break from priesthood
- 2011.06.19: St John Neumann celebrated in native land
- 2011.06.18: Together in Christ
- 2011.06.18: Catholics understanding the Book of Revelation and the Rapture
- 2011.06.17: James Wiseman elected abbot of Saint Anselm Abbey, Washington, DC
- 2011.06.15: "The Western Mass" -- now really.....
- 2011.06.15: Nicholas James Samra: New eparch of Newton for the Melkites
- 2011.06.14: Ratzinger Prize given to 3
- 2011.06.14: The True Meaning of Marriage
- 2011.06.13: Joseph Muzquiz, priest: possible saint
- 2011.06.13: The Primacy of the Human, develop a human ecology, Pope reminds
- 2011.06.13: Saint Anthony of Padua & the blessing of lilies for his feast
- 2011.06.12: Pope's Pentecost 2011 homily: it is the Truth who loves me
- 2011.06.12: Pope prays that the Holy Spirit heal hearts warped by selfishness & help the human family rediscover its fundamental unity
- 2011.06.12: Pentecost
- 2011.06.11: The Church walks with you, Pope tells European Gypsies
- 2011.06.10: A New Pentecost: Inviting All to Follow Jesus
- 2011.06.10: Christ is a new creation: Communion & Liberation Spiritual Exercises 2011
- 2011.06.10: Is social media rebooting religion?
- 2011.06.10: Paul Haring: opening the shutter to view Christ's vicar
- 2011.06.08: Confronting bourgeois religiosity
- 2011.06.07: Praying with the Pentecost sequence
- 2011.06.06: Missionary image of Our Lady of Pompeii visits East Haven, CT parish
- 2011.06.06: Saint Norbert of Xanten
- 2011.06.06: From Swiss Guard to Benedictine monk
- 2011.06.05: Ascension Sequence: Postquam hostem et inferna
- 2011.06.04: Connecticut's best!
- 2011.06.04: Society is built upon gift of self and a well-formed conscience tells Croats, us
- 2011.06.04: Infinity Dwindled to Infancy: A Catholic and Evangelical Christology, NEW book by Father Edward Oakes
- 2011.06.04: Hugh Gilbert: Benedictine abbot elected bishop of Aberdeen
- 2011.06.03: Blessed Pope John XXIII, died 48 years ago today
- 2011.06.02: Art is not merely an option for the Christian
- 2011.06.02: Ascension of the Lord
- 2011.06.01: Siena Forum to host conversation on Dorothy Day with Lorenzo Albacete and Mary Lathrop on June 21
- 2011.06.01: Vatican and Good Samaritan Foundation talk on AIDS
- 2011.06.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for June 2011
- 2011.05.31: New Evangelization means to be missionary, prepare to be new apostles for Christ
- 2011.05.27: Simple beauty of an abbey's well
- 2011.05.21: Educating Young People in Justice and Peace
- 2011.05.19: Consultors for the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization named by Pope today
- 2011.05.19: Siena Forum for Faith and Culture hosting a Lectio Divina training day with the American Bible Society
- 2011.05.16: Paul Quenon: man, Trappist, semi-hermit, poet
- 2011.05.16: Vatican seeks Guidelines in dealing with cases of sexual abuse of minors by clerics
- 2011.05.15: Good Shepherd Sunday: which are the authoritative voices that guide you?
- 2011.05.14: Mike Aquilina speaks on the Mass: From the Old Covenant to the New
- 2011.05.14: Mike Aquilina speaks on Family and its Mission
- 2011.05.12: Saint Lucy Filippini
- 2011.05.12: Pope tells Christians, and Jews, of the guidance of Providence: work together for common good
- 2011.05.10: Mike Aquilina presents at Siena Forum for Faith and Culture, May 14
- 2011.05.10: Archbishop Shevchuk interviewed by Vatican Radio
- 2011.05.10: Saint Damien de Veuster of Molokai
- 2011.05.09: Creeping infallibility?
- 2011.05.09: 'There Be Dragons' -- Even Saints Have A Past
- 2011.05.09: The Sacrament of Real Presence: THE center that holds together
- 2011.05.08: Pope in Venice: the gate between East and West
- 2011.05.08: Father Carrón tells us that John Paul was a pope seized by Christ
- 2011.05.08: Our hearts are burning within us
- 2011.05.06: Rome's Pontifical Liturgical Institute celebrates 50 years, Pope marks event
- 2011.05.05: Pope tells Biblical Commission --and Church-- not to reduce Bible to mere human genius
- 2011.05.04: Pope addresses the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences: true freedom of religion permits human fulfillment & the common good
- 2011.05.03: Blessed John Paul II's body placed in final burial spot
- 2011.05.02: Divine Mercy: known in peaceful embrace of sacramental forgiveness
- 2011.05.02: Mauro Lepori: "...Only by re-proposing the fascination of the Mystery of Christ" does one overcome difficulties
- 2011.05.02: Vatican Press Office Director speaks on bin Laden
- 2011.05.02: Photos of the Beatification of John Paul II
- 2011.05.01: Divine Mercy: God's love, God's presence, God's compassion
- 2011.05.01: Divine Mercy: Jesus bending over our humanity
- 2011.05.01: May, the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2011.05.01: Pope Benedict XVI: Homily for JPII Beatification
- 2011.05.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for May 2011
- 2011.04.30: Sr Marie Simon-Pierre: If you believe, you will see the glory of God
- 2011.04.30: Agostino Vallini: John Paul II kept his gaze fixed on Christ
- 2011.04.29: Who are saints? They are "Flesh and Blood Human Beings"
- 2011.04.29: John Paul II exhumed
- 2011.04.29: William and Catherine, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge wed
- 2011.04.29: Saint Catherine of Siena
- 2011.04.27: Crowd turns out for St Gianna Mass
- 2011.04.27: Benedict: to awaken hope in place of despair, joy in place of sadness, & life in place of death
- 2011.04.27: Easter Wednesday: how slow of heart to believe
- 2011.04.26: A voice for the voiceless -- women and children in China: Reggie Littlejohn speaks out
- 2011.04.26: Revelation: at Papal Conclave cardinals asked for John Paul to be beatified
- 2011.04.26: John Paul's blood to be presented as a relic at May 1st Mass
- 2011.04.25: Easter Monday: why it matters
- 2011.04.24: Easter 470 years later
- 2011.04.24: Easter Urbi et Orbi 2011: Christ's resurrection happens in history, permanently remembered and lived
- 2011.04.23: Benedict's Easter Vigil 2011 homily:
- 2011.04.23: Christ crucified transforms the old man, a new creation: is our gaze on Him?
- 2011.04.23: Who is St George?
- 2011.04.22: Fr Cantalamessa: Good Friday - there is one truth...
- 2011.04.22: Christ's love is both horizontal and vertical
- 2011.04.20: Spy Wednesday: dancing with the devil?
- 2011.04.19: At home with Pope Benedict
- 2011.04.19: Pope Benedict XVI: 6 years as Pontiff
- 2011.04.19: What's the difference between beatification and canonization?
- 2011.04.19: Archbishop Dolan to celebrate the St Gianna Mass at St Catherine of Siena Church NYC
- 2011.04.19: Vatican newspaper online
- 2011.04.18: Portsmouth Abbey Monks face future with internet help
- 2011.04.17: Walking that new path of liberation by the gravitational force of God's love, Pope Benedict tells
- 2011.04.17: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
- 2011.04.17: Saint Robert of Molesme
- 2011.04.16: Pope Benedict clarifies Christian view of who killed Jesus
- 2011.04.16: Happy 84th Birthday Pope Benedict!
- 2011.04.16: Saint Benedict-Joseph Labre
- 2011.04.15: Carl Anderson: we are called to transform society -- looks to JFK, sets path
- 2011.04.15: The marvelous glory and power of the cross, St Leo says
- 2011.04.14: Waiting and Waving at the Vatican
- 2011.04.13: Saint Martin I, pope
- 2011.04.11: Saint Stanislaus, bishop & martyr
- 2011.04.11: Rossella Teregnoli: the new woman in the papal household
- 2011.04.10: A new possibility of human existence: learning from Lazarus
- 2011.04.09: Saint André of Montréal, brother, friend and saint: a Mass in Thanksgiving
- 2011.04.09: Friars of the Atonement preserve Vatican II historry
- 2011.04.08: Fr Michael Scanlan to retire from Franciscan University
- 2011.04.07: The Zen of China: things are unwell
- 2011.04.05: Sviatsolav wants fraternal realtions with Patriarch Kyril
- 2011.04.05: Making God's Work Our Own: Carl Anderson talks about JFK's enduring importance
- 2011.04.04: Help and Pray for Japan --work with the Capuchins
- 2011.04.03: The true story of St Padre Pio: Obedientia et Pax
- 2011.04.03: Lætáre Jerúsalem -- Rejoice, O Jerusalem
- 2011.04.02: Adolphe Chatillon (Frère Théophanius-Léo)
- 2011.04.02: Study: 38 Age It Too Late
- 2011.04.02: James Martin reviews "Of Gods and Men"
- 2011.04.01: Focolare in the USA 50 years: celebrations at hand
- 2011.04.01: Varkey Cardinal Vithayathil, C.SS.R., RIP
- 2011.04.01: Shevchuk talks about his election, chosen to lead a Church
- 2011.04.01: "Reality holds a signature from God ... we must seek to decipher"
- 2011.04.01: Byran Kemper reverts to Catholicism...why?
- 2011.04.01: Atheists feast day
- 2011.04.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for April 2011
- 2011.03.31: Catholic Relief Services works to be present in the midst of suffering, a beacon of hope
- 2011.03.31: Acquiring the Mind of the Church
- 2011.03.31: Lent asks us to live in simplicity
- 2011.03.31: Thinking about the sacrament
- 2011.03.31: Where Shahbaz Bhatti leading us now?
- 2011.03.30: Preparing for (real) Christian life
- 2011.03.29: Court of the Gentiles --next step
- 2011.03.29: Patriarch's title for the Ukrainians?
- 2011.03.29: Saint John Neumann: "he laid his life down"
- 2011.03.28: Patriarch Béshara Raï begins new ministry as the Maronite head and father working on unity
- 2011.03.28: 80 years of monastic profession: the witness of a lifetime
- 2011.03.28: Imprisioned, and you visited me: Archbishop Dolan visits prisoners
- 2011.03.28: Is the Pope's Irish proposal reasonable?
- 2011.03.28: Reaching Muslims: A one-stop guide for Christians
- 2011.03.28: Saint Stephen Harding
- 2011.03.28: Give beauty back to God, beauty's self and beauty's giver
- 2011.03.28: We remain images of Christ, no matter what happens...
- 2011.03.27: Sviatoslav Shevchuck: TODAY put the honest & True Cross in the center of life
- 2011.03.27: You, Lord, have shown every mercy
- 2011.03.26: Pope's team shirt
- 2011.03.26: Court of the Gentiles --Le Parvis des Gentils à Paris: a call to fraternity to believers and nonbelievers to live coherent in Christ, and for a new humanity
- 2011.03.26: Pope Benedict a NY Times international bestseller
- 2011.03.26: St Shahbaz Bhatti? -- Paul Bhatti fills brother's shoes
- 2011.03.25: Fr Corapi's accusations are unsubstantiated
- 2011.03.25: Sviatoslav Shevchuk's challenge
- 2011.03.25: Sviatoslav Shevchuk, 40, new major archbishop (patriarch) of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
- 2011.03.25: Annunciation of the Lord
- 2011.03.24: Boston College Catholic students choose Gandhi over Catholic mystics for Lent
- 2011.03.23: Saint Turibius de Mongrovejo
- 2011.03.22: David L. Fleming, SJ, RIP
- 2011.03.22: Fr Corapi updated
- 2011.03.21: Capuchins in Japan connect thru prayer and friendship following the disaster
- 2011.03.21: Saint Benedict through the eyes of Saint Anselm
- 2011.03.20: Archbishop Dolan on 60 Minutes
- 2011.03.20: Calling to Continuing Conversion
- 2011.03.20: Blessed John of Parma
- 2011.03.20: Transfiguration Sunday
- 2011.03.19: Patrick Vincent Ahern, bishop, dead at 92
- 2011.03.19: Claudio Celli advicates for greater use of social media
- 2011.03.19: Fr Corapi placed on administrative leave
- 2011.03.18: Cardinal Burke on the truth of human sexuality & fall of Christian culture
- 2011.03.18: Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
- 2011.03.17: Benedictine nuns & monks in Japan
- 2011.03.17: Saint Patrick
- 2011.03.16: Religious Orders talk about their purpose at Notre Dame Univ
- 2011.03.15: Béshara Raï elected new Maronite Patriarch
- 2011.03.15: Are chickens people, too?
- 2011.03.14: JPII has new web presence
- 2011.03.14: Patrick Madrid speaking in NYC March 18 & 19
- 2011.03.14: Where is the inequality in love?
- 2011.03.14: Chiara Lubich, the 3rd anniversary of meeting the Lord
- 2011.03.14: New Roman Misssal --pre-order now
- 2011.03.14: Charitable work and the common fund: 2 wings of the Christian witness
- 2011.03.13: Boston's Charity's Appeal
- 2011.03.11: JPII Generation says thanks to their hero
- 2011.03.11: Can Lent help restore joy?
- 2011.03.11: Kurt Koch to meet Kyril I
- 2011.03.11: Is there a desire for God still present today?
- 2011.03.10: Healing and forgiveness: a spiritual & psychological path to renewal
- 2011.03.09: Lent's a time to be converted because we need a new heart
- 2011.03.09: Beginning today, will Lent change my life?
- 2011.03.08: Fast and abstinence for Ash Wednesday
- 2011.03.07: Pope is showing way to new social, economic & environmental policies
- 2011.03.07: The New American Bible, Revised Edition
- 2011.03.07: Shahbaz Bhatti remembered by Pope
- 2011.03.07: Saints Perpetua and Felicity
- 2011.03.06: Planted in the Lord
- 2011.03.04: Synod of Bishops 2012 on Evangelization
- 2011.03.04: Of Gods and Men
- 2011.03.03: Shahbaz Bhatti, Christian, murdered in Pakistan
- 2011.03.01: Peter J. Gomes, minister, dead at 68
- 2011.03.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for March 2011
- 2011.02.28: Asma al-Assad on St John the Baptist
- 2011.02.27: Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
- 2011.02.26: Patriarch Nasrallah Peter Sfeir, retires as Maronite leader
- 2011.02.25: Metropolitan Jonah takes time off to re-orient self
- 2011.02.25: Oscars 2011 and a nun
- 2011.02.25: China's war on women and girls: one-child policy, forced sterilization, forced abortion & infanticide
- 2011.02.24: Cardinal John P. Foley retires to the USA due to illness
- 2011.02.24: Scripture is to fill us head to toe
- 2011.02.24: Blessed Constantius of Fabriano
- 2011.02.23: Saint Polycarp
- 2011.02.23: Prayer: personal & lived in communio
- 2011.02.22: Luigi Giussani: 6th anniversary of death
- 2011.02.22: By the numebrs: Catholic grow and diminishment around the world
- 2011.02.22: SSPX detente?
- 2011.02.21: Change in the College of Cardinals
- 2011.02.21: 3 new saints for the Church universal
- 2011.02.21: ExCons need Christian charity for conversion, new life
- 2011.02.21: Three Faiths exhibit at the NY Public Library
- 2011.02.21: Baptism in the Traditional Form
- 2011.02.21: Maronites remember founder, Saint Maron
- 2011.02.20: The Catholic's perpetual second chance
- 2011.02.20: Did God Correct Himself?
- 2011.02.20: What is Septuagesima Sunday?
- 2011.02.20: Blessed Christopher of Milan
- 2011.02.19: Discovering the Way: El Camino de Santiago
- 2011.02.18: Transitioning from Husar to new era in the Ukrainian Church ...?
- 2011.02.18: John Paul II's coffin to be viewed
- 2011.02.18: Church's use of the Net too often answers questions not asked
- 2011.02.18: Beatification ceremonies for John Paul II are FREE
- 2011.02.18: Severed from dependence & completion in God we forget about our eternal destiny in communion with God, Pope reminds Filipino bishops
- 2011.02.17: The 7 Holy Servite Founders
- 2011.02.17: The Thought of Henri Bremond
- 2011.02.17: Equipped for Ministry? Each person called by the Lord has work to do
- 2011.02.16: Wisdom and knowledge stimulates virtue
- 2011.02.16: Doing community service because Christ loves me
- 2011.02.15: Following the Redeemer: Redemptorist Spirituality & St John Neumann
- 2011.02.14: New tools... [for] new forms of consciousness: Vatican Radio at 80
- 2011.02.14: Pope speaks to the Fraternity of St. Charles Borromeo
- 2011.02.14: Witches face jail time if spells fail
- 2011.02.14: Saint Valentine
- 2011.02.14: Saints Cyril and Methodius
- 2011.02.12: Charity is the only good reason to do anything
- 2011.02.12: Breast cancer and St Agatha: supporting those who live with the disease
- 2011.02.11: Bernadette Soubirous is the lens Communion & Liberation engages reality
- 2011.02.11: In Christ's wounds we are healed: World Day of the Sick and Our Lady of Lourdes
- 2011.02.10: Saint Scholastica
- 2011.02.10: Vocations: "...everyone will know that you are my disciples..."
- 2011.02.10: Lubomyr Cardinal Husar, MSU, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, retires
- 2011.02.09: Saint Maron
- 2011.02.08: Saint Josephine Margaret Bakhita
- 2011.02.07: Saint Colette
- 2011.02.06: Saint Paul Miki and his companions, martyrs
- 2011.02.05: Real change in history not administrative but of the heart, Discalced Carmelite superior says
- 2011.02.05: Cybertheology
- 2011.02.05: Reno new editor of First Things
- 2011.02.05: Pope ordains 5 new bishops
- 2011.02.04: Pope no longer organ donor
- 2011.02.04: First Dulles Chair at Fordham inaugurated
- 2011.02.04: Mass of Thanksgiving for the Beatification of Pope John Paul II set for St Catherine of Siena Church, NYC on May 1
- 2011.02.04: Giussani's "The Religious Sense": a variety of points of view
- 2011.02.04: Focolare saved a vocation and formed a man of God
- 2011.02.04: Saint Rabanus Maurus
- 2011.02.03: St Agatha's Mass and Anointing of the Sick for those living with breast cancer, East Haven
- 2011.02.03: Pope and his small unexpected visitor
- 2011.02.03: Four Chaplains Day
- 2011.02.03: Nancy Davis killed by drug smugglers for her truck
- 2011.02.03: Reception of Holy Communion --a pastor's lead
- 2011.02.03: Prayer, Doctrine, Life and Evangelization: are we coherent?
- 2011.02.03: Saint Blase and the Blessing of Throats
- 2011.02.02: Consecrated Life is a living exegesis of the Word of God, Pope tells religious
- 2011.02.02: Don't rush the praying of the Liturgy
- 2011.02.02: Christ's born, be glad for you have encountered the Messiah!
- 2011.02.02: The on-going work of remembering of the Jewish holocaust
- 2011.02.02: St Matthew's Passion to be presented by St Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary in NYC Feb. 7
- 2011.02.02: Presentation of the Lord
- 2011.02.01: Still at the beginning of a papacy
- 2011.02.01: Snow and Ice
- 2011.02.01: Saint Brigid of Ireland
- 2011.02.01: Egypt leads the way to political overhaul
- 2011.02.01: Traditional consecrated life is the Church's life-blood
- 2011.02.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for February 2011
- 2011.01.31: Father Samir Khalil Samir speaks on Egyptian reform today
- 2011.01.31: Legion of Christ forms commission on Maciel, expands Council
- 2011.01.31: Pope encourages confidence that full communion with the Oriental Orthodox is possible
- 2011.01.31: Communion & Liberation welcomes the beatification of John Paul
- 2011.01.29: The way of sanctity lies open to you
- 2011.01.28: Why forgive?
- 2011.01.28: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- 2011.01.27: Fulton Sheen's cause on the way--again!
- 2011.01.27: 51 days till Spring
- 2011.01.27: The Word of God is everything: hearing what the WORD has to say
- 2011.01.27: New York Encounter 2011: a review
- 2011.01.26: Formerly ex-communicated saints
- 2011.01.26: Saint Joan of Arc
- 2011.01.26: Christianity is not a community closed-in on itself, Pope tells us about Unity among Christians
- 2011.01.26: Opportunities for continuing dialogue with the Orthodox Church, Farrell says
- 2011.01.25: Conversion of Saint Paul
- 2011.01.24: Tips for growing in holiness and going to Mass
- 2011.01.24: March 4 Life
- 2011.01.24: David Toups, priest, focused on the real nature of priesthood
- 2011.01.24: Pope Benedict on social communications: be truthful and authentic in relationships with God, self & others
- 2011.01.24: Saint Francis de Sales
- 2011.01.22: Pro-Life Commission established in the Archdiocese of New York
- 2011.01.22: Blessing of St Jude Oil at the St Jude Shrine NYC
- 2011.01.22: Day of Prayer and Penance for Abortion
- 2011.01.21: The Siena Forum for Faith and Culture announced in NYC
- 2011.01.21: Saint Meinrad, the Martyr of Christ-like Hospitality
- 2011.01.21: Pope appoints council for Financial Information Authority
- 2011.01.21: Dialogue frozen between the Vatican & Islamic University of Al-Azhar
- 2011.01.21: Saint Agnes
- 2011.01.20: Saint Henry
- 2011.01.19: Pope talks about Christian Unity this week
- 2011.01.19: EWTN to acquire National Catholic Register
- 2011.01.19: When ice is involved... morning joys!
- 2011.01.19: Christian Courtship in an Oversexed World: A Guide for Catholics
- 2011.01.19: Abortion caused Breast Cancer: 300K in last 38 years
- 2011.01.18: Dolan writes to Members of the 112th Congress
- 2011.01.18: Praying the Christian Unity
- 2011.01.18: Saint Margaret of Hungary
- 2011.01.17: Fr Keith Newton introduced as new head of Ordinariate
- 2011.01.17: Decree of erection of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham
- 2011.01.17: The Maronites: The Origins of an Antiochene Church
- 2011.01.17: Maronite Patriarch said ready to resign
- 2011.01.17: Deacons are to be sexually continent, too!
- 2011.01.17: John Paul II moves Blessed Pope Innocent XI to another resting place
- 2011.01.17: Martin Luther King, Jr Day 2011
- 2011.01.16: Christ our Light
- 2011.01.15: Vincent Nichols' homily at the ordination of former Anglicans
- 2011.01.15: John Paul II matters
- 2011.01.15: Cardinal Levada's letter read at Westminster Cathedral
- 2011.01.15: Keith Newton, priest, statement
- 2011.01.15: Benedict creates new Ordinariate for Anglicans in the UK
- 2011.01.15: Saint Ita
- 2011.01.14: Problems with the NeoCats? Are changes in the Neocatechumenal Way coming, too???
