The Knights of Columbus has now moved to new parts: the Ukraine and Lithuania. Great news! In 2006, the KofC expanded to Poland with great hope and success. The natural progression in Eastern Europe is now to the peoples of the great East and Baltic states.
The roots of this move is heard in the 2005 homily of Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, MSU, now the Major Archbishop emeritus of the Ukrainian Church where he expressed in clear terms his hope that the Knights would come to his country. Let’s recall that in his early life, Cardinal Husar was a member of the Stamford Eparchy. Hence, he is a first hand witness to the good work of the Knights of Columbus in Connecticut, the USA, indeed, worldwide.
The Knights just completed their 131st convention in San Antonio. They wrote the following note on their webpage.
The Archeparchy of Philadelphia for the Ukrainians posted this announcement on their blog, The Way.
May God be glorified!