Marcel Lefebvre RIP

Coat of arms of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.jpgToday is the anniversary of death in 1991 of the famed Archbishop Marcel François Marie Joseph Lefebvre founder of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX).

Sadly, the Archbishop died ex communicated from the Catholic Church following the 1988 ordination of the 4 bishops.

He was a fascinating, holy and intelligent churchman with a complex history that still needs to be written with better objectivity.

In our charity, let’s pray for the SSPX and the ongoing dialogue with the Church. Pope Francis and Bishop Fellay will need to concentrate on doing the right thing inspired by the Holy Spirit.
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One thought on “Marcel Lefebvre RIP”

  1. Greetings,
    Pray and pray hard (and hopefully for not everything right of center).

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