- 2011.01.14: Trappist monks donate coffin to bury little Christina Green in Arizona
- 2011.01.14: Nelson Baker, priest, Apostle of Charity recognized as heroically virtuous
- 2011.01.14: Benedict XVI to beatify John Paul II
- 2011.01.14: Prophet Malachi, saint
- 2011.01.13: Non-discrimination admission policy for schools issued by Boston Archdiocese
- 2011.01.13: New York College Seminaries to merge in 2011
- 2011.01.13: Pakistani Muslims Protest Pope
- 2011.01.13: Saint Hilary Poitiers
- 2011.01.12: Policeman shoots 4 Christians in Egypt, shouting Allah is great
- 2011.01.12: The New York Encounter: a Different Cultural Event
- 2011.01.12: Bernard Fellay criticizes Pope unfairly over prayer at Assisi 2011
- 2011.01.12: Cardinals, bishops affirm miracle's medical findings attributed to John Paul II
- 2011.01.12: Saint Catherine of Genoa: a life of humility, constant prayer & mystical union, charitable service
- 2011.01.12: Jerusalem Patriarch: Being bearers of peace means sharing the cross of Christ
- 2011.01.11: Pope moving forward with Anglican Union
- 2011.01.11: Saint Theodosius the Great
- 2011.01.10: Pope's State of the World address, 2011
- 2011.01.10: Authentically Christian Politicians
- 2011.01.10: Saint Gregory of Nyssa
- 2011.01.09: Knights of Columbus mourn death of Judge John M. Roll, other victims in Tucson
- 2011.01.09: Benedict XVI baptizes 21: our destiny is full communion with God in eternal happiness
- 2011.01.09: Msgr. James Moroney talks about new Missal translation
- 2011.01.09: Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke with monks and servers of the Oratory of Saints Gregory & Augustine, St Louis
- 2011.01.09: Copts demand religious freedom and protection in Rome, Milan & Vienna
- 2011.01.09: Baptism of the Lord
- 2011.01.08: Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke visits the St Louis Oratory of Sts Gregory & Augustine
- 2011.01.08: Benedictine, Capuchin and Dominicans take Vows, ordained deacon
- 2011.01.08: Mass for Richard John Neuhaus, a 2nd anniversary remembrance
- 2011.01.07: Pope Benedict XVI and the Way to Peace
- 2011.01.07: Lorenzo Albacete, priest, turns 70
- 2011.01.07: Saint Raymond of Peñafort
- 2011.01.06: Epiphany - Theophany: we cannot fail to read the eternal rationality, Pope said
- 2011.01.06: Marquette Law hires pro-abortion ex-Senator
- 2011.01.06: Slow, deliberate steps of renewal for Legion of Christ
- 2011.01.06: Coptic Church celebrates the Lord's nativity amid tragedy, oppression
- 2011.01.06: Saint André Bessette
- 2011.01.05: Revised Grail Psalter text available online
- 2011.01.05: Ahmed al-Tayeb criticizes Benedict for interfering in Egypt; AND a response given
- 2011.01.05: NYC is the abortion capital of the USA, multi-faith leaders address issue
- 2011.01.05: Year of Saint John Neumann 2011-2012
- 2011.01.05: Papal document establishing Office of the New Evangelization: Ubicumque et Semper (Everywhere and always)
- 2011.01.05: Dolan appointed by Pope as consultor new Vatican Office, international group of experts to gather
- 2011.01.05: Saint John Nepomunk Neumann
- 2011.01.04: Miracle attributed to Pope John Paul II expected to be approved
- 2011.01.04: João Bráz de Aviz of Brasilia named by Pope as Prefect of Religious
- 2011.01.04: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
- 2011.01.03: Dictionary of Apparitions of the Virgin Mary, published
- 2011.01.03: Most Holy Name of Jesus
- 2011.01.03: NYC's Largest Catholic Festival January 14-17
- 2011.01.02: Egypt's civil & religious leaders condemn attack
- 2011.01.02: Epiphany 2011
- 2011.01.02: Egyptian fanatical Muslims offend God, Pope says
- 2011.01.01: Mary, Mother of God
- 2011.01.01: Benedict XVI to mark 25th anniv of the World Day of Prayer for Peace in October 2011, Assisi
- 2011.01.01: World Day of Peace: Religious Freedom, The Path to Peace
- 2011.01.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for January 2011
- 2011.01.01: Happy New Year --2011!!!!!!!!
- 2010.12.31: Saint Sylvester, pope
- 2010.12.30: Towards a 'Cybertheology' -- Antonio Spadaro asks the right question
- 2010.12.30: Geraldine Doyle --the face of Rosie the Riveter --We Can Do It ! RIP
- 2010.12.30: Pope issues new laws to conform Vatican to European financial controls
- 2010.12.29: Legion of Christ ordains 61 priests
- 2010.12.29: New York Encounter 2011: 2nd annual event
- 2010.12.29: The Tidings Brought to Mary
- 2010.12.29: Traces magazine
- 2010.12.29: Pope against greed, financial improprieties
- 2010.12.29: Saint Thomas Becket
- 2010.12.29: King Saint David, prophet
- 2010.12.28: Father John F. Harvey, OSFS, RIP
- 2010.12.28: Holy Innocents
- 2010.12.27: New Heaven, New War
- 2010.12.27: Cardinal Burke celebrates Mass for the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Rome
- 2010.12.27: Beautiful Liturgy is hard work, Monsignor Guido Marini reminds
- 2010.12.27: Cardinal Cañizares Llovera: Creativity in Mass has no place
- 2010.12.27: Saint John, Apostle & Evangelist
- 2010.12.26: Pope Benedict lunches with Rome's poor, marks Mother Teresa's 100th birthday
- 2010.12.26: The Holy Family
- 2010.12.26: Tom Jones' Praise & Blame
- 2010.12.26: Recognizing the birth of the Savior!
- 2010.12.26: Saint Stephen, the first killed for Christ
- 2010.12.25: Pope's Christmas message to the City of Rome & and to the World 2010
- 2010.12.24: Christmas at Our Lady of Salvation Cathedral, Baghdad 2010
- 2010.12.24: Pope Benedict's homily for Christmas Eve Mass 2010
- 2010.12.24: The miracle we all await, Jesus, Father Julián Carrón says
- 2010.12.24: Toward clarifying the canonical status of Sr. Margaret McBride
- 2010.12.23: Phoenix hospital no longer called Catholic
- 2010.12.23: Father Savio Hon Tai-fai to work at the Holy See
- 2010.12.23: O Antiphon: O Emmanuel
- 2010.12.22: Don't trivialize sexuality Vatican urges
- 2010.12.22: O Antiphon: O King
- 2010.12.21: Exercising proper judgment in our life so that we share in God's glory
- 2010.12.21: In Saint Joseph we look to the future with confidence & courage, total trust in God's mercy, Pope says
- 2010.12.21: O Antiphon: O Dawn of the East (Dayspring)
- 2010.12.21: Pope speaks to new ambassadors from Africa...why bother?
- 2010.12.21: Happy Winter
- 2010.12.20: O Antiphon: O Key of David
- 2010.12.20: Benedict XVI to the Roman Curia: face the tyranny of mammon by seeking Christ's face, know that Christ's wounds remain open
- 2010.12.20: A Social Network Christmas
- 2010.12.19: Wuerl answers questions regarding Anglicans becoming Catholic
- 2010.12.19: O Antiphon: O Root of Jesse
- 2010.12.18: Pope Benedict re-opens Apostolic Library
- 2010.12.17: O Antiphon: O Wisdom
- 2010.12.17: Holy Youths Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael
- 2010.12.16: Mass Ad Orientem: 10 good reasons
- 2010.12.16: Respect for religious freedom leads to peace, Pope's message affirms
- 2010.12.14: Life Around the Collar ... on the Canons Regular of St Augustine of Klosterneuburg
- 2010.12.14: Saint John of the Cross
- 2010.12.14: Orthodox Christians in the USA grow 16% in a decade
- 2010.12.14: Prayer for Anglicans seeking full communion with the Catholic Church
- 2010.12.13: Where is heaven?
- 2010.12.13: Diarmuid Martin: Church in Ireland had grown beyond what's legitimate: self-centered & arrogant
- 2010.12.13: Philip Hannan needs prayers
- 2010.12.13: Legion of Christ orders changes
- 2010.12.13: The parish community is an expression of beauty & unity, Pope says
- 2010.12.13: Saint Lucy, martyr
- 2010.12.12: Benedictine monks create first handwritten Bible in 500 years
- 2010.12.12: Our Lady of Guadalupe
- 2010.12.11: Adoratio 2011: From Adoration to Evangelization
- 2010.12.11: Friends wed today: Maureen and Andrew Walther
- 2010.12.11: Reading Benedict XVIs "Light of the World"
- 2010.12.10: 9 qualities of doing Lectio Divina
- 2010.12.09: Lectio Divina conference sponsored by American Bible Society
- 2010.12.08: With a look full of hope and compassion Mary says: fear not, God loves you personally
- 2010.12.08: Lawrence Lew's Meditation on the Immaculate Conception
- 2010.12.08: Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life --book presentation at St Catherine of Siena Church NYC
- 2010.12.08: Consecration of Persons to the Immaculate Heart of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2010.12.07: Catholic reform of priesthood called by Vatican official Mauro Piacenza
- 2010.12.07: How does the Vatican celebrate Christmas?
- 2010.12.07: Significance of the Christmas Tree
- 2010.12.07: Saint Pio of Pietrelcina: rare video footage
- 2010.12.07: Saint Ambrose
- 2010.12.06: Fernando Rielo, founder of the Idente Missionaries, 6th anniversary Mass December 6
- 2010.12.06: The Liturgical Institute launches
- 2010.12.06: Pope distinguishes St Patrick's Old Cathedral as "Basilica"
- 2010.12.06: Saint Nicholas
- 2010.12.05: The Baptist calls us recognize the voice in desert
- 2010.12.04: The International Theological Commission meets with Pope: God "has gifted us with a reason in harmony with his nature"
- 2010.12.04: Keep the conversation with the Lord going
- 2010.12.04: Saint Barbara
- 2010.12.03: The Unseen World: a film on Blessed John Henry Newman & priesthood
- 2010.12.03: Saint Francis Xavier
- 2010.12.02: Christiani Iraquiae, orate pro nobis
- 2010.12.02: Remembering the women killed in El Salvador 30 years ago
- 2010.12.02: Manuela Camagni's funeral oration given by Pope Benedict
- 2010.12.02: Ratzinger's influence in revising the criminal code of Church law reviewed
- 2010.12.02: Vincent Nichols says there's positive Anglican-Catholic cooperation
- 2010.12.02: Victim of attack on Baghdad Church speak out
- 2010.12.01: Pope met Iraqi Catholics receiving medical treatment
- 2010.12.01: Happy Hanukkah 2010
- 2010.12.01: World AIDS Day 2010 from the Vatican
- 2010.12.01: Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone's homily for the feast of St Andrew at the Orthodox Cathedral of the Assumption of Astana, Kazakhstan
- 2010.12.01: Pope remembers Manuela Camagni: a witness to a relationship that's stronger than death
- 2010.12.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for December 2010
- 2010.12.01: Saint Edmund Campion
- 2010.11.30: Autumn days at the Abbey of Regina Laudis
- 2010.11.30: Saint Andrew: the Ecumenical agenda
- 2010.11.30: Saint Andrew, the First Called, martyr
- 2010.11.29: Blessed Bernard Francis de Hoyos, priest
- 2010.11.27: Gianfranco Ravasi on the move to Milan, next Pope?
- 2010.11.27: Pope Benedict XVI's Prayer for Nascent Life
- 2010.11.27: Advent Vespers 2010 with Pope Benedict XVI
- 2010.11.27: Preparing for Advent: the wreath as a sign that Salvation is at hand
- 2010.11.26: Consecrated life points beyond the present
- 2010.11.26: Clementina Valentina, RIP
- 2010.11.25: Orazio Soricelli visits New Haven, honors St Andrew the Apostle
- 2010.11.25: The Proclamation of Thanksgiving according to Abraham Lincoln
- 2010.11.24: Saint Catherine of Siena: ambassador, woman of holiness & spiritual mother
- 2010.11.24: Caring for friends
- 2010.11.24: Everyone "owes something to the world" --Chesterton reminds us: give thanks!
- 2010.11.24: Manuela Camagni, an aid to the Pope mourned
- 2010.11.24: Saint Andrew Dung Lac and companions
- 2010.11.23: Queen Elizabeth II's address to the 9th General Synod of the Church of England: face the challenges or else...
- 2010.11.23: Pope Saint Clement I
- 2010.11.23: Christian martyrs of Iraq?
- 2010.11.22: Obama's new rules for Faith-Based Initiatives
- 2010.11.22: Bishop Richard Williamson given ultimatum by SSPX
- 2010.11.22: UK Bishops speak on new Anglican Ordinariate
- 2010.11.22: Urbano Cardinal Navarrete Cortés, SJ, RIP
- 2010.11.22: Saint Cecelia, Virgin & Martyr
- 2010.11.21: Blessed Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd (Frances Siedliska)
- 2010.11.21: Prayer to Christ the King
- 2010.11.21: Cardinals get a new sign of the fidelity to Mother Church --the ring
- 2010.11.20: What the Pope really said about condoms...
- 2010.11.20: The two new American Cardinals of the Roman Church
- 2010.11.20: New cardinals assigned a Roman titular church
- 2010.11.20: Christian faith breaks myth that the totality of state gives hope & gives humanity a true and good world-view
- 2010.11.20: NOW there's 24 new cardinals of the Roman Church
- 2010.11.19: Christ the King
- 2010.11.19: The Pope & his cardinals met today
- 2010.11.19: Communion & Liberation invites prayer for Iraqi Christians on Sunday
- 2010.11.19: Confronting the Devil-- one of the Church's greatest needs
- 2010.11.18: Serratelli updates US Bishops on the translation of the new Roman Missal
- 2010.11.18: Benedict and Rowan
- 2010.11.18: Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
- 2010.11.17: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
- 2010.11.16: Saint Vladimir's relics visit the USA
- 2010.11.16: Solemn Vigil for All Nascent Human Life, 27 November 2010
- 2010.11.16: Archbishop Timothy Dolan is new USCCB President; other new officers elected
- 2010.11.16: Saint Gertrude the Great
- 2010.11.16: Life at St Michael's Abbey
- 2010.11.15: Saint Albert the Great
- 2010.11.14: Blessed Lucy Brocadelli of Narni
- 2010.11.13: Writing letters of solidarity with the Christians in Iraq
- 2010.11.13: Iraqi Christians pray Mass in assaulted Church for victims and the attackers
- 2010.11.13: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, a great American saint
- 2010.11.12: Training Exorcists
- 2010.11.12: Henryk Mikolaj Górecki RIP
- 2010.11.12: Francis Xavier Cardinal Nguyên Van Thuán, a beacon of hope
- 2010.11.12: Saint Josaphat of Polotsk, a martyr for unity
- 2010.11.11: The steps of Lectio Divina
- 2010.11.11: Saints in Verbum Domini
- 2010.11.11: Lectio Divina in Verbum Domini
- 2010.11.11: Apostolic Exhortation "Verbum Domini"
- 2010.11.11: Veterans Day 2010
- 2010.11.11: Saint Martin of Tours
- 2010.11.10: Fulton J. Sheen's cause for canonization halted
- 2010.11.10: Pope Saint Leo the Great
- 2010.11.09: Melkite Patriarch calls for unified talk & acting to build better future
- 2010.11.09: Dedication of the Basilica of Saint John Lateran
- 2010.11.08: The memory of the attack on Syrian Christians in Iraq
- 2010.11.08: Swiss Capuchins: Help wanted
- 2010.11.08: Possible parishes in a proposed Ordinariate for Anglicans in the US & Canada
- 2010.11.08: Cardinals to pray & discuss about Dominus Iesus, sex abuse, Ordinariate for Anglicans wishing to be Catholic
- 2010.11.08: The truth of prayer needs to be lived
- 2010.11.08: Who is Saint Josemaría Escrivá?
- 2010.11.08: 5 "distressed" bishops moving to full communion with Rome
- 2010.11.08: Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
- 2010.11.08: Blessed John Duns Scotus
- 2010.11.05: Faith in Russia Today: Archbishop Paolo Pezzi in conversation
- 2010.11.04: Humor is a Catholic thing, really....
- 2010.11.04: Radical, Political Islamic leaders declare: "Iraq's Christians are legitimate targets & now face the "doors of destruction"
- 2010.11.04: What does it mean to love totally? How can we learn to love truly? --Catholic Action asks Pope for advice
- 2010.11.04: The cross reveals God's face of love giving us a sure hope of eternal life
- 2010.11.04: Day of Prayer & Healing for Teens who have experienced abortion - November 20th
- 2010.11.04: Saint Charles Borromeo
- 2010.11.03: Fr Allen P. Novotny, SJ RIP
- 2010.11.03: Catholics don't celebrate Jewish holy days, why?
- 2010.11.02: The Crèche at Regina Laudis: The Timeless story of a birth in Bethlehem ...
- 2010.11.02: Pope prays for Iraq's true re-birth
- 2010.11.02: Vote: it's necessary for Catholics
- 2010.11.02: Give rest, O Christ to your servants
- 2010.11.01: Forgiven by the grace of Christ, a homily for All Saints & All Souls in light of indulgences and the Reformation
- 2010.11.01: Obama has a Catholic problem, big time
- 2010.11.01: The Human Experience goes to Madrid, coming to New Haven
- 2010.11.01: Catholics killed by Al Qaeda Muslims
- 2010.11.01: All Saints
- 2010.11.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for November 2010
- 2010.10.31: 7 killed, many more wounded in Syrian Catholic Church, Baghdad
- 2010.10.31: Zacchaeus had the opportunity of a lifetime...the Lord came to his home
- 2010.10.30: When man seeks God, then is truly free... Pope recalls the teaching of Roman Guardini
- 2010.10.30: Spouses are to help each other follow a path of sanctity, Pope Benedict teaches
- 2010.10.30: Understanding Catholic faith & public life, no split necessary
- 2010.10.29: Abortion and breast cancer: a race to the truth
- 2010.10.29: Office of Compline, edited by Fr Samuel Weber
- 2010.10.29: Healing after Abortion
- 2010.10.28: The task of science was AND remains a patient, passionate search for truth about the cosmos, nature, the constitution of the human being, Pope tells us
- 2010.10.28: Subjected to the spirit, the body will be sexual in eternal life, according to Aquinas
- 2010.10.28: Saints Simon and Jude
- 2010.10.27: Faith in Christ's Divine Merits
- 2010.10.26: Synod of Bishops for the Middle East submit propositions to Pope for his consideration
- 2010.10.26: Praying for the dead, All Souls
- 2010.10.26: Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist to purchase JPII Cultural Center in DC
- 2010.10.25: Talking about Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop
- 2010.10.22: 27 Holy Apostles Seminarians take steps toward priesthood
- 2010.10.21: Is the doctrine of Original Sin relevant today?
- 2010.10.21: Communion & Liberation sponsors discussion on peace in the Middle East
- 2010.10.20: Prayer: raising one's heart and mind to God
- 2010.10.20: 24 New Cardinals named by Pope Benedict today
- 2010.10.19: Muslim man dances on altar
- 2010.10.19: North American Martyrs
- 2010.10.18: The Simpsons and Religion
- 2010.10.18: Capuchins Open Center in Jerusalem
- 2010.10.18: Saint Luke
- 2010.10.17: Saint André Bessette
- 2010.10.17: Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop
- 2010.10.15: Has the Catholic Church in Turkey been too neglected by us?
- 2010.10.15: Saint Teresa of Jesus (Avila)
- 2010.10.14: The Catholic Handbook for Visiting the Sick and Homebound 2011
- 2010.10.14: Latin in New Zealand???
- 2010.10.14: Komen Foundation supports Planned Parenthood, abortion mill
- 2010.10.13: Saint Edward the Confessor
- 2010.10.12: Health Care Reform: What is it all about? --a Crossroads Cultural Center presentation
- 2010.10.12: New Papal document: Ubicumque et Semper (Everywhere and always) making a Vatican Office for the New Evangelization
- 2010.10.11: Blessed John XXIII
- 2010.10.10: Synod of Bishops for the Middle East
- 2010.10.09: Mary is the model of Christian life, pope reminds
- 2010.10.09: Abbot Timothy Kelly, OSB, RIP
- 2010.10.09: The Angels: An Essential Guide
- 2010.10.09: Saint Louis Bertrand
- 2010.10.09: Hymn for Blessed John Henry Newman's feast day
- 2010.10.09: Blessed John Henry Newman
- 2010.10.08: World's "Oldest" Catholic university to reconsider "Catholic" identity
- 2010.10.08: Ushaw College Seminary to close in 2011
- 2010.10.08: 4 Pillars of the Catholic Faith
- 2010.10.08: Supporting Catholic Schools
- 2010.10.07: Sacred Duties, Episcopal Ministry: what's wrong with the US Conference of Bishops
- 2010.10.07: Our Lady of the Rosary
- 2010.10.05: Saint Faustina Kowalska
- 2010.10.05: Prayer for a friend, Pauline Fahey
- 2010.10.05: Prayer through the intercession of Saints Benedict & Maurus
- 2010.10.04: Firsts for the US Supreme Court 2010
- 2010.10.04: Saint Francis of Assisi
- 2010.10.03: The Transitus of Saint Francis of Assisi
- 2010.10.03: DiNoia preaches the Red Mass, Washington, DC: Man without God isn't more free but in greater danger
- 2010.10.03: The Cross of Christ prepares us for the final judgment
- 2010.10.02: Guardian Angels
- 2010.10.01: Sacrament of Mercy Conference
- 2010.10.01: Counsellors to assist Legion of Christ restructuring announced
- 2010.10.01: Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
- 2010.10.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for October 2010
- 2010.09.30: Eleuterio Fortino, RIP: the soul and motor of the Christianity Council at the Vatican
- 2010.09.30: Saint Jerome
- 2010.09.30: Because Christ exists
- 2010.09.29: Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, archangels
- 2010.09.28: Pope regards himself as a pilgrim, do you?
- 2010.09.27: 350 years since the deaths of Sts Vincent de Paul & Louise de Marillac
- 2010.09.27: Sant'Anselmo: home to Benedictine monks, Rome
- 2010.09.27: Thomas Dubay, SM, priest, RIP
- 2010.09.27: Saint Vincent de Paul
- 2010.09.26: Recent pics
- 2010.09.24: Meeting the new rector at the Pontifical Oriental Institute
- 2010.09.23: Don Bosco's relic comes to New York City
- 2010.09.23: Wuerl named delegate for Anglicans entering full communion with the Catholic Church by CDF
- 2010.09.23: Saint Pio of Pietrelcina's relics to be at the Attleboro Shrine
- 2010.09.23: Conception of Saint the Baptist
- 2010.09.23: Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
- 2010.09.22: 40 Days for Life --get involved NOW!
- 2010.09.22: I invite you to become saints, Pope Benedict said to UK students
- 2010.09.21: Saint Jonah, prophet
- 2010.09.21: Conventual Franciscan professes vows: Gabriel Scasino hopes to attain perfect charity
- 2010.09.21: Saint Matthew: He did what he heard
- 2010.09.19: The Rite of Beatification of John Henry Newman
- 2010.09.18: Saint Juan Macias
- 2010.09.17: Saint Francis received the stigmata
- 2010.09.16: The Church does not work to be attractive...but is of service to the other...always, pope says
- 2010.09.16: Pope to Scotland --and the rest of us: pay attention to faith AND reason viz. Catholic identity
- 2010.09.16: Saint Ninian
- 2010.09.16: Benedictine sisters meet to discuss the virtue of hope
- 2010.09.16: England has lived according to Christian virtue
- 2010.09.15: Archbishop Francis Mansour Zayek, RIP
- 2010.09.15: Nashville Dominicans sisters lead in new vocations
- 2010.09.15: Our Lady of Sorrows
- 2010.09.14: Beatitudes and Beads: Rosary Meditations on Blessedness
- 2010.09.14: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- 2010.09.13: Photographer Monk: Abbot Barnabas engages in contemplation through photography
- 2010.09.13: A Reflection on Cardinal Newman's Beatification
- 2010.09.11: Is following Christ worth it?
- 2010.09.10: Communion and Liberation on "Islamophobia and Mother Teresa"
- 2010.09.10: Holy Apostles Seminary Chapel dedicated
- 2010.09.09: Profession of vows, new novices... commitment to the Lord in 2010
- 2010.09.08: Reclaiming a deeper sensitivity to the sacred Liturgy
- 2010.09.08: The fate of Eastern Christianity to be discussed in October; but what about now?
- 2010.09.08: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2010.09.07: Blessed Frédéric Ozanam
- 2010.09.06: Fr Mauro-Giuseppe Lepori --new Abbot General of the Cistercian Order, elected
- 2010.09.05: Fr Bruno Cadoré --new Master of the Order of Preachers, elected
- 2010.09.04: Blessed Catherine Racconigi
- 2010.09.03: Saint Gregory the Great
- 2010.09.02: Some pictures today
- 2010.09.02: The September Martyrs: Blessed John du Lau & companions
- 2010.09.01: Liturgical New Year for the Byzantine Church
- 2010.09.01: Cause for sainthood opened for priest in Boston: Joseph Muzquiz
- 2010.09.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for September 2010
- 2010.08.31: Connecticut's Flying Merkel about to take flight
- 2010.08.31: Britain's Bishops have no taste
- 2010.08.31: Saints Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus
- 2010.08.31: Dad's 70th birthday!
- 2010.08.31: Cistercians and Dominicans meet in General Chapter
- 2010.08.30: Blessed Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster
- 2010.08.30: Abbot Thomas Confroy, RIP
- 2010.08.30: Maciel's ghost still won't rest
- 2010.08.28: New Haven's Communion & Liberation
- 2010.08.28: Saint Augustine of Hippo
- 2010.08.27: Friends are a path to God
- 2010.08.27: Saint Monica
- 2010.08.27: Crossroads Cultural Center
- 2010.08.26: Melchizedek, the righteous King of Salem
- 2010.08.23: From whom do you take counsel?
