Saint Pius X

St Pius X.jpgO God, who to safeguard the Catholic faith and to
restore all things in Christ, filled Pope Saint Pius the Tenth with heavenly
wisdom and apostolic fortitude, graciously grant that, following his teaching
and example, we may gain an eternal prize.

Saint Pius was known as an ardent defender
of the purity of Christian doctrine. He’s one of those popes that really got
what it means follow the 5th century Saint Prosper of Aquitaine’s emphasis on the Liturgy as the heart of our faith, that is, to be “liturgical.” Pius knew the full value of the sacred Liturgy
as it forms our worship, believe system and life as Christians. He’s credited for
the renewal of our worship, the promotion of plainchant and beauty public
prayer. Most people will recall that Pius established the practice of early,
frequent and daily communion. 

Pope Pius X was born in 1835, known as an intelligent, industrious and pious priest and bishop, died August 20, 1914 and canonized on
May 29, 1954.