Year of Saint John Neumann 2011-2012

John Neumann.jpeg2011 marks the 200th birthday of Saint John Neumann. And the US Redemptorists are making the coming year a notable one to recognize the anniversary. The saint lived March 28, 1811 to January 5, 1860. He was 49 years old at the time of his death and 8 years as the 4th bishop of Philadelphia.

There’s a webpage with lots of good resources on Saint John Neumann found here.

The Catholic Church in the USA observes the liturgical memorial of Saint John Neumann on January 5.

The packer of activities is posted here: Neumann Packet.pdf
The Shrine of Saint John Neumann is worth making a pilgrimage to….

One thought on “Year of Saint John Neumann 2011-2012”

  1. Thanks so much for the links! And Happy Feast Day!

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