- 2010.08.23: Saint Rose of Lima
- 2010.08.21: Saint Pius X, pope
- 2010.08.20: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
- 2010.08.19: Blessed Jordan of Pisa
- 2010.08.18: Blessed Mannes de Guzman
- 2010.08.17: Saint Hyacinth of Poland
- 2010.08.15: A closer look at the promise of the Assumption
- 2010.08.15: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2010.08.14: Mary, the hope and solace of a searching people of God
- 2010.08.14: Saint Maximillian Mary Kolbe
- 2010.08.13: Saint Maximus the Confessor
- 2010.08.12: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
- 2010.08.11: Saint Clare of Assisi
- 2010.08.10: It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the sense that the Mystery of Christ is need
- 2010.08.10: Saint Lawrence
- 2010.08.09: Holiness is a disposition of the heart
- 2010.08.09: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
- 2010.08.08: 14 Holy Helpers
- 2010.08.08: Saint Dominic de Guzman
- 2010.08.06: Arrupe's prayer for collaborating with Christ
- 2010.08.06: Blessing of Grapes
- 2010.08.06: Transfiguration of the Lord
- 2010.08.05: Christ, the life of the Church
- 2010.08.05: Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major
- 2010.08.05: 100 years of the Boy Scouts of America
- 2010.08.04: The truth of the Liturgy opens the door to salvation
- 2010.08.03: Cardinal Ortega given Knights of Columbus Gaudium et Spes award
- 2010.08.03: Knights of Columbus works with others due to faith in Christ
- 2010.08.02: Our Lady of the Angels & The Portiuncula Indulgence
- 2010.08.01: Assumption/Dormition fast
- 2010.08.01: On the 18th Sunday through the year
- 2010.08.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for August 2010
- 2010.07.31: Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- 2010.07.30: Bishop David O'Connell: God gives the grace
- 2010.07.30: Anne Rice quits Christianity
- 2010.07.30: Saint Peter Chrysologus
- 2010.07.30: Later Summer Reading 2010
- 2010.07.29: Saint Martha
- 2010.07.29: Responding to an Episcopal priest on giving communion to a dog
- 2010.07.29: Cremation & the Catholic Church
- 2010.07.28: ENDOW: a new Feminism Catholic style
- 2010.07.28: Is our love enlarged enough to trust the other?
- 2010.07.27: The priest is a fighting man
- 2010.07.27: Church of Canada priestess gives communion to a dog
- 2010.07.27: Nuns land record deal
- 2010.07.27: Father Lawrence Boadt, CSP, RIP
- 2010.07.25: Saint James the Greater (Santiago)
- 2010.07.25: Follow the companionship Christ has given
- 2010.07.25: Thomas à Kempis
- 2010.07.24: Saint Sharbel Makhlouf
- 2010.07.23: No applause at the sacred Liturgy
- 2010.07.23: Saint Bridget of Sweden
- 2010.07.22: St Emma Monastery becomes independent
- 2010.07.22: Newman Conference in Pittsburgh
- 2010.07.22: Vatican's new man at the UN
- 2010.07.22: Saint Mary Magdalene
- 2010.07.21: Father Brian W. Monnerat, RIP
- 2010.07.21: Visiting St Louis Abbey: seeing old friends
- 2010.07.20: God gives all a vocation
- 2010.07.19: The lost Caravaggio, The Martyrdom of St Lawrence, found with the Jesuits
- 2010.07.19: Looking toward a time of peace, reconciliation and social justice
- 2010.07.19: Our need for God is above all else, Benedict says
- 2010.07.16: Fr Robert Taft advocates ecumenical scholarship & theology as a new approach to restore communion among the churches of East and West
- 2010.07.16: Fr André Louf, OCSO RIP
- 2010.07.16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- 2010.07.15: Saint Bonaventure...a self-possessed saint
- 2010.07.15: The Gianna Mass for infertile couples TONIGHT in NYC
- 2010.07.15: Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela
- 2010.07.15: Saint Bonavenure
- 2010.07.14: What are you reading?
- 2010.07.14: Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
- 2010.07.13: on the other side of the Mississippi
- 2010.07.13: Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes
- 2010.07.12: Communion and Liberation Vacation 2010
- 2010.07.12: Theme for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2011 announced
- 2010.07.11: New Catholic high school named for McGivney
- 2010.07.11: Paul the octopus was correct...
- 2010.07.11: Praying the Maronite Liturgy
- 2010.07.11: Saint Benedict
- 2010.07.10: Monk Michael visits New Haven
- 2010.07.09: A day at ... La Cascinazza Monastery
- 2010.07.08: The holiness of created matter ... an appreciation of the Benedictine approach
- 2010.07.08: Relatives of saints attract attention
- 2010.07.08: Blessed Adrian Fortescue
- 2010.07.07: Possible oldest Christian art identified
- 2010.07.07: Facing our reality, a monk tells
- 2010.07.07: Pope Blessed Benedict XI
- 2010.07.06: Being in God's...according to Saint Benedict
- 2010.07.06: Saint Maria Goretti
- 2010.07.04: A Thomistic perspective in honoring the Fatherland
- 2010.07.04: Independence Day in the USA
- 2010.07.04: Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: pointing us to an authentic spiritual renewal of the world
- 2010.07.03: A prayer to Mary
- 2010.07.03: Saint Thomas, the apostle
- 2010.07.02: A "new liturgical movement" according to Pope Benedict
- 2010.07.01: Blessed Junípero Serra
- 2010.07.01: Invitation to send intentions to the Apostleship of Prayer
- 2010.07.01: American woman closer to sainthood: Casimira Maria Kaupas
- 2010.07.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for July 2010
- 2010.06.30: Real Men Pray the Rosary
- 2010.06.30: Saint Joseph Cafasso: patron for prisoners and spiritual directors
- 2010.06.30: The environment shows us God's creative activity --what ought to be our response?
- 2010.06.29: Pallium Mass 2010: a guarantee of freedom, charity and unity, the Pope reminds
- 2010.06.29: Following Christ unfolds
- 2010.06.29: Saints Peter and Paul
- 2010.06.27: Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- 2010.06.26: Hans Urs von Balthasar: 22nd anniv
- 2010.06.26: Saint Josemaría Escrivá
- 2010.06.25: DiNoia on the challenges to faith in Christ
- 2010.06.25: Fr John Brahill elected 5th abbot of Marmion Abbey
- 2010.06.25: Novena in Honor of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati begins today
- 2010.06.24: Another possible saint from NY? Bernard J. Quinn
- 2010.06.24: Fr Austin Murphy elected 10th abbot of St Procopius Abbey
- 2010.06.24: Fr Damien Toilolo elected abbot of St Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo
- 2010.06.24: Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
- 2010.06.23: Blessing of a Bonfire on the Vigil of the Nativity of St John the Baptist
- 2010.06.23: Saint Agrippina, martyr
- 2010.06.23: Pope Blessed Innocent V
- 2010.06.22: Saints Thomas More and John Fisher
- 2010.06.21: Lectio Divina will bring about a new spiritual springtime in the Church, Benedict recommends
- 2010.06.21: The 47th anniversary of election of Pope Paul VI
- 2010.06.21: Keeping the mission in front us
- 2010.06.21: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
- 2010.06.20: Happy Father's Day, Dad!
- 2010.06.19: Saint Romuald
- 2010.06.19: Live the Word of God in Challenging Time: a bible summit
- 2010.06.19: Marriage and being in the state of sin
- 2010.06.18: Abbot Hugh Anderson: new abbot president for the American Cassinese Congregation
- 2010.06.18: Collar & cleats: seminarians compete for the Clericus Cup title
- 2010.06.17: Saint Albert Chmielowski
- 2010.06.16: Monthly St Gianna Mass at St Catherine of Siena Church, New York: June 17
- 2010.06.15: Fr Damien Anthony Daprai, OSB, RIP
- 2010.06.14: No Islamic worship in former mosque, bishop says
- 2010.06.14: Flag Day
- 2010.06.13: Blessing of Lilies on the Feast of Saint Anthony of Padua
- 2010.06.13: Saint Anthony of Padua
- 2010.06.12: Pilgrimage to Chartres
- 2010.06.12: Blessed Florida Cevoli and Blessed Jolenta of Poland
- 2010.06.12: Immaculate Heart of Mary
- 2010.06.11: Who's in hell?
- 2010.06.11: The act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2010.06.10: Priesthood: "First of all, authentically human," Fr Carron suggests
- 2010.06.10: Christ abides with us forever in the Eucharist
- 2010.06.10: Basil M. Schott, OFM, Ruthenian metropolitan archbishop RIP
- 2010.06.10: Pius XII's previously unpublished letter to FDR
- 2010.06.10: Blessed John Dominic
- 2010.06.09: The Cross offers unlimited hope, Pope teaches
- 2010.06.09: Saint Ephrem the Syrian
- 2010.06.08: The Sacred Heart of Jesus: What does the Church teach?
- 2010.06.08: Blessed Diana and Blessed Cecilia
- 2010.06.07: Benedictines changing the way life is lived
- 2010.06.07: Blessed Jerzy Popiełuszko, martyr
- 2010.06.07: June is the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2010.06.06: Dominicans of the Eastern Province begin their Chapter
- 2010.06.06: Corpus Christi procession at St Mary's New Haven
- 2010.06.06: Saint Norbert of Xanten
- 2010.06.06: Corpus Christi
- 2010.06.05: 4 new priests ordained for the Diocese of Bridgeport
- 2010.06.04: Film explores the witness of Trappist martyrs of Algeria
- 2010.06.04: Catholic Apologetics Summer Camp sponsored by the Envoy Institute & Belmont Abbey College
- 2010.06.04: Saint Peter of Verona, martyr
- 2010.06.03: Fr Ragheed Aziz Ganni: 3rd anniversary of death
- 2010.06.03: Luigi Padovese murdered by Turk
- 2010.06.03: Saint Charles Lwanga & companions, Martyrs of Uganda
- 2010.06.02: Where are you?
- 2010.06.02: Saint Felix Amoroso of Nicosia
- 2010.06.01: Mother Teresa: Life, Spirituality & Mission --a New Haven lecture
- 2010.06.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions for June 2010
- 2010.05.31: The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2010.05.31: Memorial Day
- 2010.05.31: Blessed James Salomone, patron of cancer patients
- 2010.05.30: Prayer to the Trinity by Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity
- 2010.05.30: Trinity Sunday
- 2010.05.30: Saint Camilla Baptista Varani
- 2010.05.29: Scripture is the audible sacrament
- 2010.05.28: Do Catholics worship Mary?
- 2010.05.28: Blessed Mary Bartholomew Bagnesi
- 2010.05.27: Saint Augustine of Canterbury
- 2010.05.26: Saint Mary Ann of Jesus of Paredes
- 2010.05.26: Saint Philip Neri
- 2010.05.25: Praying with Saint Gianna
- 2010.05.24: Translation of Saint Dominic
- 2010.05.23: The Holy Spirit brings us into communion: beg to be touched by the Holy Spirit
- 2010.05.23: Happy Pentecost
- 2010.05.21: Blessed Columba of Rieti
- 2010.05.20: Saint Bernardine of Siena
- 2010.05.18: Gianna Healthcare Center blessed and dedicated
- 2010.05.18: Saint Felix of Cantalice
- 2010.05.17: A rabbinical ordination in NY
- 2010.05.17: Newly ordained for New York Archdiocese assigned
- 2010.05.17: Saint Paschal Baylon
- 2010.05.16: All in a day...with a new priest --Father Thomas A. Roslak
- 2010.05.16: Pontifical Oriental Institute gets new rector: James M. McCann
- 2010.05.16: St Peter is the "absolute and reliable rock," Fr Giussani told us
- 2010.05.16: Saint Margaret of Cortona
- 2010.05.15: Christ's new priests for NY and the CFRs
- 2010.05.14: Taking the Oath of Fidelity at St Joseph's Seminary
- 2010.05.14: Consecration of a Paten and a Chalice at St Joseph's Seminary, Yonkers
- 2010.05.13: Priest's Prayer of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- 2010.05.13: Special offer on L'Osservatore Romano English weekly
- 2010.05.13: My Mother Saint Gianna: an evening of conversation & prayer with a saint's son
- 2010.05.13: Ascension Thursday: What is the Church's teaching?
- 2010.05.13: Blessed Imelda Lambertini
- 2010.05.12: Empire State Building stiffs Catholic League
- 2010.05.12: May is Mary's month
- 2010.05.12: Supreme Court, Faith and Culture
- 2010.05.12: Blessed Jane of Portugal
- 2010.05.12: Saint Leopold Mandic of Herceg Novi
- 2010.05.11: Saint Vincent's Archabbot re-elected
- 2010.05.11: Vincent de Paul: Charity's Saint
- 2010.05.11: Honk if you love Jesus...
- 2010.05.11: Rocco's honorary doctorate from Aquinas Institute perplexes
- 2010.05.11: Saint Ignatius of Laconi
- 2010.05.10: Saint Damien de Veuster (of Molokai)
- 2010.05.10: Saint Antoninus of Florence
- 2010.05.10: Saint Ivo (Ives) of Brittany
- 2010.05.09: Gabriel Robert Scasino takes the Franciscan Conventual habit
- 2010.05.08: Saint Catherine of Bologna
- 2010.05.08: Prayer Dedicating the Order of Preachers to the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2010.05.08: Blessed Jeremiah Kostist of Wallachia
- 2010.05.08: The Order of Preachers under the patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2010.05.07: Sacred Heart of Jesus signals love and mercy in the cross
- 2010.05.06: New York's new priests 2010
- 2010.05.05: The Monastic Family of Bethlehem and of the Assumption of the Virgin, Livingston Manor, NY
- 2010.05.05: Gianna Center NYC and St Catherine of Church NYC to sponsor Mass, conference and reception with St Gianna Molla's son May 17
- 2010.05.05: Blessed Gregory Frackowiak, Society of the Divine Word
- 2010.05.04: National Prayer for Life
- 2010.05.04: National Prayer for Life Campaign launched
- 2010.05.03: David Gibson, a papal biographer to speak at Sacred Heart Univ May 12
- 2010.05.03: Blessing of Crosses
- 2010.05.03: Saints Philip and James; Cardinal O'Connor remembered
- 2010.05.02: Crowning of the Blessed Virgin
- 2010.05.01: Archbishop Dolan & Br Ignatius Perkins honored at St Catherine of Siena Priory (NYC) healthcare Mass
- 2010.05.01: Benedict works on Legion of Christ
- 2010.05.01: Saint Joseph the Worker
- 2010.05.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for May 2010
- 2010.04.30: Daniel Sulmasy: Franciscan Friar-Doctor-Ethicist appointed Presidential post
- 2010.04.30: Blessed Benedict of Urbino
- 2010.04.30: Paul Augustin Cardinal Mayer, RIP
- 2010.04.30: Saint Pius V
- 2010.04.30: Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt
- 2010.04.29: Church of the 'Times'
- 2010.04.29: 10th Anniv. of Death of Cardinal John O'Connor's death marked by Mass and retrospective
- 2010.04.29: Saint Catherine of Siena, virgin and Doctor of the Church
- 2010.04.28: "Why I am a Catholic?" is a good question to ask
- 2010.04.28: NT Wright to retire
- 2010.04.28: St Catherine of Siena Priory (NYC) hosts Mass and award for all healthcare professionals who bring healing and hope to the sick & dying
- 2010.04.28: Blessed Luchesio Modestini of Poggibonzi
- 2010.04.28: New liturgical texts approved by Pope today, Mass to change
- 2010.04.28: Saint Gianna Berretta Molla: wife and doctor with a passion for life
- 2010.04.27: Saint Peter Canisius
- 2010.04.27: A new Vatican office: Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization?
- 2010.04.27: Blessed Osanna of Kotor
- 2010.04.26: Anti-Catholicism, Again: a deeper look into clergy sex abuse
- 2010.04.25: World Day of Vocations 2010
- 2010.04.24: Blessed Mother Maria Elizabeth Hesselblad: 10th anniversary
- 2010.04.24: 95th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
- 2010.04.24: Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen
- 2010.04.23: Bono talks about Christ: Grace over Karma
- 2010.04.23: The sacred Liturgy shapes freedom & is the principle of our renewal
- 2010.04.23: Blessed Giles of Assisi
- 2010.04.22: Blessed Maria Gabriella Sagheddu: the Apostle for Spiritual Ecumenism
- 2010.04.21: Musician explains volcano's name
- 2010.04.21: The death of Jesuit psychoanalyst, Fr William W. Meissner
- 2010.04.21: Saint Anselm: beauty as as order
- 2010.04.21: Saint Conrad of Parzham
- 2010.04.20: Benedict's reflections on Tomáš Špidlík, priest, Jesuit, scholar, cardinal
- 2010.04.20: Don't let your words contradict your actions, St Augustine tells us
- 2010.04.20: Saint Agnes of Montepulciano
- 2010.04.20: Bishop William E. Lori observes 15 years as bishop
- 2010.04.19: The 5 year pontifical lunch: Benedict celebrates with cardinals
- 2010.04.19: Pope Benedict's 5th anniversary as Supreme Pontiff
- 2010.04.18: The Pope meets 8 victims of sexual abuse in Malta: a profound experience
- 2010.04.18: Bernardo de Hoyos beatified today
- 2010.04.17: John Paul II and the Development of a "New Feminism"
- 2010.04.17: Tomáš Cardinal Špidlík dead at 91
- 2010.04.17: Grail Psalter, Revised --gets Vatican approval
- 2010.04.17: Blessed Clara Gambacorta
- 2010.04.16: Dolan in Syria and Lebanon: the deep sacred roots of the churches, places and people in the story of our redemption
- 2010.04.16: New Connecticut Episcopal bishop misleading
- 2010.04.16: Recognizing what Pope Benedict has done for the Church ... Julián Carrón
- 2010.04.16: Pope turns 83
- 2010.04.15: After Eden
- 2010.04.15: Under the Roman Sky, Benedict says, shows Pius XII living Charity
- 2010.04.15: Catholicism from a Jewish viewpoint
- 2010.04.15: The Secular Franciscan Order: A pope's recommendation to join
- 2010.04.14: Seeking Christ's face and body, a foreign concept to many Catholics
- 2010.04.14: Knowing Christ not according to flesh alone, but in spirit
- 2010.04.14: Blessed Peter Gonsalez
- 2010.04.13: Blessed Margaret of Castello
- 2010.04.12: Vatican gives guidelines on sex abuse allegations
- 2010.04.12: Conventual Franciscans meet in Chapter, prayers please
- 2010.04.12: Yousif Habash as new bishop for Syrian Catholics elected
- 2010.04.12: Vatican Information Service's blog
- 2010.04.12: Lombardi's statement on clergy sex abuse
- 2010.04.11: Novena of Prayer for Pope Benedict
- 2010.04.11: Divine Mercy Sunday
- 2010.04.11: Praying for priests as an act of Mercy
- 2010.04.11: Low Sunday or Quasimodo Sunday or Dominica in albis depositis
- 2010.04.10: Zeal and Meekness
- 2010.04.10: The newly baptized, the new lambs: Isti sunt Agni novelli
- 2010.04.09: MedConference: Medical Care and the Person: The Heart of the Matter
- 2010.04.09: Gabriel Gibbs: founding abbot of Massachusetts abbey RIP
- 2010.04.09: Christ's resurrection changes everything
- 2010.04.08: Shrine of St Anthony in Ellicott City, MD --breaking for spring
- 2010.04.07: Christ's glorified body heals us of disbelief
- 2010.04.06: LA gets Gomez as archbishop
- 2010.04.06: Looking at Benedict through another lens --truth
- 2010.04.05: Saint Vincent Ferrrer
- 2010.04.04: Christ is Risen!
- 2010.04.03: The silence of Holy Saturday
- 2010.04.03: Blessing of Easter Food
- 2010.04.03: Jesus is the victor because He's the victim, Cantalamessa reminds us on Good Friday
- 2010.04.03: Holy Saturday: something strange is happening as we contemplate the Lord's death
- 2010.04.02: God's Friday
- 2010.04.01: Holy Thursday: a "constant examination of conscience," Pope says
- 2010.04.01: Pope Benedict's monthly prayer intention: April 2010
- 2010.03.31: Holy Week 2010 at St Catherine of Siena, New York City
- 2010.03.31: "Spy" Wednesday
- 2010.03.30: Chrism Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral
- 2010.03.30: Saint Peter Regalado
- 2010.03.29: More questions result from media persecution of Pope
- 2010.03.29: Legion of Christ: will it reform or be suppressed?
- 2010.03.29: Attacking the Pope (and the Catholic faith) annual sport -- Communion and Liberation responds
- 2010.03.28: Palm Sunday 2010
- 2010.03.27: Franciscan winemakers cheer the heart
- 2010.03.26: Who is Benedict XVI?
- 2010.03.26: Fr Luigi Squarcia who united his suffering with Christ's, meets the Lord
- 2010.03.25: Acta Sanctae Sedis, Acta Apostolicae Sedis & Acts and Documents from WWII online
- 2010.03.25: Cardinal Egan at Holy Innocents Church NYC
- 2010.03.25: Nigeria and her human misery
- 2010.03.25: Dominicans and the Liturgy: recovering patrimony
- 2010.03.25: Annunciation of the Lord
- 2010.03.24: Cardinal Egan to preach at a Solemn Mass observing the 15th anniv of Evangelium Vitae, March 25
- 2010.03.24: Óscar Arnulfo Romero y Galdámez: 30 years since his assassination
- 2010.03.24: "Noboby, Nowhere, No Time, No Way, No How..."
- 2010.03.24: Blessed Diego José of Cádiz
- 2010.03.23: 7 to be ordained for New York Archdiocese & 3 for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal in May
- 2010.03.23: Lent is not completed on our own initiative
- 2010.03.23: Saint Turibius Alfonso de Mogrovejo
- 2010.03.22: The Seal of Confession and Canadian Law
- 2010.03.22: Covering statues, images & crucifixes in Passiontide
- 2010.03.21: Paul Marx, monk & priest RIP
- 2010.03.20: Benedict to Ireland
- 2010.03.19: Newman beatification to happen at Coventry Airport
- 2010.03.19: To you, O blessed Joseph (Ad te, beate Ioseph)
- 2010.03.19: Catholic doctors oppose pending healthcare reform bill
- 2010.03.19: Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor
- 2010.03.18: Blessing of Saint Joseph's Altar
- 2010.03.18: Some nuns are against bishops in support of Obama's healthcare bill
- 2010.03.17: St Patrick's Day 2010 NYC
- 2010.03.17: Who's that with the Very Rev'd Fr Michael Martine?
- 2010.03.17: Old St Patrick's Cathedral named a basilica by Benedict XVI
- 2010.03.17: Saint Patrick
- 2010.03.16: John Henry Newman to be beatified by Benedict XVI
- 2010.03.16: Legion of Christ soon to change
- 2010.03.15: Pedro Arrupe documentary
- 2010.03.15: Simon, Called Peter: In the Company of a Man in Search of God
- 2010.03.15: From hatred to defense of Pope Pius XII, Gary Krupp tells his story
- 2010.03.15: Novena to Saint Joseph
- 2010.03.13: First ever Catholic school in Laos
- 2010.03.13: Promoter of Justice at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Msgr. Charles J. Scicluna, speaks on Pedophilia
- 2010.03.13: Prayer for Pope Benedict
- 2010.03.12: Internal Forum: the priest's confessional as a dialogue with salvation
- 2010.03.12: Blessed Angela Salawa
- 2010.03.12: A new pope: sci-fi coverage of papal leadership
- 2010.03.11: Aroused by the presence of Christ
- 2010.03.11: Mass of Blessed John XXIII at the College of the Holy Cross on March 19th
- 2010.03.10: Omnium in Mentem (in English)
- 2010.03.10: Blessed Anthony Neyrot
- 2010.03.09: Pope visit monks of Sant'Anselmo to begin Lent
- 2010.03.08: The Pope's liturgical "style"
- 2010.03.08: Vatican said to investigate alleged Medjugorje apparitions
- 2010.03.08: Saint John of God
- 2010.03.08: Cistercian Martyrs of England
- 2010.03.07: Saints Perpetua and Felicity
- 2010.03.06: the Greater Glory of God is our measure
- 2010.03.06: Seminary and Sex
- 2010.03.05: Good Friday Way of the Cross over the Brooklyn Bridge connected with closeness & prayers of Pope Benedict
- 2010.03.05: Saint John Joseph of the Cross
- 2010.03.04: Pope takes new job...things at Vatican rough
- 2010.03.03: What is fasting? What Catholics teach...
- 2010.03.03: Saint Katharine Drexel
- 2010.03.03: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx
- 2010.03.02: Archbishop Chaput speaks at Houston Baptist University
- 2010.03.02: Cardinal George's address to BYU
- 2010.03.02: Lent in the Western Syriac Tradition: Blessed are your guests, beautiful city of Cana
- 2010.03.02: Luigi Giussani, led by Christ --recalls Archbishop Prendergast for Communion & Liberation-Canada
- 2010.03.02: Blessed Agnes of Prague
- 2010.03.01: Friars of the Renewal profess vows today
- 2010.03.01: Teen suicide: how do we cope?
- 2010.03.01: What is penance?
- 2010.03.01: Pope Benedict's monthly prayer intentions: March 2010
- 2010.02.28: Dolan reviews the year with Diana Williams
- 2010.02.28: Transfiguration Sunday: Listen to Jesus!
