Blessed Margaret of Castello

Bl Margaret Castello.jpgCompassionate God, you gave your divine light to
Blessed Margaret who was blind from birth, that with the eye of her heart she
might contemplate you alone. Be the light of our eyes that we may turn from
what is evil and reach the home of never-ending light.

One of the great draws to Blessed Margaret is that holiness is not only found in those perceived to be “perfect” people. Quite the opposite. In Margaret, a lay Dominican sister, we a woman who gave her life to the Lord through the Dominican charism being particularly devoted to prayer and charitable work despite the fact that she was not like other people. God had blessed her in other ways. Blessed Margaret was born blind, lame, deformed and was a hunchback midget. She was abandoned by her parents after not getting their way with God. Blessed Margaret is incorrupt.

Among the things Blessed Margaret is vigilant against is poverty, destitution, and forms of injustice shown toward those living with physical handicaps. She is supportive of those people rejected by religious orders because of physical handicaps and works in favor of Pro-Life issues.

2 thoughts on “Blessed Margaret of Castello”

  1. … and there is a group of men following the Dominican Rule working with the deaf and a group of Benedictine nuns (Branford, CT) who have taken in women with various health problems. So it is possible to form a religious order to accommodate various health concerns.

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