- 2010.02.27: Is a Strong Priesthood In the World's Future? asks Massimo Camisasca
- 2010.02.27: Spiritual Ecumenism and dialogue, Pope Benedict addresses the ELCA
- 2010.02.27: Bishop Declares Humanitarian Emergency in Mosul
- 2010.02.27: Documents between 1939-45 on Pius XII papacy
- 2010.02.27: From athlete to religious life
- 2010.02.27: Saint Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother
- 2010.02.26: Archbishop Dolan notes a need for coherence in faith & public order
- 2010.02.25: Iragi Christian community & the Dominican sisters in danger: Urgent prayers needed
- 2010.02.25: Saint Walburga
- 2010.02.24: Is Lent a time of healing for you?
- 2010.02.24: Purifying our love
- 2010.02.24: The crucible of Lent: the Embertide
- 2010.02.23: Is our practice of charity leading us anywhere?
- 2010.02.22: Basilica made in Stamford, Connecticut by Pope Benedict
- 2010.02.22: Bartholomew takes on critics of dialog, establishes Orthodox concern for Church unity
- 2010.02.22: Luigi Giussani: the 5th anniversary of death
- 2010.02.22: Chair of Saint Peter
- 2010.02.21: Lent: the verification if Christ really came to save us
- 2010.02.21: Archbishop Dolan prays for Giussani, thanks Communion & Liberation, gives us the logic of Lent
- 2010.02.21: Clarifications on Summorum Pontificum
- 2010.02.20: Clericus Cup 2010: learning to work with athletes, seminarians take to the field
- 2010.02.20: Blesseds Francisco & Jacintha
- 2010.02.19: Lent lengthens our horizon, it orients us to eternal life, Pope tells us
- 2010.02.19: Richard Proulx, RIP
- 2010.02.19: Practice prayer ... it'll be the best thing you've ever done (as least lately)
- 2010.02.19: Saint Conrad of Piacenza
- 2010.02.18: Matteo Ricci on tract for sainthood?
- 2010.02.18: Blessed John of Fiesole --Fra Angelico
- 2010.02.17: Ash Wednesday 2010: Conversion goes against the current of mediocre morality
- 2010.02.17: What does conversion to Christ mean?
- 2010.02.17: How are you approaching Lent this year?
- 2010.02.16: Natural moral guarantees respect for the entire created order, including the human person, Pope tells Pontifical Academy of Life
- 2010.02.16: Sin is in opposition to God's infinite holiness
- 2010.02.16: Way of the Cross, Good Friday, 2010 --NY Communion & Liberation
- 2010.02.16: Hermitage Days
- 2010.02.16: Getting married at the Vatican
- 2010.02.16: Blessed Nicholas Paglia
- 2010.02.15: Clean Monday...getting into Great Lent
- 2010.02.15: Saint Claude la Colombiere
- 2010.02.13: Bishop Peter A. Rosazza celebrates his 75th birthday
- 2010.02.13: Blessed Jordan of Saxony
- 2010.02.12: Leading the soul to God by the method of the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises
- 2010.02.11: New Benedictine Abbey in Oklahoma
- 2010.02.11: Prayer as love, Pope Benedict reminds in speaking about Saint Anthony of Padua
- 2010.02.11: Grace happens in Haiti
- 2010.02.11: Sickness & suffering can become a school of hope, Pope says on the 18th World Day of the Sick
- 2010.02.11: Our Lady of Lourdes
- 2010.02.10: Pope Benedict to Visit Cyprus: what are the preparations?
- 2010.02.10: Challenging the well-manicured: Archbishop Chaput takes a look at our cultural engagement
- 2010.02.10: Rehabilitating our friends in Haiti: the work of CRUDEM
- 2010.02.10: Saint Scholastica
- 2010.02.09: Understanding Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- 2010.02.08: Saint Josephine Bakhita
- 2010.02.08: Paul Wattson: RIP 70 years
- 2010.02.08: Saint Giles Mary of Saint Joseph
- 2010.02.07: Saint Colette
- 2010.02.06: Archbishop Tim Dolan at 60
- 2010.02.06: Saints Peter Baptist, Paul Miki and companions --the Nagasaki Martyrs
- 2010.02.05: Lay apostolate and lay ministry...know the difference?
- 2010.02.05: What does Saint Agatha teach us today?
- 2010.02.05: Blessing of Bread on the feast of Saint Agatha
- 2010.02.05: Prayer to Saint Agatha
- 2010.02.04: Saint Joseph of Leonessa
- 2010.02.04: Family Life Conference --March 27, 2010
- 2010.02.04: Monks and MBAs mix
- 2010.02.03: Saint Dominic helps us to discover the fruit of contemplation
- 2010.02.03: Blessing of Bread, Wine, Water and Fruit for the relief of throat ailments on the Feast of Saint Blase
- 2010.02.03: Blessing of Candles on the feast of Saint Blase
- 2010.02.02: Presentation of the Lord: Adorna, Sion, Thalamum
- 2010.02.02: Blessing of Candles on Candlemas
- 2010.02.01: Pope sneaks out of the Vatican... briefly ... without telling the world!
- 2010.02.01: Pope tells bishops of England and Wales to be united in teaching the faith and being a witness to Christ
- 2010.02.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for February 2010
- 2010.01.31: Saint John Bosco
- 2010.01.30: Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams in NY this week
- 2010.01.30: Saint Hyacinth of Mariscotti
- 2010.01.29: High winds cause damage to steeple, St Mary's New Haven
- 2010.01.29: Ralph McInerny (1929-2010)
- 2010.01.29: Dwindling pastoral care for the sick
- 2010.01.29: Praying for what God wants
- 2010.01.29: Blessed Roger of Todi, companion of Saint Francis
- 2010.01.28: Anglicans coming to Rome? Why? ... Here's your answer
- 2010.01.28: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- 2010.01.27: St. Francis: Innovator with and not against the Pope
- 2010.01.27: The Franciscan Project of Life - 800 Years Young
- 2010.01.27: Saint Angela Merici
- 2010.01.26: John Paul was prepared to resign papacy, focused on his spiritual life
- 2010.01.26: We are not made of stone...Pope John Paul I reminded us
- 2010.01.26: Saints Timothy and Titus, bishops
- 2010.01.25: Father Bernardo Francisco de Hoyos: a forthcoming beatification
- 2010.01.25: Leisure is under-rated
- 2010.01.25: Saint Paul's conversion: in weakness we are thus strong
- 2010.01.25: Conversion of Saint Paul
- 2010.01.24: Succeeding a martyr as archbishop, Emil Shimoun Nona
- 2010.01.24: Man has an inexhaustible desire for the Infinite
- 2010.01.24: Exchanging a baseball cap for a biretta: becoming a priest
- 2010.01.24: Saint Francis de Sales & World Communications Sunday
- 2010.01.22: Direct Experience motivates change
- 2010.01.21: Saint Agnes
- 2010.01.20: At the second earthquake in Haiti...
- 2010.01.20: Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau
- 2010.01.20: Saint Eustochia of Messina
- 2010.01.19: Blessing of Icons, too
- 2010.01.19: Blessed Andrew of Peschiera
- 2010.01.19: The European Martyrs of the Society of Jesus
- 2010.01.18: New Cardinals in 2010???
- 2010.01.18: Saint Charles of Sezze
- 2010.01.18: Pope urges the Church to take seriously prayer for COMPLETE unity among Christians
- 2010.01.18: Saint Margaret of Hungary
- 2010.01.17: Pope Benedict's address at the Great Synagogue of the Jews of Rome
- 2010.01.17: Trying to make sense of the disaster in Haiti: where is God in this mess?
- 2010.01.16: Saint Berard and companions, Franciscan protomartyrs, Martyrs of Morocco
- 2010.01.15: Prayers for Ralph McInerny requested
- 2010.01.15: Directing Donations to help the Haitian Relief
- 2010.01.15: Blessing of the Sick through the intercession of Saint Maurus
- 2010.01.14: Blessing of Icons
- 2010.01.14: Venerable Servant of God Pierre Toussaint, pray for Haiti (and for us here)
- 2010.01.14: The Mendicant witness of Christ and the Church is urgent & irresistible
- 2010.01.14: Blessed Odoric Matiussi of Pordenone
- 2010.01.13: Making good priests...the greatest achievement
- 2010.01.13: Benedict meets an admirer, Susanna Maiolo
- 2010.01.13: Saint Hilary of Poitiers
- 2010.01.12: What a difference a Motu Proprio makes
- 2010.01.12: Our Lady of Banneux: The Blessed Virgin of the Poor
- 2010.01.12: Saint Meinrad receives grant for youth program
- 2010.01.12: Understanding Atheism
- 2010.01.12: Baptism
- 2010.01.12: Saint Bernard of Corleone
- 2010.01.12: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx
- 2010.01.11: Saint Thomas of Cori
- 2010.01.11: Pope reminds the Pontifical North American College (Rome) to remain faithful to its founding principals
- 2010.01.11: Pope speaks to the Diplomatic Corps for 2010
- 2010.01.11: Blessed Bernard Scammacca
- 2010.01.10: Raising up saints and intercessors: witnesses to Christ urgently needed
- 2010.01.10: Saint Gregory of Nyssa
- 2010.01.10: Baptism of the Lord
- 2010.01.09: Richard Neuhaus is not here...
- 2010.01.09: Saints Philip of Moscow & Herman of Kazan, Saints Theodore Solovetsky & Cornelius Pskovsky
- 2010.01.07: Blessed Angela of Foligno
- 2010.01.07: Saint Raymond of Peñafort
- 2010.01.06: Jews to stop spitting on Christians, hopefully
- 2010.01.06: Blessed André Bessette
- 2010.01.05: Saint John Neumann
- 2010.01.04: Saint Zedislava Berkiana
- 2010.01.04: The condition of our Catholicism is unity among Christians
- 2010.01.04: The work of God according to de Paul
- 2010.01.04: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
- 2010.01.03: Bishop William Lori ordains a deacon on Epiphany
- 2010.01.03: Blessing of Homes on Epiphany
- 2010.01.03: The Epiphany Proclamation 2010
- 2010.01.03: God in Man is manifest (Epiphaniam Domino)
- 2010.01.02: Saint Basil the Great & Saint Gregory Nazianzian
- 2010.01.01: 37 killed for being Christian
- 2010.01.01: Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
- 2010.01.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for January 2010
- 2009.12.31: The Christ Child is the Church's strength in the face of difficulty
- 2009.12.31: New Year: keeping Christ in our lives
- 2009.12.31: Pope Saint Sylvester I
- 2009.12.29: Father Charles Dumont, Cistercian monk, priest, poet: RIP
- 2009.12.29: Spencer Abbey & Lunch: a personal pilgrimage at Christmas
- 2009.12.29: Archbishop Job of the Orthodox Church in America: RIP at 63
- 2009.12.29: Profession of temporary vows: the Cistercian way
- 2009.12.29: Saint Thomas Becket
- 2009.12.28: Holy Innocents
- 2009.12.27: On the Holy Family by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
- 2009.12.27: What News This Bitter Night?
- 2009.12.27: Holy Family, the Octave of Christmas
- 2009.12.27: Blessing of Wine on the Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist
- 2009.12.26: Thanks is due to St Francis of Assisi for the Nativity Scene
- 2009.12.26: Saint Stephen
- 2009.12.25: Benedict's 2009 Christmas message to the world
- 2009.12.25: A Merry and Blessed Christmas 2009
- 2009.12.24: Edward Schillebeeckx, OP, RIP
- 2009.12.24: That Nostalgia for the Infinite
- 2009.12.24: Christmas Novena, Ninth Oration
- 2009.12.24: Pius and Jewish opinion
- 2009.12.24: The Christmas tree points to the Divine Mystery
- 2009.12.23: Harlem Boys Choir died
- 2009.12.23: Christmas Novena, Eighth Oration
- 2009.12.22: It all started here: What Christianity in Constantinople gave to the world
- 2009.12.22: Turkey can't be trusted
- 2009.12.22: The search for God of all people, believers and non-believers concerns us, Pope said
- 2009.12.22: Diggin' in Nazareth
- 2009.12.22: Christmas Novena, Seventh Oration
- 2009.12.22: Feast of the Patronage of Our Lady of the Order of Friars Preachers
- 2009.12.21: Bethlehem make ready...friends be alert
- 2009.12.21: Christmas Novena, Sixth Oration
- 2009.12.20: The Eucharist is the actualization of God's Kingdom today
- 2009.12.20: 2 beating hearts, hidden but present in Mystery
- 2009.12.20: Christmas Novena, Fifth Oration
- 2009.12.19: Dominican & Franciscan vocation videos
- 2009.12.19: Christmas Novena, Fourth Oration
- 2009.12.19: Pope says John Paul lived a life of heroic virtue & makes others saints
- 2009.12.18: Archbishop of Canterbury to deliver annual Schmemann Lecture at St. Vladimir's Seminary
- 2009.12.18: Christmas Novena, Third Oration
- 2009.12.17: Christmas Novena, Second Oration
- 2009.12.16: The Greater Antiphons (aka 'O Antiphons') of Advent
- 2009.12.16: THE most significant Advent antiphon
- 2009.12.16: Christmas Novena, First Oration
- 2009.12.16: Blessed Sebastian Maggi
- 2009.12.15: Motu Proprio: Variations to the Code of Canon Law, canons canons 1008, 1009, 1086, 1117 & 1124 --Omnium in mentem
- 2009.12.14: Rose Hawthorne: Novena Prayer for the Canonization
- 2009.12.14: Saint John of the Cross
- 2009.12.13: Remembering Avery Dulles before God
- 2009.12.13: How do you define faith?
- 2009.12.13: Prayers for Tina Lillig, RIP, 1945-2009
- 2009.12.13: Saint Lucy
- 2009.12.12: Avery Dulles: 1st anniv of death
- 2009.12.12: Our Lady of Guadalupe
- 2009.12.11: God Today: With Him or Without Him Everything Changes
- 2009.12.11: Civilization of Love launched in Italian
- 2009.12.10: Fernando Rielo, founder of the Idente Missionaries remembered at Mass
- 2009.12.10: Christmas poster 2009
- 2009.12.10: Advent: a recognition of the point of the Birth of Christ
- 2009.12.09: Saint Juan Diego
- 2009.12.08: Grace at work in Mary Immaculate
- 2009.12.08: Paying down debt to follow Christ
- 2009.12.08: Immaculate Conception of Mary
- 2009.12.07: Weinandy - Tilley: disputes between theologians or the Tradition?
- 2009.12.07: Benedictine named bishop in Chur, Switzerland: Abbot Dr. Marian Eleganti
- 2009.12.07: Saint Ambrose
- 2009.12.06: Dolan calls for a truce: don't mall each other at Christmas
- 2009.12.06: Saint Nicholas, bishop
- 2009.12.05: Blessed Mary Frances Schervier
- 2009.12.04: Liturgy is both an end and source of strength
- 2009.12.04: Saint John of Damascus
- 2009.12.03: The Church and aliens, ETs, that is
- 2009.12.03: 9 Lessons & Carols: St. Catherine of Siena Church NYC on December 12
- 2009.12.03: Saint Francis Xavier
- 2009.12.03: First Thursday Plenary Indulgence for Lay Faithful for Year for Priests
- 2009.12.02: Connecticut Bike Project
- 2009.12.02: Francis Joseph Cardinal Spellman: 42nd anniv. of death
- 2009.12.02: Blessed Mary Angela Astorch
- 2009.12.01: Vatican Council to Make Media Yellow Pages
- 2009.12.01: New Jesuit Review
- 2009.12.01: Prayer for Those Who Suffer with HIV, AIDS
- 2009.12.01: Islam stagnant & the West has alzheimer's
- 2009.12.01: Saints Edmund Campion, Robert Southwell & companions
- 2009.12.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for December 2009
- 2009.12.01: Blessed John of Vericelli
- 2009.11.30: God gives us a role in what happens in life
- 2009.11.30: Saint Andrew, Apostle
- 2009.11.29: Pope calls for prayers and care for those living with HIV/AIDS
- 2009.11.28: Appeal to Pope Benedict
- 2009.11.28: Advent 2009: Come Lord, Jesus, "my eyes are toward, You Lord, leave me not defenseless"
- 2009.11.28: Month of All Souls comes to an end
- 2009.11.28: Christ becoming man answers the desire for the infinite
- 2009.11.28: Saint James of the Marsh
- 2009.11.27: Beauty befits our destiny: Pope Benedict reflects the absolute need for beauty in our lives
- 2009.11.27: Blessed Francis Anthony Fasani
- 2009.11.26: Saint John Berchmans
- 2009.11.26: Saint Leonard of Port Maurice
- 2009.11.25: Keeping the Liturgy from lapsing into parody
- 2009.11.24: Sharing the patrimony of good preaching: what the Protestants bring to Catholics
- 2009.11.24: Blessed Margaret of Savoy
- 2009.11.24: Saint Andrew Dung Lac and companions
- 2009.11.23: Saint Clement of Rome, pope
- 2009.11.23: McGivney, the musical
- 2009.11.23: Blessed Michael Augustine Pro Juarez
- 2009.11.22: Christ the King, Solemnity
- 2009.11.22: CS Lewis: gone 46 years
- 2009.11.21: A priest's obedience = remaining in truth, says Archbishop Piacenza
- 2009.11.21: Blessed Frances Siedliska (Mary of Jesus the Good Shepherd)
- 2009.11.20: Flannery O'Connor: the only great Christian writer in the US
- 2009.11.20: The Black Nobility and the Pope
- 2009.11.20: Not Squandering illness: Terminally ill priest meets with Pope, offers sufferings for the Church
- 2009.11.19: Saint Agnes of Assisi
- 2009.11.19: Parents celebrate 43 years of Marriage
- 2009.11.19: Blessed James Benefatti
- 2009.11.19: Saint Mechtild (of Magdeburg)
- 2009.11.18: Blessed Salome of Krakow and Blessed Cunegunda of Poland
- 2009.11.18: Deaf Catholics: finding room for the deaf in the Church
- 2009.11.18: Mom's big birthday!
- 2009.11.18: Saint Rose Philippine Duschesne
- 2009.11.17: Bishops approve translations of last five sections of Roman Missal
- 2009.11.17: Saint Paul and the market place: giving testimony to Christ building unity
- 2009.11.17: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
- 2009.11.17: Cardinal Walter Kasper speaks on Anglicanorum Coetibus
- 2009.11.16: Rule of Saint Benedict
- 2009.11.16: Saint Gertrude the Great
- 2009.11.15: Saint Albert the Great
- 2009.11.14: Saint Nicholas Tavelic and companions
- 2009.11.14: Blessed John Liccio
- 2009.11.13: Vatican to comment on Medjugorje claims
- 2009.11.13: Kim Geiger of the LA Times manipulates readership
- 2009.11.13: Gianna --The Catholic Healthcare Center for Women
- 2009.11.13: All Saints of the Benedictine Order
- 2009.11.13: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini: the 1st American citizen canonized a saint
- 2009.11.12: Moscow & Rome to meet soon?
- 2009.11.12: Youth leaders to hinder the Church
- 2009.11.12: Saint Theodore of Studis
- 2009.11.11: Fr Benedict Groeschel celebrates 50 years of priesthood
- 2009.11.11: Keeping the centrality of Christ
- 2009.11.11: NFP (Natural Family Planning): formation for a fertile life
- 2009.11.11: How do you worship?
- 2009.11.11: Veterans Day Remembrance
- 2009.11.11: Saint Martin of Tours
- 2009.11.10: Saint Leo the Great
- 2009.11.09: Our Brothers, the Jews: A lost manuscript, a continued call for solidarity
- 2009.11.09: A house divided: the Church in France at odds...with herself
- 2009.11.09: 20 years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall
- 2009.11.09: Archbishop Dolan's "Not Fit To Print" NYTimes Editorial
- 2009.11.09: Anglicanorum Coetibus: the Apostolic Constitution as a new avenue for Full Communion of the Anglicans with Rome
- 2009.11.09: Dedication of the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran
- 2009.11.08: Dolan's Catholic Crusade
- 2009.11.08: The essence and undivided nature of charity by John Duns Scotus
- 2009.11.08: Coping with a Suicide: 2 events bring to mind the need for love
- 2009.11.08: Blessed John Duns Scotus
- 2009.11.07: The JOY of Christ as a Poor Clare nun
- 2009.11.07: Mary sustains our hearts
- 2009.11.07: Blessing of Water in Honor of Saint Willibrord
- 2009.11.07: Saint Didacus (Diego) of Alcalá
- 2009.11.06: Meeting Fr Z in NYC
- 2009.11.06: Being deeply transformed by the Word of God: more on Lectio Divina
- 2009.11.06: Jesus alone
- 2009.11.06: Blessed Ignatius Delgado, Francis de Capillas & Alphonsus Navarrete, & companions
- 2009.11.05: 2 bishops reviewed: Cardinal O'Malley & Archbishop Burke get the once-over in Time Magazine
- 2009.11.05: Blessed Simon Ballachi
- 2009.11.04: Honoring the dead, the companionship of saints--the Catholic way
- 2009.11.04: O loving and sustaining Lord: in honor of Saint Charles Borromeo
- 2009.11.04: The Sacred Heart Tee Shirt at Old Navy
- 2009.11.04: Saint Charles Borromeo
- 2009.11.03: Prayer to Saint Vincent de Paul
- 2009.11.03: Thinking about the natural in the face of the supernatural
- 2009.11.03: Blessed Rupert Mayer
- 2009.11.03: Saint Martin de Porres
- 2009.11.02: No such thing as a dead saint
- 2009.11.02: All Souls Indulgence
- 2009.11.02: Catholic Prayer: experiencing a deeper and authentic prayer life in the Blessed Trinity
- 2009.11.02: All Souls
- 2009.11.01: All Saints, solemnity
- 2009.11.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for November 2009
- 2009.10.31: 100 years of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome
- 2009.10.31: Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez
- 2009.10.31: Vatican Press Office clarifies some issues on Anglican entrance into full communion
- 2009.10.31: Blessed Angelo of Acri
- 2009.10.30: New York Encounter 2010
- 2009.10.30: Blessed Dominic Collins and companions
- 2009.10.30: Spiritual Maternity in Saint Catherine of Siena
- 2009.10.30: Blessed Benvenuta Bojani
- 2009.10.29: Blessed Brother André moves closer to sainthood
- 2009.10.28: Msgr. Stetson speaks about the Personal Ordinariate
- 2009.10.28: Unity among ourselves only lasts because of the Eucharist
- 2009.10.28: Saints Simon & Jude (Thaddeus)
- 2009.10.26: Blessed Bonaventure of Potenza
- 2009.10.23: Saint John of Capistrano
- 2009.10.22: Saint Peter of Alcantara
- 2009.10.22: Leaning on the Master
- 2009.10.21: Thoughts on the Holy See's offer to the Anglicans to come to Rome
- 2009.10.21: Saint Rose Catholic Forum
- 2009.10.21: Weak but love by You, O God
- 2009.10.21: Blessed Josephine Leroux
- 2009.10.21: Ecumenical Patriarch visits USA
- 2009.10.20: Blessed Contardo Ferrini
- 2009.10.20: Pope gives Anglicans a path to union with the Catholic Church
- 2009.10.20: Blessed James of Strepar
- 2009.10.19: North American Martyrs
- 2009.10.18: Music is an epiphany of beauty in man & woman
- 2009.10.17: Prayer is our nature
- 2009.10.17: Celibacy in the Early Church: a lecture by Fr Joseph Leinhard at St Joseph's Seminary
- 2009.10.17: Father John Oetgen, OSB, RIP
- 2009.10.17: Saint Ignatius of Antioch
- 2009.10.16: Andrea Pozzo: recognized 300 years later at Study Congress at the Gregorian Univ.
- 2009.10.16: Al Smith dinner at 64
- 2009.10.16: 31 years since John Paul II's election
- 2009.10.16: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
- 2009.10.15: Friars of the Renewal keep tradition of wine making
- 2009.10.15: Saint Teresa of Jesus (Avila)
- 2009.10.14: How tall are your doctrinal walls?
- 2009.10.14: Saint John Ogilvie
- 2009.10.12: Saint Seraphin of Montegranaro
- 2009.10.12: Catholic education: where is it going and why?
- 2009.10.12: Saint Wilfrid
- 2009.10.11: Blessed Pope John XXIII
- 2009.10.11: St John's Church Stamford CT named minor basilica
- 2009.10.10: Saint Daniel and companions
- 2009.10.10: Wayne Hellman & the Pope
- 2009.10.09: Pope Pius XII, Servant of God: died 51 years ago today
- 2009.10.09: Saint Denis and Companions
- 2009.10.09: Medjugorje still garners attention
- 2009.10.09: Nobel committee members are crazy
- 2009.10.07: Priesthood: a snapshot into the vocation
- 2009.10.07: Our Lady of the Rosary
- 2009.10.06: The saint who disturbed the 19th century: John Mary Vianney
- 2009.10.06: Cardinal Terrence Cooke: 26th anniv. of death
- 2009.10.06: Saint Bruno
- 2009.10.06: Saint Mary Frances of the Five Wounds
- 2009.10.05: Speculation of East-West Reunion is too premature
- 2009.10.04: Hymn to Saint Francis of Assisi, friar, deacon, founder
- 2009.10.04: Sonnet for Assisi
- 2009.10.04: Saint Francis of Assisi
- 2009.10.03: Working out the plan for the renewal of the priesthood
- 2009.10.03: Blessed Columba Marmion
- 2009.10.02: The Difference God Makes: A Catholic Vision of Faith, Communion and Culture
- 2009.10.02: Guardian Angels
- 2009.10.01: Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
- 2009.10.01: Pope Benedict XVI's monthly prayer intentions for October 2009
- 2009.09.30: Catholics and Orthodox unite? Solidarity possible?
- 2009.09.30: Purgatory: Understanding the Catholic doctrine
- 2009.09.30: Reverence that consumes our total being
- 2009.09.30: To everything that gives life and love the Church says Yes!
- 2009.09.30: Saint Jerome
- 2009.09.29: Communion & Liberation received a letter from John Paul II 25 years ago
- 2009.09.29: Saints Michael, Gabriel & Raphael, archangels
- 2009.09.28: Wonder & Knowledge: where do they meet with science
- 2009.09.27: To live without reservation: what Francis may be pointing to
- 2009.09.27: Saint Vincent de Paul
- 2009.09.27: Sacred Heart University's new chapel is a sanctuary for the pilgrim people of God
- 2009.09.27: The response to God's word is telling
- 2009.09.26: Saint Elzéar and Blessed Delphina
- 2009.09.25: Seeing the Invisible will allow you to do the impossible
- 2009.09.24: McGivney's cause for beatification takes another step
- 2009.09.23: What is a priest's identity?
- 2009.09.23: Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
- 2009.09.23: Finding the Body of Saint Clare
- 2009.09.21: The hard work of being a person of peace
- 2009.09.21: Saint Matthew, the evangelist
- 2009.09.20: Confronting what is being proposed: a viewpoint on real education
- 2009.09.20: Rooted in Jesus Christ (RiJC): an Adult Faith Formation Community
- 2009.09.20: Saint Gaetano Catanoso --a saint for the Year of the Priest
- 2009.09.19: Fires of Faith: Catholic England under Mary Tudor: Eamon Duffy strikes again
- 2009.09.19: Saint Francis Mary of Camporosso
- 2009.09.18: Holy Land facing hurdles too high to jump over?
- 2009.09.18: Saint Joseph of Cupertino
- 2009.09.17: CFR Sudan Mission
- 2009.09.17: Stigmata of our Holy Father Francis
- 2009.09.17: Science, philosophy: does wonder have a place?
- 2009.09.17: Saint Robert Bellarmine
- 2009.09.16: Ember Days at the start of Autumn
- 2009.09.16: Saints Cornelius and Cyprian
- 2009.09.15: 5 Blue Ribbon Schools in the Bridgeport Diocese
- 2009.09.15: The BVM's 7 sorrows
- 2009.09.15: Our Lady of Sorrows
- 2009.09.14: What am I doing for Christ right now?
- 2009.09.14: The cross is no failure
- 2009.09.14: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
- 2009.09.13: St Stanislaus Church (New Haven, CT) receives St. Gregory Society
- 2009.09.13: Saint John Chrysostom
- 2009.09.12: Holy Name of Mary
- 2009.09.11: September 11: in prayerful remembrance 8 years later
- 2009.09.09: Saint Peter Claver
- 2009.09.08: Good question: What Happened at Medjugorje?
- 2009.09.08: Saint Anselm's prayer for the Birth of Our Lady
- 2009.09.08: Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2009.09.05: 7 New Deacons of the Archdiocese of New York
- 2009.09.05: Ted Kennedy: mercy or damnation? What do real Christians think?
- 2009.09.05: Blessed Mother Teresa: 12th anniversary of death
- 2009.09.04: 7 to be ordained to the Order of Deacon for Archdiocese of New York
- 2009.09.04: Build Together the City of God, Pope says to Catholic & Orthodox
- 2009.09.04: Blessed Sisters of Nowogródek: Blessed Stella & companions
- 2009.09.04: Nuns become Catholic
- 2009.09.03: Our vision baited to behold God's beauty
- 2009.09.03: Saint Gregory the Great
- 2009.09.02: Pope calls for meeting with contemporary artists
- 2009.09.02: Fan the Fire 2009
- 2009.09.02: Carl Anderson addressed the Rimini Meeting '09
- 2009.09.02: Dolan's 4 step recipe for priestly vocations
- 2009.09.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions, September 2009
- 2009.08.31: New Haven natives preparing for priesthood
- 2009.08.31: Happy 69th birthday, Dad
- 2009.08.30: Blessed Jeanne Jugan
- 2009.08.30: Saints Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line and Margaret Ward
- 2009.08.29: Beheading of Saint John the Baptist
- 2009.08.28: Avery Dulles' NEW book due: Evangelization for the Third Millennium
- 2009.08.28: Covenant with the Jewish people to be clarified in Adult Catechism
- 2009.08.28: Saint Augustine of Hippo
- 2009.08.27: Saint Monica
- 2009.08.26: Our Lady of Czestochowa, a morning prayer
- 2009.08.26: New vocation video: Ordination 2009
- 2009.08.25: Friends for Lunch: Fr Vincent, fscb visits Connecticut
- 2009.08.24: Medjugorje & 2 popes
- 2009.08.24: Saint Bartholomew
- 2009.08.23: Rimini Meeting 2009: follow it NOW
- 2009.08.23: Franciscans cultivate possibilities for change for addicts
- 2009.08.22: The Pastoral Companion 4th edition, revised & updated
- 2009.08.22: Newtown, CT Knights dedicated new space: Moritz Hall
- 2009.08.22: Queenship of Mary
- 2009.08.21: American "nun" controversy?
- 2009.08.21: New website for the Roman Missal
- 2009.08.21: Saint Pius X, pope
- 2009.08.21: Deacons spend their lives for the Gospel as priests & bishops: intellectually, theologically & pastorally
- 2009.08.20: Saint John Eudes: a guide for ecclesial renewal who said give self to Christ
- 2009.08.20: Avery Dulles' treasures archived
- 2009.08.20: The newest basilica decreed in Florida
- 2009.08.20: Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
- 2009.08.19: A vocation means growth in love
- 2009.08.19: Saint John Paul? Some say no
- 2009.08.19: Edwin O'Brien?
- 2009.08.19: Saint John Eudes
- 2009.08.17: Visiting Bethlehem: the Abbey of Regina Laudis
- 2009.08.16: Meeting an icon: Archbishop Peter Leo Gerety
- 2009.08.16: Catholic Underground NYC is coming soon: Sept 5th
- 2009.08.16: Saint Roch (Roque, Rocco)
- 2009.08.15: Mary leads us on the path to Christ
- 2009.08.15: Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2009.08.14: Venerable Servant of God Michael J. McGivney
- 2009.08.14: Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe
- 2009.08.13: Herbs Blessing, Byzantine style
- 2009.08.12: Herbs Blessing on the Assumption Solemnity, August 15
- 2009.08.12: Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
- 2009.08.11: Saint Philomena
- 2009.08.11: Hymn to Saint Clare of Assisi
- 2009.08.11: The reason for prayer
- 2009.08.11: Saint Clare of Assisi
- 2009.08.10: Caritas in Veritate: What Does It Say to America?
- 2009.08.10: Boston's Blessed Sacrament Adoration gets more attention, but what about in Connecticut?
- 2009.08.10: The Madeleine turns 100
- 2009.08.10: Saint Lawrence
- 2009.08.09: Knowing & praying God's name is blessed in us
- 2009.08.09: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)
- 2009.08.08: Saint Dominic de Guzman
- 2009.08.07: Broadening our concept of reason & its application is indispensable, Pope said
- 2009.08.07: Subsidiarity lacks with the President
- 2009.08.06: 2010 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: You are witness of these things
- 2009.08.06: Transfiguration of the Lord
- 2009.08.05: Holiness is to live as lovers of the Lord
- 2009.08.04: Saint John-Baptist-Mary Vianney hymn
- 2009.08.04: Saint John-Baptist-Mary Vianney
- 2009.08.03: Benedictine missionary reflects
- 2009.08.03: Eucharistic adoration returns to Boston
- 2009.08.03: Benedict XVI is a green pope
- 2009.08.02: Sean Patrick O'Malley: 25 years a bishop
- 2009.08.02: Muslims burn 6 Christians to death in Pakistan
- 2009.08.02: Our Lady of the Angels of the Portiuncula
- 2009.08.02: Saint Peter Julian Eymard
- 2009.08.01: The Holy Maccabees
- 2009.08.01: Saint Alphonsus Liguori
- 2009.08.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions, August 2009
- 2009.07.31: What do ducks do all day?
- 2009.07.31: Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- 2009.07.30: How Communion and Liberation moved me: Fr Meinrad Miller reflects
- 2009.07.30: Thursday: a fitting day for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
- 2009.07.30: Saint Peter Chrysologus
- 2009.07.30: Spiritual Motherhood for Priests takes off
- 2009.07.29: Rimini Meeting 2009 get the diplomats thumbs up
- 2009.07.29: Synod of Bishops on the Word of God was truly ecumenical
- 2009.07.29: Breast cancer & abortion link
- 2009.07.29: Saints Martha, Mary & Lazarus
- 2009.07.28: Johann Sebastian Bach: 259th anniv of death
- 2009.07.28: Faith roots the relationship with God
- 2009.07.27: Love for Christ reawakened thru Luigi Giussani, Benedict XVI recalls
- 2009.07.27: Medjugorje apparitions of Mary a hoax???
- 2009.07.27: Capuchins reflect on their work in the Amazon
- 2009.07.27: Business and Ignatian Spirituality
- 2009.07.27: Benedict reminds us to honor grandparents, & the elderly
- 2009.07.26: Saints Joachim and Anne, Parents of Mary
- 2009.07.26: Reclaiming the right focus with 5 loaves & 2 fish: being fed by the hand of God
- 2009.07.25: Saint James the Greater, Apostle
- 2009.07.24: Prayers for those who really need them
- 2009.07.24: Saint Sharbel Makhlouf
- 2009.07.23: Recipe for a thriving religious order
- 2009.07.23: A second look at the bishops' work on the Bible with Nikola Eterovic
- 2009.07.23: Saint Bridget of Sweden
- 2009.07.22: Each priest is intimately connected to St Paul, cardinal says
- 2009.07.22: Saint Mary Magdalene: Disciple of the Lord
- 2009.07.21: Seeing Jesus next to you
- 2009.07.21: Jesuits suppressed: the 236th anniv
- 2009.07.21: Ave Maria University fires Fr. Fessio, again!
- 2009.07.21: The Bible is for Catholics
- 2009.07.21: Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
- 2009.07.20: Ecology: A Doorway to the Mystery
- 2009.07.20: Priesthood is enlightened by reason & freedom, Archbishop Piacenza said
- 2009.07.20: Saint Elijah (Elias) the Prophet
- 2009.07.19: New Haven native priest moonlights as clothing designer
- 2009.07.18: Saint Anselm on the Honor of God
- 2009.07.18: Saint Camillus de Lellis
- 2009.07.16: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- 2009.07.15: Saint Bonaventure
- 2009.07.14: St Stanislaus Church (New Haven, CT) to host the St Gregory Society
- 2009.07.14: Giving Caritatis in Veritate a first look
- 2009.07.14: Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
- 2009.07.13: Hermits in the 21st century?
- 2009.07.13: Legion of Christ: pray for guidance
- 2009.07.13: Saint Henry: emperor, husband and Benedictine Oblate
- 2009.07.11: J. Augustine DiNoia ordained bishop
- 2009.07.11: Saint Benedict (and his 12 degrees of humility)
- 2009.07.10: Will there be a common date for Easter? Ever?
- 2009.07.09: Our Lady of the Atonement
- 2009.07.09: Saint Augustine Zhao Rong & companions
- 2009.07.08: CV in the Pope's words
- 2009.07.07: In praise of Defending Truth: Garrigou-Lagrange
- 2009.07.07: Patriarchs meet: Moscow visits Constantinople
- 2009.07.07: Caritas in Veritate
- 2009.07.07: Translation of the Relics of Saint Thomas Becket
- 2009.07.06: The Daily Examen
- 2009.07.06: Saint Maria Goretti
- 2009.07.04: Happy 4th of July
- 2009.07.04: Lorenzo Albacete recounts meeting Luigi Giussani
- 2009.07.03: Former papal theologian considers Obama's optimism possible
- 2009.07.03: Moscow Patriarch said women are the stronger sex
- 2009.07.03: Blessed John Henry Newman
- 2009.07.03: Saint Thomas
- 2009.07.02: A modern day Martin Luther?
- 2009.07.02: How to do lectio divina
- 2009.07.02: Saint Anselm on the Divine Will
- 2009.07.02: Progress in John Paul's beatification process
- 2009.07.01: John Paul II speaking of Communion and Liberation
- 2009.07.01: Vatican Observatory Moves
- 2009.07.01: Blessed Junipero Serra
- 2009.07.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions, July 2009
- 2009.06.30: Ecumenical work requires respect & love
- 2009.06.30: First Holy Martyrs of the Roman Church
- 2009.06.29: Archbishop Dolan takes Rome by storm
- 2009.06.29: Closing the Year of Saint Paul, New Haven, CT ... TONIGHT
- 2009.06.29: Saint Paul's bones confirmed
- 2009.06.29: Pope signed off on the Charity in Truth
- 2009.06.29: Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul
- 2009.06.28: Saint Irenaeus of Lyons
- 2009.06.27: Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- 2009.06.27: Saint Cyril of Alexandria
- 2009.06.26: ACLU sides with Bridgeport Diocese
- 2009.06.26: June is the month of the Sacred of Heart of Jesus
- 2009.06.26: ADL wants to revise Catholic theology
- 2009.06.26: Hans Urs von Balthasar: 21 anniv of death
- 2009.06.26: Saint Josemaría Escrivá
- 2009.06.26: Ark of the Covenant to revealed
- 2009.06.25: Year of the Priest internet links
- 2009.06.24: Caritas in Veritate (Love in Truth): the Pope's next encyclical
- 2009.06.24: St Dominic's Monastery: 1st anniv in Linden, VA
- 2009.06.24: Nativity of Saint John the Baptist
- 2009.06.23: Father Henry Tim Vakoc, US Army Major, RIP
- 2009.06.23: Remembered in Rome by Archbishop Dolan
- 2009.06.22: Praying & Tweeting for priestly vocations
- 2009.06.22: Eucharistic identity: Christ present
- 2009.06.22: Keep your relationship with God alive, even on vacation, pope said
- 2009.06.22: Saints John Fisher and Thomas More
- 2009.06.21: Father's Day 2009
- 2009.06.21: Seized by Christ, Saint Padre Pio leads the way for renewal, Pope said
- 2009.06.21: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
- 2009.06.20: Cardinal Newman miracle approved by cardinals
- 2009.06.20: Mass as joy and comfort...Christ's Presence is what we need to be mindful of
- 2009.06.20: Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- 2009.06.19: Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2009.06.19: Follow the pattern Christ set before us: see in the Heart of Jesus an inexhaustible mercy
- 2009.06.19: Saint Romuald
- 2009.06.19: Saint John Mary Vianney in print & stage
- 2009.06.19: Act of Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2009.06.18: St. Mary's Abbey priest-monks celebrate anniversaries
- 2009.06.18: Pope Benedict XVI's letter to priests inaugurating the Year of the Priest
- 2009.06.18: The Eucharistic sacrifice unites us with heaven
- 2009.06.17: The faith needs to be intelligible, Pope says
- 2009.06.16: J. Augustine DiNoia, Dominican & Archbishop
- 2009.06.15: Charity is the most important gift
- 2009.06.15: With deifying light let us hear the divine voice
- 2009.06.15: Joy is the sign of God
- 2009.06.14: Cyril Vasil ordained bishop
- 2009.06.14: Lauda Sion
- 2009.06.14: I devoutly adore the Presence of Christ
- 2009.06.13: Saint Anthony of Padua
- 2009.06.12: Saint Alice of Schaerbeek
- 2009.06.12: Humanity bears the profound mark of the Trinity
- 2009.06.12: Connecticut Catholics might be...
- 2009.06.12: Where are all the priests?
- 2009.06.12: Prayer to Saint Paul
- 2009.06.11: "Being" determines "acting": allowing the Good Shepherd to lead us to the Father
- 2009.06.11: Saint Barnabas
- 2009.06.10: Visiting the Sick and Homebound: a Catholic handbook
- 2009.06.10: Spiritual Exercises 2009 available
- 2009.06.10: Wisdom and knowledge unfold in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2009.06.09: World Youth Alliance: video documentation on the work for human dignity
- 2009.06.09: Suicide and Catholic help: Being aware of the signs in order to help
- 2009.06.09: My Lord and my God...
- 2009.06.09: Saint Ephrem
- 2009.06.08: Trinitarian love alone makes us happy
- 2009.06.08: Gerard Manley Hopkins: 120th anniversary of death
- 2009.06.08: Old Saint Patrick's Cathedral to become a basilica?
- 2009.06.07: Solemnity of the Blessed Trinity
- 2009.06.06: Saint Norbert of Xanten
- 2009.06.05: Saint Boniface
- 2009.06.04: Franciscans re-elect Friar Jose Rodriguez Carballo as 119th successor to Saint Francis
- 2009.06.04: The Franciscan Life...a lived reality of the heart & Will of God
- 2009.06.04: The First Principle and Foundation: a fundamental spiritual teaching of Loyola
- 2009.06.04: Pope speaks with the young
- 2009.06.04: Julius J. Zalonski: RIP on the 22nd
- 2009.06.03: Avery Cardinal Dulles finally laid to rest
- 2009.06.03: Newman's biographer resists the revisionists
- 2009.06.03: Father Ragheed Ganni: a martyr's 2nd anniversary of death
- 2009.06.03: 46th Anniversary of Blessed Pope John XXIII's death
- 2009.06.03: Becoming like Christ
- 2009.06.03: Saint Charles Lwanga & companions
- 2009.06.02: The Concerns of Catholics and the US President: An Evaluation
- 2009.06.01: God unites & sustains society
- 2009.06.01: NO such thing as second class grace
- 2009.06.01: Antonella Cappuccio: Contemporary Italian Paintings
- 2009.06.01: Saint Justin martyr
- 2009.06.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions, June 2009
- 2009.05.31: Living in the Spirit with the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2009.05.31: The Special work of the Holy Spirit
- 2009.05.31: Pantheon Rose
- 2009.05.31: Come, Holy Ghost
- 2009.05.30: Power of freedom
- 2009.05.30: Priest: be ministerially faithful & live a life of prayer
- 2009.05.29: Connecticut State Ethics Office charges Diocese of Bridgeport violated law
- 2009.05.29: Helen Kawa Zalonski, the 6th anniversary of death
- 2009.05.29: Daily Rule of Prayer: Mass, adoration, lectio divina...
- 2009.05.28: The mind of Christ is not myopic: the event of Pentecost broadens us
- 2009.05.28: Pope & the Thatcher
- 2009.05.28: The Suscipe
- 2009.05.27: International Priests' Retreat: Ars 2009
- 2009.05.27: Praying with the Mysteries of the Holy Spirit
- 2009.05.27: Saint Augustine of Canterbury
- 2009.05.26: Saint Philip Neri
- 2009.05.25: A Memorial Day introDUCKion
- 2009.05.25: Christ is the answer, Pope reminds the Benedictines and all peoples
- 2009.05.25: Building a new humanity in Christ, Pope says during a Mass at Monte Cassino
- 2009.05.25: Prayer for Memorial Day 2009
- 2009.05.25: Saint Bede the Venerable
- 2009.05.25: How Obama became Christian
- 2009.05.24: Pope Benedict: follow the witness of Saint Benedict
- 2009.05.24: Mary, Help of Christians
- 2009.05.24: Pope Benedict XVI visits Monte Cassino
- 2009.05.23: Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth (CSFN) celebrate jubilees in the vowed life
- 2009.05.23: Anselm's view of sin
- 2009.05.22: Novena to the Holy Spirit
- 2009.05.22: Rummaging for God: Praying Backwards through Your Day: a look at the Examination of Conscience
- 2009.05.22: Newt Gingrich on his conversion: an interview
- 2009.05.22: Saint Rita of Cascia
- 2009.05.21: Blessed Franz Jägerstätter
- 2009.05.21: Sister Mary Irmina Blatt at 102
- 2009.05.21: Fordham favors secular respectability instead of the Gospel
- 2009.05.21: Father Paul Cioffi, 5th anniv. of death today
- 2009.05.21: Saint Augustine on the Ascension of the Lord
- 2009.05.20: VIVIAMO! Summer Camp: "The Drama of Love"
- 2009.05.20: Saint Bernardine of Siena
- 2009.05.20: Vatican becomes better tech friendly
- 2009.05.20: Damian Thompson acknowledges that slop is all we seem to get when it comes to liturgical music
- 2009.05.20: What does the Church say about the liturgical memorial of Blessed Virgin Mary?
- 2009.05.19: Cashing-in the work of the Church
- 2009.05.19: Consider living according to the virtues of Mary, Mother of God
- 2009.05.18: Matteo Ricci: 4th centenary of death
- 2009.05.18: Growing Christ requires openness to all reality
- 2009.05.18: Pope asks priests to focus on Christ in prayer in order to serve
- 2009.05.18: What does it mean to be a teacher?
- 2009.05.17: What Christ won
- 2009.05.16: Trusting God enough to abandon the self to Him at all costs
- 2009.05.15: Saint Isidore
- 2009.05.14: John Henry Newman's cure explained by deacon
- 2009.05.14: Apart from God is nothingness
- 2009.05.14: 9 stages of the spiritual life according to Jean-Baptiste Chautard
- 2009.05.14: Saint Matthias
- 2009.05.13: Our Lady of Fatima
- 2009.05.13: The posture by which we enter into the work of Ecumenism
- 2009.05.12: Indulgence given for the Year of the Priest
- 2009.05.12: Do we believe in a God who liberates us and the world as a place of freedom
- 2009.05.12: Easter springs anew
- 2009.05.10: Lauren's 38th Birthday
- 2009.05.10: Mother's Day with the Z's
- 2009.05.09: The priest
- 2009.05.09: Saint Isaiah
- 2009.05.08: What does justice/rectitude require?
- 2009.05.07: The President & Prayer
- 2009.05.07: The honor of God
- 2009.05.07: Types of Ecumenism
- 2009.05.07: Following the Lord according to Saint Francis (& the Friars of the Renewal)
- 2009.05.07: Cyril Vasil: the new secretary for the Congregation of Eastern Churches
- 2009.05.06: What do we owe others?
- 2009.05.06: Can Barack Obama Be Converted on Abortion?
- 2009.05.05: Receiving the Eucharist in sin
- 2009.05.05: Sister Mary Veronica Grzelak, CSFN, RIP
- 2009.05.05: How does one consider a vocation?
- 2009.05.05: Pope Benedict speaks to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences 2009
- 2009.05.05: Remember, O Creator Lord
- 2009.05.04: A Century of Prayer for Christian Unity
- 2009.05.03: Living in the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord
- 2009.05.03: Guarding speech
- 2009.05.02: What is Ecumenism?
- 2009.05.01: Adé Béthune: 7th anniversary
- 2009.05.01: Maternal encouragement of the Blessed Virgin Mary: May, the month of Mary
- 2009.05.01: Saint Joseph the Worker
- 2009.05.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intention, May 2009
- 2009.04.30: Blessed Pauline von Mallinckrodt
- 2009.04.30: Glendon's Daughter Comments
- 2009.04.30: Saint Pius V, pope
- 2009.04.30: God understands our weakness
- 2009.04.29: Fund for Life established at Notre Dame Univ.
- 2009.04.29: Saint Catherine of Siena
- 2009.04.29: Newman answers prayers?
- 2009.04.29: Saint Anselm sought to raise the mind to the contemplation of God, Pope reminds
- 2009.04.29: Father Theodore Heck, OSB: RIP
- 2009.04.28: Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort
- 2009.04.28: The Beauty and The Spirituality of Conjugal Love, the republished texts on married love by Karol Wojtyla/John Paul II
- 2009.04.28: Elizabeth of the Trinity: Always Believe in Love
- 2009.04.28: God's greatness is experienced in humble ways
- 2009.04.27: Reflecting on recent events in Catholic Higher Education: the Obama/Glendon craziness
- 2009.04.27: Reason, Fiction and Faith: a conference on Flannery O'Connor
- 2009.04.27: THE smallest gift for the Pope: A grain of sand contains the Hebrew Bible
- 2009.04.27: Gram's anniversary of death
- 2009.04.27: Glendon declines Notre Dame's Laetare Medal
- 2009.04.27: Is Christ missing, or is it our humanity?
- 2009.04.27: Baptism is the beginning and the grace of fulfillment
- 2009.04.26: Prayer to Our Lady of Good Counsel
- 2009.04.25: Recently in the School of Community
- 2009.04.25: Cardinal Newman is set for beatification
- 2009.04.25: Saint Mark
- 2009.04.24: The real agenda of Pope Benedict
- 2009.04.24: Only within the heart of the Church is the Word of God authentic, Pope Benedict says
- 2009.04.23: Remembering the Bard, William Shakespeare
- 2009.04.23: Reviewing Gerard Manley Hopkins
- 2009.04.23: Saint George
- 2009.04.22: Blessed Maria Gabriella dell'Unità (Sagghedù)
- 2009.04.22: Greed takes the cake
- 2009.04.22: Catholics can't be Masons
- 2009.04.22: History receives its logic and meaning from Jesus' death & resurrection
- 2009.04.22: Jesus' way
- 2009.04.21: Saint Anselm: a wise, faithful, magnanimous servant of the Lord
- 2009.04.21: Saint Francis' Way in the World: the encounter with Christ
- 2009.04.21: Pope to Franciscans: define yourselves by the beauty of the Gospel
- 2009.04.21: Saint Anselm
- 2009.04.19: Visiting Portsmouth Abbey
- 2009.04.19: The depth of love made visible
- 2009.04.19: Orthodox Pascha 2009
- 2009.04.19: Divine Mercy
- 2009.04.19: Happy 4th anniversary Pope Benedict!
- 2009.04.18: The Resurrection of Christ Proves that the Body Rises
- 2009.04.18: Pope meets Franciscans: continue to rebuild the Lord's House
- 2009.04.17: And 11 disciples saw the Lord and worshipped Him
- 2009.04.16: Franciscans at 800
- 2009.04.16: Remembering where you come from...
- 2009.04.16: Living the Victory won for us
- 2009.04.16: Where have you taken my Lord?
- 2009.04.16: The resurrection of the Lord is our hope: are you going to help Him?
- 2009.04.16: Birthday blessings!
- 2009.04.15: Our energy aims at witnessing to a Presence
- 2009.04.15: Archbishop Chaput to deliver lecture on Saint Paul
- 2009.04.15: Edward Michael Cardinal Egan, JCD: We are grateful
- 2009.04.14: Prayers for Archbishop Timothy Michael Dolan
- 2009.04.14: Growing in the Faith through the witness of Saint Paul
- 2009.04.13: No to abortion, yes to life: Spain is in a fight over Pro-Life
- 2009.04.13: Via Lucis (Way of Light): The Stations of the Resurrection
- 2009.04.13: Is there evidence for the Easter event?
- 2009.04.13: American Babylon reviewed: do we make ourselves?
- 2009.04.12: The drama of life and death in reality
- 2009.04.12: Easter Vespers II and the Eastertide Marian Antiphon
- 2009.04.12: Urbi et Orbi of Pope Benedict XVI, 2009
- 2009.04.12: Love is stronger than death
- 2009.04.12: Christ is risen!
- 2009.04.11: Exult you angels, exult you Church, exult all creation: Christ is Risen!
- 2009.04.11: Saint Stanislaus, bishop & martyr
- 2009.04.11: Holy Saturday
- 2009.04.11: A gloomy Holy Saturday: the courseness of humanity
- 2009.04.11: The spirituality of Holy Saturday
- 2009.04.11: Sant'Anselmo gets new Prior
- 2009.04.10: Belmont Abbey & College host Eucharistic gathering
- 2009.04.10: Father, into your hands I commend my spirit
- 2009.04.10: Without the Cross & the Resurrection we have atheism in Christianity
- 2009.04.10: "GOOD FRIDAY"
- 2009.04.09: Church visits on Holy Thursday
- 2009.04.09: Pope Benedict's homily for Holy Thursday 2009
- 2009.04.09: must not sleep during this time...the sacred Triduum is upon us
- 2009.04.08: Stanley L. Jaki, OSB, RIP
- 2009.04.08: Not only the Passion but the Resurrection
- 2009.04.08: Are we living in post-Christian America?
- 2009.04.08: Spy Wednesday
- 2009.04.07: What moves us is Jesus Christ
- 2009.04.07: What is certain: the Source of new life is in Christ
- 2009.04.07: Alban Boultwood OSB, RIP
- 2009.04.06: Columba Marmion: the canonization process
- 2009.04.06: There's no cheap grace in following Christ & the Church
- 2009.04.05: A spiritual haven in Hamilton, Ontario: a Benedictine monastery in the Orthodox Church
- 2009.04.05: Of That Branch in Ancient Garden
- 2009.04.05: Is the Stem Cell debate dead?
- 2009.04.05: Keeping our eyes upon Christ in His Passion
- 2009.04.05: All glory, laud, and honor
- 2009.04.04: Looking forward to the Resurrection
- 2009.04.04: Why does God allow temptation?
- 2009.04.03: Jeanne Ellen Simeone, 3rd anniv.
- 2009.04.03: Sin is in no way the fault of our nature
- 2009.04.03: The Observance of Lent in the Rule of Saint Benedict
- 2009.04.03: O sacred head, surrounded
- 2009.04.03: Dom Germain Leo Fritz, OSB, RIP
- 2009.04.02: Why does God put up with evil in the world?
- 2009.04.02: Chinese government arrests Catholic bishop
- 2009.04.02: Edward Michael Cardinal Egan, JCD, at 77
- 2009.04.02: John Paul II, remembered
- 2009.04.01: Silence: a film on the 17th century Japanese martyrs
- 2009.04.01: The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church
- 2009.04.01: Called to Love: Approaching John Paul II's Theology of the Body
- 2009.04.01: Spiritual Maternity for Priests
- 2009.04.01: Michael J. McGivney's Legacy
- 2009.04.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions, April 2009
- 2009.03.31: Newt Catholic
- 2009.03.31: Out of Bulgaria, love & Saint Benedict
- 2009.03.31: Pope Benedict: trust in God's initiative in responding to His call
- 2009.03.30: New website for the Nashville Dominicans
- 2009.03.29: Knights of Columbus at 127
- 2009.03.29: Christ the Grain that Dies and Yields Much Fruit
- 2009.03.28: Vexilla Regis, The Royal Banner forward goes
- 2009.03.28: Anniversary of the Dedication of the Abbey Church
- 2009.03.28: What is a Benedictine Oblate?
- 2009.03.27: Catholics on England's throne?
- 2009.03.27: Presence in the blogosphere
- 2009.03.27: Standing with the immigrant, charges dropped
- 2009.03.27: What the Pope actually said about condoms
- 2009.03.26: Reiki & Catholic Faith? the answer is no
- 2009.03.26: Cardinal Walter Kasper helped rededicate Holocaust memorial
- 2009.03.26: I am the Great Sun
- 2009.03.25: Canon 915: its full, objective application
- 2009.03.25: At the message of the Angel
- 2009.03.25: Nine Month Novena in Honor of the Virgin of the Incarnation
- 2009.03.25: The Incarmation was the condescension of compassion, not the loss of omnipotence
- 2009.03.25: NY legal system attempts to seek "justice"?
- 2009.03.25: The Annunciation of the Lord to Mary
- 2009.03.24: 2 reviews on the Pope in Africa
- 2009.03.24: 88th anniversary of death of James Gibbons, cardinal
- 2009.03.24: Pope writes to conference on Women
- 2009.03.24: Africa's Synod Bishops October 2009: reconciliation, justice & peace
- 2009.03.23: Shouts in the Piazza
- 2009.03.23: Church in Africa will become "for all, through the witness borne by its sons and daughters, a place of true reconciliation
- 2009.03.23: Pope Benedict defends women
- 2009.03.22: Solzhenitsyn: A life with no lies, A homage to his life
- 2009.03.22: The Cross is an expression of Life
- 2009.03.21: March 21 or July 11: will the real Benedictine feast take a stand?
- 2009.03.21: The Transitus of Saint Benedict: a glorious & festive day
- 2009.03.21: In Christ and the Church families, the poor & vulnerable find hope
- 2009.03.21: Being rooted in the Lord is the best thing
- 2009.03.20: Popes speak about Saint Benedict
- 2009.03.20: Sun and Seed
- 2009.03.20: Pope Benedict tells us to fix our gaze on Christ, He answers our prayers
- 2009.03.20: 17 new novices for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal
- 2009.03.19: Ite ad Joseph, go to Joseph
- 2009.03.19: Genuine religion widens the horizon of human understanding
- 2009.03.19: Saint Joseph
- 2009.03.18: OSB
- 2009.03.18: Way of the Cross - New York 2009
- 2009.03.18: Way of the Cross CD with Liam Neeson Available
- 2009.03.18: Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
- 2009.03.17: Foundation of Subsidiarity: enriching the cultural-scientific discourse based on the dignity of the person
- 2009.03.17: Are you keeping the Fast? Will you keep the feast?
- 2009.03.17: Walking with the Pope in Africa
- 2009.03.17: Fight HB 2354: The Illinois FOCA Bill
- 2009.03.17: Saint Patrick
- 2009.03.16: Mercy can be challenging, to some
- 2009.03.16: Pope announces Year of St John Mary Vianney 2009-2010
- 2009.03.15: Zeal for your house will consume me: 3rd Sunday of Lent 2009
- 2009.03.15: Divine Intimacy
- 2009.03.15: Religion and Politics
- 2009.03.14: What is Ignatian Spirituality?
- 2009.03.13: Pope Benedict's interpretative lens of Vatican II, according to Edward Oakes
- 2009.03.13: The Beauty of the Church
- 2009.03.12: Enticing things to grow with nature to help (at the abbey)
- 2009.03.12: Lincoln, a drama
- 2009.03.12: Benedict XVI & Israel's Chief Rabbinate
- 2009.03.12: Benedict to the World's Bishops on Archbishop Lefebvre
- 2009.03.12: Novena to St. Benedict
- 2009.03.11: Timothy M. Dolan: priesthood could be spiritually demanding, emotionally fulfilling, intellectually rigorous -- AND FUN!
- 2009.03.11: Human dignity leads to a free society: get on board with the World Youth Alliance TODAY
- 2009.03.10: Evolution congress in Rome draws theologians & scientists
- 2009.03.10: Encountering Christ broadens the person
- 2009.03.10: CT bill 1098 killed (for now)
- 2009.03.10: CT's Legislative Bill 1098 attacks Religious Freedom
- 2009.03.10: Luigi Giussani revealed
- 2009.03.09: Pope Benedict XVI speaks at the monastery of the Benedictine Oblate Sisters of St. Frances of Rome, Tor de' Specchi
- 2009.03.09: Pope Benedict visits Saint Frances of Rome's monastery
- 2009.03.09: Americans with no religion
- 2009.03.09: Saint Frances of Rome: Patroness of Benedictine Oblates
- 2009.03.08: Connecticut congressmen propose bill to regulate Catholic parishes
- 2009.03.08: The patient monk
- 2009.03.08: Transfiguration of the Lord, 2nd Sunday of Lent
- 2009.03.07: Father Conall Coughlin reposes in the Lord
- 2009.03.07: Georgetown Univ Prof supports death with dignity
- 2009.03.07: John Paul's influence on Archbishop Dolan's ministry in NY
- 2009.03.07: Holy See's web resources for Lent 2009
- 2009.03.07: Saints Perpetua & Felicity
- 2009.03.06: Washington State approves suicide as a "right": Is it truly death with dignity?
- 2009.03.06: Listening with your heart, Sts. Benedict & Bernard say
- 2009.03.06: Tomas Munk, Jesuit novice killed by the Nazis
- 2009.03.05: A friend visits
- 2009.03.05: Retreat offered for priests during Easter Week 2009
- 2009.03.05: Blair defends the role faith
- 2009.03.05: What does it mean to give sacrifcially?
- 2009.03.05: The Catholic Newt
- 2009.03.04: The Portsmouth Institute announces inaugural conference "The Catholic William F. Buckley Jr."
- 2009.03.04: Pope on retreat: "The priest encounters Jesus and follows him," is the theme
- 2009.03.04: Why do Catholics have to fast? It's a medicine...
- 2009.03.04: Saint Casimir
- 2009.03.03: Looking at the Church by the numbers
- 2009.03.03: Jesus overcomes his racism, according to the Anglicans in Canada
- 2009.03.03: Study Latin in Oxford
- 2009.03.03: The reassuring presence of angels
- 2009.03.03: Opposing FOCA March 31st--President Obama needs to know not all agree with him
- 2009.03.03: How do you know it's Lent?
- 2009.03.03: Saint Katharine Drexel
- 2009.03.02: Wanna be Franciscan Friar?
- 2009.03.02: Anniversary of birth and papal election: Pius XII
- 2009.03.01: Marygrace Peters, O.P. RIP
- 2009.03.01: Pope Benedict XVI's prayer intentions, March 2009
- 2009.02.28: Religious film posters exhibit chronicled in NYC
- 2009.02.28: The Lent Lily
- 2009.02.27: Photo caption needed
- 2009.02.27: Saint Anne Line
- 2009.02.27: Lent offers a possibility of joy
- 2009.02.27: Stations of the Cross
- 2009.02.26: Exposed to subtle sins today
- 2009.02.26: Abbey of St. Walburga Opens Press & Store
- 2009.02.26: What's the point of prayer and fasting in Lent?
- 2009.02.26: Keeping the Lord's passion & death before us
- 2009.02.25: Eluana' death is a provocation to human dignity
- 2009.02.25: 20 years since Pope John Paul's Christifideles Laici ("Christ's faithful people)
- 2009.02.25: Ash Wednesday
- 2009.02.25: Saint Walburga
- 2009.02.24: Shrove Tuesday: the Holy Face signals a sense of glory to come
- 2009.02.24: Silence: in the Christian life and not just for the monks
- 2009.02.24: We are all Begging to have God
- 2009.02.23: Belmont Abbey hosts gathering of monks & sisters
- 2009.02.23: Saint Polycarp
- 2009.02.23: Timothy Michael Dolan, 10th Archbishop of New York
- 2009.02.22: Keeping Belmont Abbey green
- 2009.02.22: Priests according to the heart of Christ
- 2009.02.22: The confession of Peter, the head of the Church
- 2009.02.22: Father Luigi Giussani: 4th anniversary of reposing in the Lord
- 2009.02.21: Communion & Liberation at Belmont Abbey
- 2009.02.21: The Church is for sinners, not saints; the Church is NOT a club
- 2009.02.21: American Babylon: Notes of a Christian Exile, the latest by Richard John Neuhaus
- 2009.02.21: Saint Peter Damian
- 2009.02.20: Life in the abbey today
- 2009.02.19: Archbishop Demetrios Chair in Orthodox Theology and Culture, at Fordham Univ
- 2009.02.19: Pope Benedict speaks on Saint Bede
- 2009.02.19: The encounter with Christ?
- 2009.02.19: Newman Guide Profiles of Catholic Colleges Now Online
- 2009.02.19: Vicky's Journey: a story of HIV, Africa and an NGO
- 2009.02.18: Past days in the monastery
- 2009.02.18: St Paul has a daily impact on us today, Greek Orthodox, Archbishop Demetrios said
- 2009.02.18: Blessed Fra Angelico
- 2009.02.18: Pope Benedict meets with Pope Pelosi
- 2009.02.17: Ignace Joseph III enthroned as new Syrian Catholic Patriarch
- 2009.02.17: Is he sorry?
- 2009.02.16: Blackfriars Rep in the NYTimes
- 2009.02.16: The Pope's brief thoughts on the sacred Liturgy, prayer and belief
- 2009.02.16: New Saints
- 2009.02.14: Music can proclaim Christ
- 2009.02.14: Anointing Father John Oetgen
- 2009.02.14: Saints Cyril and Methodius
- 2009.02.14: Saint Valentine
- 2009.02.13: Blessed Jordan of Saxony
- 2009.02.13: Cardinal Bertone speaks about the role of the family and culture today
- 2009.02.12: Pope addresses Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organisations
- 2009.02.12: Where is your attention focused?
- 2009.02.11: Vatican City State at 80
- 2009.02.11: Understanding Man: Darwin, biology and God
- 2009.02.11: Communion & Liberation observes 27 years of Church approval
- 2009.02.11: Our Lady of Lourdes & World Day of the Sick
- 2009.02.10: Community of spirit in Saint Benedict, Don Luigi Giussani & Pope Benedict XVI
- 2009.02.10: Saint Scholastica, twin sister of Saint Benedict
- 2009.02.09: The Monastic Taster Weekend
- 2009.02.09: Anglo-Catholics flooding the Church of Rome?
- 2009.02.09: Saint Maron
- 2009.02.08: Arrived at Belmont Abbey, Charlotte, North Carolina
- 2009.02.08: Evangelization & Prayer
- 2009.02.08: Saint Theodore Stratelates
- 2009.02.08: Paul Wattson, convert, priest, founder, ecumenist, Servant of God
- 2009.02.07: Galileo: 400 years since the first use of the telescope
- 2009.02.07: Francis J. Parater, Servant of God
- 2009.02.06: The faith-based initiative of the Admin
- 2009.02.06: Experience: the capacity to comprehend & love in the thought of Luigi Giussani
- 2009.02.06: Passing the Plate: Is the scriptural tithe dead?
- 2009.02.05: Spiritual maternity for priests
- 2009.02.05: "Garry & Harry" the story of twin brothers and priests: a story of hope in the face of Alzheimer's
- 2009.02.05: Saint Agatha: patroness of those living with diseases of the breast
- 2009.02.04: Help the poor by drinking tea
- 2009.02.03: Avery Dulles, cardinal, honored at Fordham
- 2009.02.03: Fr. Robert F. Taft gives keynote address honoring the late Fr. Alexander Schmemann
- 2009.02.03: Pope Benedict reproposes the practice of fasting for Lent
- 2009.02.03: Richard G. Cipolla celebrates 25 years of priestly service
- 2009.02.03: Saint Blase
- 2009.02.02: Presentation of the Lord: Candlemas
- 2009.02.01: Pope Benedict's prayer intentions, February 2009
- 2009.01.31: Solidarity Generation --Youth in Action: Summer Camp 2009
- 2009.01.31: The Acceptable Prayer
- 2009.01.31: Saint John Bosco
- 2009.01.30: U.S. women religious to have Vatican visitation
- 2009.01.30: Reconciliation & communion among Churches?
- 2009.01.30: Humility
- 2009.01.30: Reviewing recent events with the SSPX, briefly
- 2009.01.29: Healing the Reformation's fault lines: is full communion ahead?
- 2009.01.29: In Charge of the Fire: a play about Saint Paul
- 2009.01.29: Blessed John Duns Scotus: A model for maintaining faith & reason
- 2009.01.28: The Pope and the Circus
- 2009.01.28: Saint Thomas Aquinas
- 2009.01.27: Ave Maria University on the brink of bankruptcy
- 2009.01.27: Kirill elected NEW Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church
- 2009.01.27: Saint Angela Merici
- 2009.01.27: Mozart's birthday: 253rd!
- 2009.01.26: Join our prayers for the Orthodox
- 2009.01.26: Pope Benedict's homily at Vespers for the Conversion of Saint Paul
- 2009.01.25: The changing face of the monastic life
- 2009.01.25: Conversion of Saint Paul
- 2009.01.24: What's happening in Gaza today? The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem gives a perspective
- 2009.01.24: Saint Francis de Sales
- 2009.01.23: New Patriarch for the Syrian Catholics: +Joseph Younan
- 2009.01.23: The Vatican on the tube
- 2009.01.23: Protecting the unborn NOW
- 2009.01.22: Turkey Threatens Christian Monastery
- 2009.01.22: Haight speech about Christ muzzled
- 2009.01.22: A Newman anniversary and a new website
- 2009.01.22: Beginnings, translations and God's Plans
- 2009.01.22: Working, praying and hoping for LIFE
- 2009.01.21: Ecumenism in the Holy Land
- 2009.01.21: Our Lady of Grace Monastery observes 62 years of monastic life in North Guilford
- 2009.01.21: Saint Agnes
- 2009.01.21: Saints Robert, Alberic and Stephen, the holy abbots of Citeaux
- 2009.01.21: Saint Meinrad
- 2009.01.20: Father Julián Carrón & Carl Anderson speak about the Synod of Bishops
- 2009.01.20: Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau
- 2009.01.20: Prayer for President Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States of America
- 2009.01.19: Being engaged in the work of Christian unity
- 2009.01.19: Daily Themes for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2009
- 2009.01.18: Blessed Idelfonso Schuster, monk, bishop, scholar: 129th birthday
- 2009.01.18: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2009
- 2009.01.17: Saint Anthony, Abbot
- 2009.01.16: Reasons for Hope: the New York Encounter
- 2009.01.16: Is self-sufficiency enough? Or, is Christ and the Christian community enough?
- 2009.01.15: Theological Education in 21st Century: an Orthodox bishop's perspective
- 2009.01.15: Remembering a little, precious life
- 2009.01.15: Saints Maurus and Placid
- 2009.01.14: Boniface Wimmer at 200
- 2009.01.14: Visitation of Catholic Seminaries & Houses of Formation: Final Docs
- 2009.01.14: Novena for the Protection of the Unborn begins TODAY
- 2009.01.13: Saint Walburga's Abbey: Sisters in Solitude
- 2009.01.13: Saint Hilary of Poitiers
- 2009.01.12: World Meeting of the Families 2009
- 2009.01.12: Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys
- 2009.01.12: How old is your Church?
- 2009.01.12: Saint Aelred of Rievaulx
- 2009.01.11: Scripture Study: A Catholic's love
- 2009.01.11: Baptism of the Lord
- 2009.01.10: Saint Gregory of Nyssa
- 2009.01.10: Sister Jeanne Marie Vonder Haar, ASCJ
- 2009.01.10: Robert F. Taft, SJ: priest, scholar & friend at 77
- 2009.01.09: Saint Paul & Art
- 2009.01.09: True Worship is communion with Christ, Pope says
- 2009.01.08: Richard John Neuhaus, priest: Now with the Lord
- 2009.01.08: Our Lady of Prompt Succor
- 2009.01.07: Stepping up the prayer for RJN
- 2009.01.07: Epiphany: The Light of Life
- 2009.01.06: Blessed André Bessette
- 2009.01.06: 20 people killed in 2008 for faith in Jesus Christ
- 2009.01.06: Epiphany Novena for priests
- 2009.01.05: Saint John Neumann
- 2009.01.04: TS Eliot: RIP 44th anniv.
- 2009.01.04: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
- 2009.01.04: The Epiphany Proclamation
- 2009.01.04: Epiphany
- 2009.01.03: Epiphany Blessing of Chalk
- 2009.01.03: Reclaiming reverence when receiving Holy Communion
- 2009.01.03: The name of Jesus is light, food, power
- 2009.01.03: Most Holy Name of Jesus
- 2009.01.02: Theologians tutored Kennedys to accept abortion
- 2009.01.02: Saints Basil and Gregory
- 2009.01.01: Veni, Creator Spiritus
- 2009.01.01: Prayer request for Father Richard John Neuhaus
- 2009.01.01: Mary, Mother of God
- 2009.01.01: The Pope's Prayer Intention for January 2009
- 2008.12.31: Te Deum
- 2008.12.31: Saint Sylvester I, pope
- 2008.12.30: Vietnamese monks live the Cistercian life in San Bernardino, CA
- 2008.12.30: A Christmas Carol
- 2008.12.29: Father, son and Holy Church
- 2008.12.29: Saint Thomas Becket
- 2008.12.28: Feast of the Holy Family
- 2008.12.27: Saint John the Evangelist (the Beloved Disciple)
- 2008.12.26: Yesterday, with exultation: In honor of Saint Stephen
- 2008.12.25: Nativity
- 2008.12.24: Magnum nomen Domini Emmanuel
- 2008.12.24: Fr. Julián Carrón speaks of Christmas & Hope
- 2008.12.24: Nativity of the Savior
- 2008.12.23: O Emmanuel
- 2008.12.22: Consecrated Virginity makes a come back
- 2008.12.22: Robert George speaks on religion, dignity, Christian History & the Constitution
- 2008.12.22: O King of the Gentiles
- 2008.12.21: Snow-Bound [The sun that brief December day]
- 2008.12.21: The Fellowship of the Unashamed
- 2008.12.21: O Dawn of the East
- 2008.12.21: Saint Peter Canisius
- 2008.12.21: Advent Summons
- 2008.12.20: God enters human history
- 2008.12.20: O Key of David
- 2008.12.19: Dominus Est ... Communion in the hand? Is it good practice?
- 2008.12.19: O Root of Jesse
- 2008.12.18: Avery Dulles mourned in NYC
- 2008.12.18: O Adonai
- 2008.12.17: O Wisdom
- 2008.12.17: Preaching to Young Adults
- 2008.12.17: Christmas draws nearer, the fulfillment of God's promises
- 2008.12.16: The Revised Grail Psalter & Conception Abbey
- 2008.12.16: Lukas Etlin: Benedictine monk, priest, artist, adorer of Christ...
- 2008.12.16: Pope Is "Decisive" for Communion and Liberation
- 2008.12.15: Advent Presence
- 2008.12.14: Gaudete Sunday: the 3rd Sunday of Advent
- 2008.12.14: Saint John of the Cross
- 2008.12.13: Pope Benedict's message at the death of Avery Cardinal Dulles
- 2008.12.13: Saint Lucy
- 2008.12.12: Avery Robert Dulles, SJ: Jesuit, priest, theologian, cardinal & a wonderful person
- 2008.12.12: Dignitas Personae (The Dignity of a Person): Educating us to live differently
- 2008.12.12: Our Lady of Guadalupe/Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
- 2008.12.11: Saint Damasus I
- 2008.12.10: Thomas Merton: 40 years after he died
- 2008.12.09: Pope Benedict to go to Monte Cassino & calls abbots and abbesses to join him
- 2008.12.09: Head of Pope's Charity for the Holy Land Speaks Out
- 2008.12.09: William Placher, RIP
- 2008.12.09: Antonio Cañizares Llovera: Cardinal & NEW Prefect of the Church's Worship Office
- 2008.12.09: Saint Juan Diego
- 2008.12.08: Saint Mary's Abbey patronal feast day: Immaculate Conception
- 2008.12.08: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2008.12.07: Saint Ambrose
- 2008.12.06: Saint Nicholas
- 2008.12.05: Saint Saba, abbot
- 2008.12.05: Patriarch Alexy II dies at 79
- 2008.12.04: Benedictines center is haven for Israelis, Palestinians
- 2008.12.04: Pope Benedict asks: does man need Christ & the message of salvation?
- 2008.12.04: Saint John of Damascus
- 2008.12.03: Magdi Cristiano Allam speaks of his conversion to Christ
- 2008.12.03: Antonio Gramsci reverted to Catholicism before death
- 2008.12.03: Saint Francis Xavier
- 2008.12.02: Kindly Mother of the Redeemer
- 2008.12.01: What the vocation requires...Metropolitan Jonah tells
- 2008.12.01: Saint Edmund Campion & his Brag
- 2008.12.01: The Pope's Prayer Intention for December 2008
- 2008.11.30: What is the cost of Discipleship?
- 2008.11.30: Saint Andrew
- 2008.11.30: Advent: the time of our Salvation is nearer
- 2008.11.29: Jewish Youth Antagonize Friars in Jerusalem
- 2008.11.28: Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family: 20 years later
- 2008.11.28: Christian ethics is born in friendship with Christ
- 2008.11.27: Christ's beauty
- 2008.11.27: Happy Thanksgiving
- 2008.11.26: Pope Benedict on Religion and Politics: the influence of Communion & Liberation
- 2008.11.26: Faith and works in the process of our justification
- 2008.11.26: Is your heart in it? What does the Sacred Heart of Jesus mean to you? Are you willing to consecrate your life to Jesus?
- 2008.11.26: Pope Benedict address priests, nuns, sisters & consecrated men & women
- 2008.11.26: Saint Sylvester, abbot
- 2008.11.25: Father Chrysogonus Waddell, RIP
- 2008.11.25: Isaac Watts' legacy continues, even 260 later
- 2008.11.25: Why the tetragrammaton (YHWH) is not allowed in the Liturgy
- 2008.11.25: Krakow prayer meeting in 2009 sponsored by Sant'Egidio
- 2008.11.25: Saint Catherine of Alexandria
- 2008.11.24: Saint Andrew Dung-Lac & companions
- 2008.11.24: Communion & Liberation, in brief
- 2008.11.23: Blessed Miguel Pro
- 2008.11.23: Christ the King
- 2008.11.22: "Christ without Culture" is untenable for Christians
- 2008.11.22: Focolari: The call to unity, the brotherhood of the human family
- 2008.11.22: Saint Cecilia
- 2008.11.21: Looking deeply into reality through the perspective of Georges Rouault
- 2008.11.21: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2008.11.20: Faith and...people, science, money & sexuality
- 2008.11.20: Saint Edmund, king and martyr: "because I follow Christ"
- 2008.11.19: Lectio Divina
- 2008.11.19: Saint Mechtild of Helfta (also known to be of Hackeborn)
- 2008.11.18: Mom's 66th birthday!
- 2008.11.18: Explaining the Clash in the Holy Sepulchre
- 2008.11.18: Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne
- 2008.11.16: Advent in the Maronite Church
- 2008.11.16: Saint Gertrude the Great
- 2008.11.15: From the Heart of God: Vatican 2 & Pope John Paul II
- 2008.11.15: International Meeting of Prayer for Peace sponsored by the Community of Sant'Egidio
- 2008.11.14: Christian-Muslim dialogue: working toward a common destiny or a waste of time?
- 2008.11.14: Benedictine All Souls
- 2008.11.13: Faith broadens reason and the virtue of poverty key to Christian life
- 2008.11.13: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
- 2008.11.13: Faith, Always a New Act
- 2008.11.13: Benedictine All Saints
- 2008.11.12: New Grail Psalms get positive vote by bishops; wait for the Holy See's approval
- 2008.11.12: A newly elected Metropolitan for the Orthodox Church in America
- 2008.11.12: Saint Theodore of Studis
- 2008.11.11: Neuhaus on the bishops
- 2008.11.11: Veterans Day
- 2008.11.11: Saint Martin of Tours
- 2008.11.10: Lorenzo Albacete to present "God at the Ritz: Attraction to Infinity"
- 2008.11.10: How a Community is Born
- 2008.11.10: Faith and Science: Lorenzo Albacete vs Christopher Hitchens
- 2008.11.10: Saint Leo the Great
- 2008.11.09: Dedication of the Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran
- 2008.11.09: Biological Evolution 2009 Conference
- 2008.11.08: A Jesuit at the former Holy Office
- 2008.11.07: Cardinal Paul Cordes: can we defeat evil?
- 2008.11.07: Saint Willibrord
- 2008.11.06: Father Julián Carrón writes to Communion & Liberation
- 2008.11.06: Saint Paul and the Resurrection
- 2008.11.05: Communion and Liberation Community Day
- 2008.11.05: Religious Life & Priesthood: the Dominican Way
- 2008.11.05: Making sense of the election according to religious observance
- 2008.11.05: Liturgical diversity for saints & souls
- 2008.11.05: Russia's Fortified Tabernacles
- 2008.11.04: What lesson is Cardinal Newman teaching us today?
- 2008.11.04: Saint Charles Borromeo
- 2008.11.03: Praying for the dead with the Benedictines
- 2008.11.03: Saint Martin de Porres
- 2008.11.02: Do you desire eternal life?
- 2008.11.02: Dies Irae
- 2008.11.02: All Souls
- 2008.11.01: All Saints
- 2008.11.01: The Pope's Prayer Intention for November 2008
- 2008.10.31: Change and Continuity: Interview With Bishop Patrick O'Donoghue
- 2008.10.31: Fr. Frank C. Quinn, O.P.
- 2008.10.31: Reading Revelation & the Cosmos: a participation in Divine Truth
- 2008.10.30: Pope Benedict on Saint Paul and the Cross
- 2008.10.29: 2 Jesuit Priests Killed in Moscow
- 2008.10.29: Catholic Underground NYC: November 1
- 2008.10.28: What is Luigi Giussani's Contribution To Theology? Part II: Nothing less than the Infinite
- 2008.10.28: Saints Simon and Jude
- 2008.10.27: Pope: the Scriptures are a fact of the Church
- 2008.10.27: What is Luigi Giussani's Contribution To Catholic Theology?
- 2008.10.26: From field to sanctuary: Chase Hilgenbrinck follows Jesus more closely
- 2008.10.26: Just look
- 2008.10.25: Who Is Luigi Giussani?
- 2008.10.23: Where are you in these patterns?
- 2008.10.23: Cardinal Newman: Doctor of the Church?
- 2008.10.23: Saint Paul's Christology: Radical Humility of Christ Is the Expression of Divine Love
- 2008.10.22: Opening Day: a open house for Communion & Liberation this weekend
- 2008.10.22: Fordham Univ: Breyer's thinking is pro-abortion and not merely pro-choice
- 2008.10.22: What We Hold Most Dear
- 2008.10.21: Bishops urge the formation of conscience according to Catholic teaching
- 2008.10.21: From Hollywood to cloister, Dolores Hart connects spirituality and acting
- 2008.10.20: Beholding God's Word, Touching God's Word
- 2008.10.19: Profile of a Catholic Politician according to the Scriptures & Tradition
- 2008.10.19: 3 of the reports from the various working groups at the Synod on the Word of God
- 2008.10.19: Pope Benedict's address to the Synod of Bishops
- 2008.10.19: North American Martyrs
- 2008.10.18: Receive guests as Christ
- 2008.10.18: Saint Luke
- 2008.10.17: Saint Ignatius of Antioch
- 2008.10.16: DISGRACEFUL! Damn monks
- 2008.10.16: More interesting interventions at the Synod
- 2008.10.16: Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
- 2008.10.15: Some interesting interventions at the Synod
- 2008.10.15: Lectio Divina
- 2008.10.15: A Politician's Promise: No Right to Life! No Freedom!
- 2008.10.15: Saint Teresa of Avila sets all our hearts on fire
- 2008.10.14: New life in a old paper, L'Osservatore Romano broadens
- 2008.10.14: Msgr. Luigi Giussani speaks about Pope Paul
- 2008.10.13: Christopher Columbus
- 2008.10.12: Christians in the Middle East -- at a Critical Mass?
- 2008.10.11: Carl Anderson: The Abortion Albatross
- 2008.10.11: Keeping Informed on Life Issues
- 2008.10.10: The Abbot Primate's Address to Pope Benedict XVI
- 2008.10.10: Veni Sancte Spiritus, Veni per Mariam
- 2008.10.09: Pius XII, Pope and Servant of God: 50th anniversary of death
- 2008.10.08: New booklets from Catholic Information Service
- 2008.10.08: Communion and Liberation's School of Community
- 2008.10.08: No tiring of the Bible
- 2008.10.07: 1 Minute Monk, so listen carefully
- 2008.10.07: Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
- 2008.10.06: Saint Bruno
- 2008.10.06: As the Scripture Synod unfolds
- 2008.10.06: What's Faith Got To Do With It? 4 lectures sponsored by Crossroads Cultural Center
- 2008.10.05: Our Lady of Pompeii & Blessed Bartolo Longo
- 2008.10.04: Saint Francis of Assisi
- 2008.10.03: Focus on the Synod on Scripture
- 2008.10.03: Blessing of Animals
- 2008.10.03: A modern day Michelangelo: mosaics for the 21st century
- 2008.10.03: Blessed Columba Marmion
- 2008.10.02: Pope speaks to Abbots and Abbesses
- 2008.10.02: Catholic Underground NYC: October 11
- 2008.10.02: Synod on the Word of God: Are YOU praying for it? What are you doing to know the Scriptures better?
- 2008.10.02: Holy Guardian Angels: Let us praise the Lord, Whom the Angels are praising, Whom the Cherubim and Seraphim proclaim: Holy, holy, holy
- 2008.10.01: Maurice & Therese: A Story of a Love
- 2008.10.01: YouTube Allows Videos of Eucharistic Desecration
- 2008.10.01: The Pope's Prayer Intentions for October 2008
- 2008.10.01: Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, the Little Flower and Doctor of the Church
- 2008.09.30: Greening the Vatican: Pope urges concern for the environment
- 2008.09.30: Saint Jerome: encourages us to live by the Word
- 2008.09.29: Do you give to the poor??? Be honest! It is still a work of mercy.
- 2008.09.29: in the sight of the angels, the psalmist says and Saint Benedict reminds
- 2008.09.29: The Feast of the Archangels
- 2008.09.28: Pope John Paul I: the 30th anniversary of his death
- 2008.09.27: Saint Vincent de Paul: confessor, apostle to the poor & lover of the priesthood
- 2008.09.26: Opening Day for NY Communion & Liberation
- 2008.09.26: 800 years of the Franciscans
- 2008.09.26: The Palace could get a Catholic
- 2008.09.25: Notker Wolf, Benedictine Abbot Primate re-elected
- 2008.09.25: Catholic sports: can we reclaim sport?
- 2008.09.24: Partners in Prayer and Work
- 2008.09.23: Pope Benedict meets with Benedictines
- 2008.09.23: Do we seek greater conformity to Christ crucified? St Pio wants to know
- 2008.09.22: What is Communion and Liberation?
- 2008.09.22: Pope Benedict's Homily at Albano Cathedral, Italy
- 2008.09.21: The Last Summer Day
- 2008.09.20: Carl Anderson writes to Senator Biden: abortion is the modern American slavery
- 2008.09.18: 2008 Elections: What we hold most dear
- 2008.09.18: Pope Benedict addresses Pope Pius XII study group
- 2008.09.17: Benedictine Abbots to meet in Rome
- 2008.09.17: Saint Hildegard of Bingen: adorned with grace
- 2008.09.16: Fordham honors pro-abortion Justice Breyer
- 2008.09.16: Cricket, anyone? Seminarians exercise for a cause
- 2008.09.15: It's pickin' time at the abbey
- 2008.09.15: The Virgin Mother's seven sorrows
- 2008.09.14: Pope Prays for World at Feet of Our Lady
- 2008.09.14: O Cross, our one reliance
- 2008.09.13: Saint John Chrysostom: one of the most insightful preachers of the Church
- 2008.09.12: The Beauty of the Name of Mary
- 2008.09.11: Catholic Underground NYC evaluated
- 2008.09.11: Catholic Radio 2.0
- 2008.09.11: Advocating solidarity with victims of terror
- 2008.09.11: Are we witnessing to hope: 7 years after 9/11
- 2008.09.11: World Day of Prayer for Peace: September 11th
- 2008.09.10: Biological Evolution: Faith & Science Evaluate
- 2008.09.09: Love God as He ought to be loved, as Peter Claver lived
- 2008.09.09: Beginning formation in a monastery
- 2008.09.09: Is Saint Benedict's dare possible to live?
- 2008.09.08: The New Abbot General of the Trappists
- 2008.09.08: The Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2008.09.06: Pope Benedict Prepares for the 12th Synod of Bishops on the Word of God
- 2008.09.05: First Friday: Devotion to the Cross & the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- 2008.09.05: Blessed Teresa of Calcutta
- 2008.09.05: Remember, Lord, Father Joseph Linck
- 2008.09.04: Catholic Underground NYC: September 6
- 2008.09.03: Newman scholar clarifies questions of Cardinal's sexuality
- 2008.09.03: Are you fit for mission? Bishop O'Donoghue is asking & the Church wants to know
- 2008.09.03: A Man Immersed in God
- 2008.09.02: Media & Religion
- 2008.09.02: Reviving Christianity's Artistic Tradition
- 2008.09.02: Foundation to Promote Thought of Benedict XVI
- 2008.09.02: The Trappist General Chapter begins
- 2008.09.01: The Pope's Prayer Intentions for September 2008
- 2008.09.01: It's back to class for Pope Benedict and his students
- 2008.09.01: Professor of Eastern Liturgy dies: Father Miguel Arranz, S.J.
- 2008.08.30: Serving the Body of Christ--updated
- 2008.08.30: A new congregation of Maronite sisters: Radiating Christ to the world
- 2008.08.30: From Resentment to Gratitude
- 2008.08.29: What Providence disposed: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
- 2008.08.29: Learning Benedictine monasticism: Chinese Priests train
- 2008.08.29: The just shall flourish: the witness of Saint John the Baptist
- 2008.08.28: A pilgrimage to the Filippini Sisters, Newark Abbey & the Friars of the Renewal
- 2008.08.28: Catholics need to know: The KofC's Headline Bistro
- 2008.08.28: A love of God fixed deep in the heart: remembering Saint Augustine
- 2008.08.27: Work for sake of the Gospel
- 2008.08.27: Saint Monica: THE example of perseverance
- 2008.08.26: Meeting of the Friendship of Peoples: CL & Rimini
- 2008.08.25: Speaker Pelosi & Senator Biden got it wrong: being faithful means assenting to Truth!
- 2008.08.24: Avery Robert Cardinal Dulles, SJ: Vir Ecclesiasticus
- 2008.08.22: Letting God's Glory Through: The Queenship of Mary
- 2008.08.21: Georg Ratzinger becomes an honorary citizen
- 2008.08.21: Saint Pius X, pope and confessor
- 2008.08.20: Visiting The Abbey of Saint Paul, Newton, NJ
- 2008.08.20: Serving the Body of Christ: Responding to the Lord's Call as a Consecrated Religious
- 2008.08.20: Inflamed with the love of Christ: Saint Bernard of Clairvaulx
- 2008.08.19: Defending the Family
- 2008.08.19: Saint Bernard Tolomei
- 2008.08.15: Monk of St. Meinrad Professes Solemn Vows
- 2008.08.15: The Pattern of the Church's Perfection: Mary Sets the Standard
- 2008.08.14: A New Mission: Nashville goes down under
- 2008.08.14: Blessing of Herbs on the Solemnity of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary
- 2008.08.14: Saint Maximilian Kolbe and Fr. Michael J. McGivney: 2 models of holiness
- 2008.08.13: A new monastery of Dominican nuns: the witness
- 2008.08.12: The garden of Eden it is not, but this will do
- 2008.08.11: 118 years after the death of John Henry Newman, Venerable Servant of God
- 2008.08.10: On the Use of the Name of God, Pope Benedict teaches
- 2008.08.08: Olympics 2008: genuine freedom or mere slogans?
- 2008.08.08: Retreat for Priests in 2009
- 2008.08.08: O Blessed Dominic! O light of the Church!
- 2008.08.06: This Wondrous Glory
- 2008.08.05: The Modern Jeremiah Laid to Rest
- 2008.08.04: Pruining the Overgrown Soul
- 2008.08.02: Coptic Christians under siege
- 2008.08.01: Encountering the Will of God: Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
- 2008.08.01: Listen to Mother
- 2008.07.31: Looking to Our Destiny with Saint Ignatius of Loyola as a guide
- 2008.07.30: The witness of a vocation
- 2008.07.30: A pope and a dirty magazine: Humanae Vitae & our true destiny
- 2008.07.29: The Catholic approach to sport
- 2008.07.28: The Pope's Prayer Intentions for August 2008
- 2008.07.26: Saint Mary's Abbey, Morristown, New Jersey
- 2008.07.25: Collaborating with God the Father
- 2008.07.25: Rev'd Fr. Kevin P. Fitzpatrick, RIP
- 2008.07.25: Venturing into Life
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: August 2012
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: January 2011
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: December 2010
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: August 2010
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: February 2010
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: September 2009
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: August 2009
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: July 2009
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: June 2009
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: January 2009
- Advent & Christmastide: January 2013
- Advent & Christmastide: December 2012
- Advent & Christmastide: November 2012
- Advent & Christmastide: January 2012
- Advent & Christmastide: December 2011
- Advent & Christmastide: November 2011
- Advent & Christmastide: February 2011
- Advent & Christmastide: January 2011
- Advent & Christmastide: December 2010
- Advent & Christmastide: November 2010
- Advent & Christmastide: January 2010
- Advent & Christmastide: December 2009
- Advent & Christmastide: November 2009
- Advent & Christmastide: January 2009
- Advent & Christmastide: December 2008
- Advent & Christmastide: November 2008
- Anglican Ordinariate: February 2012
- Anglican Ordinariate: November 2011
- Anglican Ordinariate: January 2011
- Anglican Ordinariate: December 2010
- Anglican Ordinariate: November 2010
- Anglican Ordinariate: January 2010
- Anglican Ordinariate: November 2009
- Anglican Ordinariate: October 2009
- Anglican Ordinariate: February 2009
- Archdiocese of Hartford: May 2013
- Archdiocese of Hartford: April 2013
- Archdiocese of Hartford: March 2013
- Archdiocese of Hartford: December 2012
- Archdiocese of Hartford: November 2012
- Archdiocese of Hartford: October 2012
- Archdiocese of Hartford: September 2012
- Archdiocese of Hartford: January 2012
- Archdiocese of Hartford: November 2011
- Archdiocese of Hartford: August 2011
- Archdiocese of Hartford: June 2011
- Archdiocese of Hartford: April 2011
- Archdiocese of Hartford: February 2011
- Archdiocese of Hartford: November 2010
- Archdiocese of Hartford: February 2010
- Archdiocese of Hartford: September 2009
- Archdiocese of Hartford: August 2009
- Archdiocese of Hartford: July 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: May 2013
- Archdiocese of New York: January 2013
- Archdiocese of New York: December 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: September 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: August 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: July 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: May 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: April 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: February 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: January 2012
- Archdiocese of New York: December 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: November 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: September 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: August 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: June 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: April 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: March 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: January 2011
- Archdiocese of New York: December 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: November 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: September 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: June 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: May 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: April 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: March 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: February 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: January 2010
- Archdiocese of New York: December 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: November 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: October 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: September 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: August 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: July 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: June 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: May 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: April 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: March 2009
- Archdiocese of New York: February 2009
- Art & Christianity: June 2013
- Art & Christianity: March 2013
- Art & Christianity: September 2012
- Art & Christianity: May 2012
- Art & Christianity: March 2012
- Art & Christianity: October 2011
- Art & Christianity: September 2011
- Art & Christianity: July 2011
- Art & Christianity: June 2011
- Art & Christianity: May 2011
- Art & Christianity: July 2010
- Art & Christianity: December 2009
- Art & Christianity: November 2009
- Art & Christianity: September 2009
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: December 2011
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: December 2009
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: August 2009
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: June 2009
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: February 2009
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: December 2008
- Avery Cardinal Dulles, SJ: August 2008
- Benedictine Oblate: May 2013
- Benedictine Oblate: March 2013
- Benedictine Oblate: November 2012
- Benedictine Oblate: July 2012
- Benedictine Oblate: November 2011
- Benedictine Oblate: September 2011
- Benedictine Oblate: August 2011
- Benedictine Oblate: July 2011
- Benedictine Oblate: July 2009
- Benedictine Oblate: March 2009
- Benedictine Oblate: February 2009
- Benedictine Oblate: November 2008
- Benedictine Oblate: October 2008
- Benedictine Oblate: September 2008
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: July 2013
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: June 2013
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: May 2013
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: April 2013
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: March 2013
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: February 2013
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: January 2013
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: November 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: September 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: August 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: July 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: June 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: May 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: April 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: March 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: February 2012
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: December 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: November 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: September 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: August 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: July 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: April 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: March 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: February 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: January 2011
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: November 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: October 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: September 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: August 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: June 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: May 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: April 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: March 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: February 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: January 2010
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: November 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: October 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: September 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: August 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: June 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: May 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: March 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: February 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: January 2009
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: November 2008
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: October 2008
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: September 2008
- Benedictine saints & blesseds: August 2008
- Benedictines: July 2013
- Benedictines: June 2013
- Benedictines: May 2013
- Benedictines: April 2013
- Benedictines: March 2013
- Benedictines: February 2013
- Benedictines: January 2013
- Benedictines: December 2012
- Benedictines: November 2012
- Benedictines: October 2012
- Benedictines: September 2012
- Benedictines: August 2012
- Benedictines: June 2012
- Benedictines: May 2012
- Benedictines: April 2012
- Benedictines: March 2012
- Benedictines: February 2012
- Benedictines: January 2012
- Benedictines: December 2011
- Benedictines: November 2011
- Benedictines: October 2011
- Benedictines: September 2011
- Benedictines: August 2011
- Benedictines: July 2011
- Benedictines: June 2011
- Benedictines: May 2011
- Benedictines: April 2011
- Benedictines: March 2011
- Benedictines: February 2011
- Benedictines: January 2011
- Benedictines: December 2010
- Benedictines: November 2010
- Benedictines: October 2010
- Benedictines: September 2010
- Benedictines: August 2010
- Benedictines: July 2010
- Benedictines: June 2010
- Benedictines: May 2010
- Benedictines: April 2010
- Benedictines: March 2010
- Benedictines: February 2010
- Benedictines: January 2010
- Benedictines: December 2009
- Benedictines: November 2009
- Benedictines: October 2009
- Benedictines: September 2009
- Benedictines: August 2009
- Benedictines: July 2009
- Benedictines: June 2009
- Benedictines: May 2009
- Benedictines: April 2009
- Benedictines: March 2009
- Benedictines: February 2009
- Benedictines: January 2009
- Benedictines: December 2008
- Benedictines: November 2008
- Benedictines: October 2008
- Benedictines: September 2008
- Benedictines: August 2008
- Blessed Virgin Mary: July 2013
- Blessed Virgin Mary: May 2013
- Blessed Virgin Mary: April 2013
- Blessed Virgin Mary: March 2013
- Blessed Virgin Mary: January 2013
- Blessed Virgin Mary: December 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: November 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: October 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: September 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: August 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: June 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: May 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: March 2012
- Blessed Virgin Mary: December 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: November 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: October 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: September 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: August 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: July 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: June 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: May 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: March 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: February 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: January 2011
- Blessed Virgin Mary: December 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: October 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: September 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: August 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: July 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: June 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: May 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: March 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: February 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: January 2010
- Blessed Virgin Mary: December 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: November 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: October 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: September 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: August 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: July 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: June 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: May 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: April 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: March 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: February 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: January 2009
- Blessed Virgin Mary: December 2008
- Blessed Virgin Mary: November 2008
- Blessed Virgin Mary: October 2008
- Blessed Virgin Mary: September 2008
- Blessed Virgin Mary: August 2008
- Books: April 2013
- Books: March 2013
- Books: February 2013
- Books: January 2013
- Books: October 2012
- Books: August 2012
- Books: January 2012
- Books: December 2011
- Books: October 2011
- Books: August 2011
- Books: July 2011
- Books: June 2011
- Books: April 2011
- Books: March 2011
- Books: February 2011
- Books: December 2010
- Books: October 2010
- Books: September 2010
- Books: July 2010
- Books: March 2010
- Books: December 2009
- Books: October 2009
- Books: September 2009
- Books: August 2009
- Books: June 2009
- Books: May 2009
- Books: April 2009
- Books: February 2009
- Books: January 2009
- Books: December 2008
- Canon Law (Church Law): March 2013
- Canon Law (Church Law): May 2011
- Canon Law (Church Law): January 2011
- Canon Law (Church Law): December 2010
- Canon Law (Church Law): March 2010
- Canon Law (Church Law): December 2009
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: May 2013
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: October 2012
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: July 2012
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: December 2011
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: October 2011
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: August 2011
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: December 2010
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: November 2010
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: October 2010
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: August 2010
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: July 2010
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: May 2010
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: December 2009
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: October 2009
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: August 2009
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: December 2008
- Carmelite saints & blesseds: October 2008
- Carmelites: July 2012
- Carmelites: November 2010
- Carmelites: April 2009
- Catholic Higher Education: April 2011
- Catholic Higher Education: January 2011
- Catholic Higher Education: October 2010
- Catholic Higher Education: October 2009
- Catholic Higher Education: July 2009
- Catholic Higher Education: May 2009
- Catholic Higher Education: April 2009
- Catholic Higher Education: February 2009
- Catholic Laity: May 2013
- Catholic Laity: May 2012
- Catholic Laity: February 2010
- Catholic Laity: May 2009
- Catholic Laity: February 2009
- Catholic priesthood: April 2013
- Catholic priesthood: June 2012
- Catholic priesthood: February 2012
- Catholic priesthood: September 2011
- Catholic priesthood: July 2011
- Catholic priesthood: June 2011
- Catholic priesthood: February 2011
- Catholic priesthood: December 2010
- Catholic priesthood: July 2010
- Catholic priesthood: May 2010
- Catholic priesthood: February 2010
- Catholic priesthood: January 2010
- Catholic priesthood: November 2009
- Catholic priesthood: September 2009
- Catholic priesthood: June 2009
- Catholic priesthood: May 2009
- Catholic priesthood: April 2009
- Catholic priesthood: March 2009
- Catholic priesthood: February 2009
- Catholic priesthood: December 2008
- Catholic priesthood: August 2008
- Catholic Social Concerns: December 2012
- Catholic Social Concerns: December 2011
- Catholic Social Concerns: September 2011
- Catholic Social Concerns: July 2011
- Catholic Social Concerns: June 2011
- Catholic Social Concerns: March 2011
- Catholic Social Concerns: February 2011
- Catholic Social Concerns: December 2010
- Catholic Social Concerns: March 2010
- Catholic Social Concerns: March 2009
- Catholic Social Concerns: February 2009
- Christology: June 2013
- Christology: May 2012
- Christology: September 2011
- Christology: September 2010
- Christology: August 2010
- Christology: September 2009
- Christology: January 2009
- Christology: December 2008
- Christology: October 2008
- Christology: September 2008
- Church (ecclesiology): July 2013
- Church (ecclesiology): May 2013
- Church (ecclesiology): April 2013
- Church (ecclesiology): March 2013
- Church (ecclesiology): December 2012
- Church (ecclesiology): September 2012
- Church (ecclesiology): August 2012
- Church (ecclesiology): July 2012
- Church (ecclesiology): March 2012
- Church (ecclesiology): February 2012
- Church (ecclesiology): January 2012
- Church (ecclesiology): December 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): November 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): September 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): July 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): April 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): March 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): February 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): January 2011
- Church (ecclesiology): December 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): November 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): October 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): September 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): July 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): June 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): May 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): April 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): February 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): January 2010
- Church (ecclesiology): December 2009
- Church (ecclesiology): November 2009
- Church (ecclesiology): January 2009
- Church Fathers & Mothers: June 2012
- Church Fathers & Mothers: April 2009
- Church Fathers & Mothers: March 2009
- Church Fathers & Mothers: January 2009
- Communion & Liberation: June 2013
- Communion & Liberation: May 2013
- Communion & Liberation: April 2013
- Communion & Liberation: March 2013
- Communion & Liberation: February 2013
- Communion & Liberation: January 2013
- Communion & Liberation: December 2012
- Communion & Liberation: November 2012
- Communion & Liberation: October 2012
- Communion & Liberation: September 2012
- Communion & Liberation: August 2012
- Communion & Liberation: July 2012
- Communion & Liberation: June 2012
- Communion & Liberation: April 2012
- Communion & Liberation: February 2012
- Communion & Liberation: January 2012
- Communion & Liberation: December 2011
- Communion & Liberation: November 2011
- Communion & Liberation: October 2011
- Communion & Liberation: September 2011
- Communion & Liberation: August 2011
- Communion & Liberation: July 2011
- Communion & Liberation: June 2011
- Communion & Liberation: May 2011
- Communion & Liberation: April 2011
- Communion & Liberation: March 2011
- Communion & Liberation: February 2011
- Communion & Liberation: January 2011
- Communion & Liberation: December 2010
- Communion & Liberation: November 2010
- Communion & Liberation: October 2010
- Communion & Liberation: September 2010
- Communion & Liberation: August 2010
- Communion & Liberation: July 2010
- Communion & Liberation: June 2010
- Communion & Liberation: May 2010
- Communion & Liberation: April 2010
- Communion & Liberation: March 2010
- Communion & Liberation: February 2010
- Communion & Liberation: January 2010
- Communion & Liberation: November 2009
- Communion & Liberation: October 2009
- Communion & Liberation: September 2009
- Communion & Liberation: August 2009
- Communion & Liberation: July 2009
- Communion & Liberation: June 2009
- Communion & Liberation: May 2009
- Communion & Liberation: April 2009
- Communion & Liberation: March 2009
- Communion & Liberation: February 2009
- Communion & Liberation: January 2009
- Communion & Liberation: December 2008
- Communion & Liberation: November 2008
- Communion & Liberation: October 2008
- Communion & Liberation: September 2008
- Communion & Liberation: August 2008
- Connecticut Dioceses: May 2013
- Connecticut Dioceses: November 2011
- Connecticut Dioceses: June 2010
- Connecticut Dioceses: April 2010
- Connecticut Dioceses: February 2010
- Connecticut Dioceses: January 2010
- Connecticut Dioceses: December 2009
- Connecticut Dioceses: October 2009
- Connecticut Dioceses: September 2009
- Connecticut Dioceses: August 2009
- Connecticut Dioceses: June 2009
- Connecticut Dioceses: May 2009
- Connecticut Dioceses: September 2008
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: April 2013
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: November 2012
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: November 2011
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: October 2011
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: June 2011
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: January 2011
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: September 2009
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: June 2009
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: March 2009
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: February 2009
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: January 2009
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: November 2008
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: October 2008
- Crossroads Cultural Center NYC: September 2008
- Culture: July 2013
- Culture: June 2013
- Culture: May 2013
- Culture: April 2013
- Culture: March 2013
- Culture: February 2013
- Culture: January 2013
- Culture: December 2012
- Culture: November 2012
- Culture: October 2012
- Culture: September 2012
- Culture: August 2012
- Culture: July 2012
- Culture: June 2012
- Culture: May 2012
- Culture: April 2012
- Culture: March 2012
- Culture: January 2012
- Culture: December 2011
- Culture: November 2011
- Culture: October 2011
- Culture: September 2011
- Culture: August 2011
- Culture: July 2011
- Culture: June 2011
- Culture: May 2011
- Culture: April 2011
- Culture: March 2011
- Culture: February 2011
- Culture: January 2011
- Culture: December 2010
- Culture: November 2010
- Culture: October 2010
- Culture: September 2010
- Culture: August 2010
- Culture: July 2010
- Culture: June 2010
- Culture: May 2010
- Culture: April 2010
- Culture: March 2010
- Culture: February 2010
- Culture: January 2010
- Culture: December 2009
- Culture: November 2009
- Culture: October 2009
- Culture: August 2009
- Culture: July 2009
- Culture: June 2009
- Culture: May 2009
- Culture: April 2009
- Culture: March 2009
- Culture: February 2009
- Culture: January 2009
- Culture: December 2008
- Culture: November 2008
- Culture: October 2008
- Culture: September 2008
- Culture: August 2008
- Dominican saints & blesseds: April 2013
- Dominican saints & blesseds: January 2013
- Dominican saints & blesseds: May 2012
- Dominican saints & blesseds: April 2012
- Dominican saints & blesseds: February 2012
- Dominican saints & blesseds: January 2012
- Dominican saints & blesseds: November 2011
- Dominican saints & blesseds: October 2011
- Dominican saints & blesseds: August 2011
- Dominican saints & blesseds: February 2011
- Dominican saints & blesseds: January 2011
- Dominican saints & blesseds: November 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: October 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: September 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: August 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: July 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: June 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: May 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: April 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: February 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: January 2010
- Dominican saints & blesseds: December 2009
- Dominican saints & blesseds: November 2009
- Dominican saints & blesseds: October 2009
- Dominican saints & blesseds: August 2009
- Dominican saints & blesseds: April 2009
- Dominican saints & blesseds: February 2009
- Dominican saints & blesseds: January 2009
- Dominican saints & blesseds: November 2008
- Dominican saints & blesseds: August 2008
- Dominicans: April 2013
- Dominicans: March 2013
- Dominicans: February 2013
- Dominicans: September 2012
- Dominicans: July 2012
- Dominicans: May 2012
- Dominicans: March 2012
- Dominicans: October 2011
- Dominicans: August 2011
- Dominicans: January 2011
- Dominicans: December 2010
- Dominicans: October 2010
- Dominicans: September 2010
- Dominicans: August 2010
- Dominicans: June 2010
- Dominicans: May 2010
- Dominicans: March 2010
- Dominicans: February 2010
- Dominicans: January 2010
- Dominicans: December 2009
- Dominicans: July 2009
- Dominicans: June 2009
- Dominicans: April 2009
- Dominicans: March 2009
- Dominicans: January 2009
- Dominicans: December 2008
- Dominicans: November 2008
- Dominicans: August 2008
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: May 2013
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: April 2013
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: March 2013
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: June 2012
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: May 2012
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: April 2012
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: June 2011
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: May 2011
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: April 2011
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: May 2010
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: April 2010
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: May 2009
- Easter, Ascension & Pentecost: April 2009
- Eastern Church: July 2013
- Eastern Church: June 2013
- Eastern Church: May 2013
- Eastern Church: April 2013
- Eastern Church: March 2013
- Eastern Church: February 2013
- Eastern Church: January 2013
- Eastern Church: December 2012
- Eastern Church: November 2012
- Eastern Church: August 2012
- Eastern Church: March 2012
- Eastern Church: February 2012
- Eastern Church: January 2012
- Eastern Church: November 2011
- Eastern Church: October 2011
- Eastern Church: August 2011
- Eastern Church: July 2011
- Eastern Church: June 2011
- Eastern Church: May 2011
- Eastern Church: April 2011
- Eastern Church: March 2011
- Eastern Church: February 2011
- Eastern Church: January 2011
- Eastern Church: December 2010
- Eastern Church: November 2010
- Eastern Church: October 2010
- Eastern Church: September 2010
- Eastern Church: July 2010
- Eastern Church: June 2010
- Eastern Church: May 2010
- Eastern Church: April 2010
- Eastern Church: March 2010
- Eastern Church: January 2010
- Eastern Church: December 2009
- Eastern Church: July 2009
- Eastern Church: June 2009
- Eastern Church: May 2009
- Eastern Church: April 2009
- Eastern Church: February 2009
- Eastern Church: January 2009
- Eastern Church: December 2008
- Eastern Church: November 2008
- Eastern Church: October 2008
- Eastern Church: September 2008
- Eastern Church: August 2008
- Ecumenism: May 2013
- Ecumenism: April 2013
- Ecumenism: March 2013
- Ecumenism: February 2013
- Ecumenism: January 2013
- Ecumenism: November 2012
- Ecumenism: September 2012
- Ecumenism: June 2012
- Ecumenism: March 2012
- Ecumenism: January 2012
- Ecumenism: October 2011
- Ecumenism: September 2011
- Ecumenism: June 2011
- Ecumenism: January 2011
- Ecumenism: December 2010
- Ecumenism: November 2010
- Ecumenism: September 2010
- Ecumenism: July 2010
- Ecumenism: April 2010
- Ecumenism: February 2010
- Ecumenism: January 2010
- Ecumenism: December 2009
- Ecumenism: November 2009
- Ecumenism: October 2009
- Ecumenism: September 2009
- Ecumenism: August 2009
- Ecumenism: July 2009
- Ecumenism: June 2009
- Ecumenism: May 2009
- Ecumenism: April 2009
- Ecumenism: March 2009
- Ecumenism: February 2009
- Ecumenism: January 2009
- Encyclicals: July 2013
- Encyclicals: August 2009
- Encyclicals: July 2009
- Encyclicals: June 2009
- Eucharist: June 2013
- Eucharist: May 2013
- Eucharist: April 2013
- Eucharist: June 2012
- Eucharist: August 2011
- Eucharist: June 2011
- Eucharist: May 2011
- Eucharist: December 2010
- Eucharist: July 2010
- Eucharist: June 2010
- Eucharist: May 2010
- Eucharist: December 2009
- Eucharist: June 2009
- Eucharist: May 2009
- Evangelization & Formation: July 2013
- Evangelization & Formation: June 2013
- Evangelization & Formation: May 2013
- Evangelization & Formation: April 2013
- Evangelization & Formation: March 2013
- Evangelization & Formation: February 2013
- Evangelization & Formation: January 2013
- Evangelization & Formation: December 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: November 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: October 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: September 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: June 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: May 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: April 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: February 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: January 2012
- Evangelization & Formation: December 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: November 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: October 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: September 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: August 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: July 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: June 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: May 2011
- Evangelization & Formation: March 2011
- Faith & Ecology: June 2013
- Faith & Ecology: April 2013
- Faith & Ecology: March 2013
- Faith & Ecology: June 2011
- Faith & Ecology: June 2010
- Faith & Ecology: August 2009
- Faith & Ecology: July 2009
- Faith & Ecology: September 2008
- Faith & Reason: June 2013
- Faith & Reason: April 2013
- Faith & Reason: March 2013
- Faith & Reason: February 2013
- Faith & Reason: January 2013
- Faith & Reason: December 2012
- Faith & Reason: November 2012
- Faith & Reason: October 2012
- Faith & Reason: September 2012
- Faith & Reason: August 2012
- Faith & Reason: July 2012
- Faith & Reason: June 2012
- Faith & Reason: April 2012
- Faith & Reason: March 2012
- Faith & Reason: February 2012
- Faith & Reason: January 2012
- Faith & Reason: December 2011
- Faith & Reason: November 2011
- Faith & Reason: October 2011
- Faith & Reason: September 2011
- Faith & Reason: July 2011
- Faith & Reason: June 2011
- Faith & Reason: May 2011
- Faith & Reason: April 2011
- Faith & Reason: March 2011
- Faith & Reason: February 2011
- Faith & Reason: December 2010
- Faith & Reason: October 2010
- Faith & Reason: September 2010
- Faith & Reason: July 2010
- Faith & Reason: June 2010
- Faith & Reason: May 2010
- Faith & Reason: April 2010
- Faith & Reason: March 2010
- Faith & Reason: February 2010
- Faith & Reason: January 2010
- Faith & Reason: November 2009
- Faith & Reason: September 2009
- Faith & Reason: July 2009
- Faith & Reason: June 2009
- Faith & Reason: May 2009
- Faith & Reason: April 2009
- Faith & Reason: March 2009
- Faith & Reason: February 2009
- Faith & Reason: January 2009
- Faith & Reason: December 2008
- Faith & Reason: November 2008
- Faith & Reason: October 2008
- Faith & Reason: September 2008
- Faith & the Public Order: July 2013
- Faith & the Public Order: April 2013
- Faith & the Public Order: March 2013
- Faith & the Public Order: February 2013
- Faith & the Public Order: January 2013
- Faith & the Public Order: December 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: November 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: October 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: September 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: May 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: April 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: March 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: January 2012
- Faith & the Public Order: December 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: November 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: October 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: September 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: June 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: May 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: March 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: February 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: January 2011
- Faith & the Public Order: December 2010
- Faith & the Public Order: November 2010
- Faith & the Public Order: October 2010
- Faith & the Public Order: May 2010
- Faith & the Public Order: April 2010
- Faith & the Public Order: March 2010
- Faith & the Public Order: February 2010
- Faith & the Public Order: November 2009
- Faith & the Public Order: August 2009
- Faith & the Public Order: June 2009
- Faith & the Public Order: May 2009
- Faith & the Public Order: April 2009
- Faith & the Public Order: March 2009
- Faith & the Public Order: February 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: July 2013
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: June 2013
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: May 2013
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: October 2012
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: July 2012
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: June 2012
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: April 2012
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: February 2012
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: October 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: September 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: August 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: July 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: June 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: April 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: March 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: February 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: January 2011
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: December 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: November 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: October 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: September 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: August 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: July 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: June 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: May 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: April 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: March 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: February 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: January 2010
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: December 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: November 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: October 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: September 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: August 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: July 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: May 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: January 2009
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: October 2008
- Franciscan saints & blesseds: September 2008
- Franciscans: July 2013
- Franciscans: April 2013
- Franciscans: March 2013
- Franciscans: February 2013
- Franciscans: August 2012
- Franciscans: May 2012
- Franciscans: July 2011
- Franciscans: June 2011
- Franciscans: April 2011
- Franciscans: March 2011
- Franciscans: January 2011
- Franciscans: November 2010
- Franciscans: October 2010
- Franciscans: September 2010
- Franciscans: August 2010
- Franciscans: June 2010
- Franciscans: May 2010
- Franciscans: April 2010
- Franciscans: March 2010
- Franciscans: February 2010
- Franciscans: January 2010
- Franciscans: December 2009
- Franciscans: November 2009
- Franciscans: October 2009
- Franciscans: September 2009
- Franciscans: August 2009
- Franciscans: July 2009
- Franciscans: June 2009
- Franciscans: May 2009
- Franciscans: April 2009
- Franciscans: September 2008
- Holy See: June 2013
- Holy See: May 2013
- Holy See: April 2013
- Holy See: March 2013
- Holy See: February 2013
- Holy See: January 2013
- Holy See: December 2012
- Holy See: November 2012
- Holy See: October 2012
- Holy See: July 2012
- Holy See: June 2012
- Holy See: February 2012
- Holy See: January 2012
- Holy See: November 2011
- Holy See: September 2011
- Holy See: August 2011
- Holy See: July 2011
- Holy See: June 2011
- Holy See: May 2011
- Holy See: April 2011
- Holy See: January 2011
- Holy See: December 2010
- Holy See: August 2010
- Holy See: July 2010
- Holy See: May 2010
- Holy See: April 2010
- Holy See: March 2010
- Holy See: February 2010
- Holy See: January 2010
- Holy See: December 2009
- Holy See: September 2009
- Holy See: August 2009
- Holy See: July 2009
- Holy See: June 2009
- Holy See: May 2009
- Holy See: March 2009
- Holy See: February 2009
- Holy See: January 2009
- Holy See: November 2008
- Holy See: September 2008
- Ignatian Spirituality: February 2013
- Ignatian Spirituality: May 2012
- Ignatian Spirituality: August 2011
- Ignatian Spirituality: March 2010
- Ignatian Spirituality: February 2010
- Ignatian Spirituality: January 2010
- Ignatian Spirituality: December 2009
- Ignatian Spirituality: November 2009
- Ignatian Spirituality: September 2009
- Ignatian Spirituality: July 2009
- Ignatian Spirituality: June 2009
- Ignatian Spirituality: May 2009
- Ignatian Spirituality: March 2009
- Ignatian Spirituality: July 2008
- Interfaith Dialogue: March 2013
- Interfaith Dialogue: November 2012
- Interfaith Dialogue: September 2012
- Interfaith Dialogue: October 2011
- Interfaith Dialogue: September 2011
- Interfaith Dialogue: July 2011
- Interfaith Dialogue: May 2011
- Interfaith Dialogue: February 2011
- Interfaith Dialogue: January 2011
- Interfaith Dialogue: December 2010
- Interfaith Dialogue: November 2010
- Interfaith Dialogue: October 2010
- Interfaith Dialogue: June 2010
- Interfaith Dialogue: February 2010
- Interfaith Dialogue: January 2010
- Interfaith Dialogue: December 2009
- Interfaith Dialogue: August 2009
- Interfaith Dialogue: June 2009
- Interfaith Dialogue: March 2009
- Interfaith Dialogue: February 2009
- Interfaith Dialogue: January 2009
- Interfaith Dialogue: December 2008
- Interfaith Dialogue: November 2008
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: June 2013
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: May 2013
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: February 2013
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: December 2012
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: July 2012
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: February 2012
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: December 2011
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: October 2011
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: September 2011
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: July 2011
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: June 2011
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: April 2011
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: February 2011
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: December 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: November 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: October 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: July 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: June 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: April 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: February 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: January 2010
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: December 2009
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: November 2009
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: October 2009
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: September 2009
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: July 2009
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: June 2009
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: December 2008
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: November 2008
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: October 2008
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: September 2008
- Jesuit saints & blesseds: July 2008
- John Henry Newman: March 2013
- John Henry Newman: December 2010
- John Henry Newman: October 2010
- John Henry Newman: September 2010
- John Henry Newman: August 2010
- John Henry Newman: July 2010
- John Henry Newman: April 2010
- John Henry Newman: March 2010
- John Henry Newman: July 2009
- John Henry Newman: June 2009
- John Henry Newman: May 2009
- John Henry Newman: April 2009
- John Henry Newman: January 2009
- John Henry Newman: November 2008
- John Henry Newman: October 2008
- John Henry Newman: September 2008
- John Henry Newman: August 2008
- Knights of Columbus: April 2013
- Knights of Columbus: December 2012
- Knights of Columbus: March 2012
- Knights of Columbus: April 2011
- Knights of Columbus: January 2011
- Knights of Columbus: August 2010
- Knights of Columbus: July 2010
- Knights of Columbus: June 2010
- Knights of Columbus: May 2010
- Knights of Columbus: April 2010
- Knights of Columbus: December 2009
- Knights of Columbus: November 2009
- Knights of Columbus: September 2009
- Knights of Columbus: August 2009
- Knights of Columbus: June 2009
- Knights of Columbus: April 2009
- Knights of Columbus: March 2009
- Knights of Columbus: January 2009
- Knights of Columbus: November 2008
- Knights of Columbus: October 2008
- Knights of Columbus: September 2008
- Knights of Columbus: August 2008
- Lectio Divina: April 2013
- Lectio Divina: February 2013
- Lectio Divina: February 2012
- Lectio Divina: November 2011
- Lectio Divina: May 2011
- Lectio Divina: December 2010
- Lectio Divina: November 2010
- Lectio Divina: June 2010
- Lectio Divina: July 2009
- Lectio Divina: May 2009
- Lectio Divina: February 2009
- Lectio Divina: November 2008
- Lectio Divina: October 2008
- Lent & Holy Week: March 2013
- Lent & Holy Week: February 2013
- Lent & Holy Week: January 2013
- Lent & Holy Week: April 2012
- Lent & Holy Week: March 2012
- Lent & Holy Week: February 2012
- Lent & Holy Week: April 2011
- Lent & Holy Week: March 2011
- Lent & Holy Week: April 2010
- Lent & Holy Week: March 2010
- Lent & Holy Week: February 2010
- Lent & Holy Week: April 2009
- Lent & Holy Week: March 2009
- Lent & Holy Week: February 2009
- Life in a Monastery: April 2009
- Life in a Monastery: March 2009
- Life in a Monastery: February 2009
- Life in a Monastery: December 2008
- Life in a Monastery: September 2008
- Life in a Monastery: August 2008
- Life in a Monastery: July 2008
- Luigi Giussani: May 2013
- Luigi Giussani: March 2013
- Luigi Giussani: February 2013
- Luigi Giussani: September 2012
- Luigi Giussani: August 2012
- Luigi Giussani: July 2012
- Luigi Giussani: May 2012
- Luigi Giussani: February 2012
- Luigi Giussani: January 2012
- Luigi Giussani: October 2011
- Luigi Giussani: July 2011