Blessed Basil Anthony Moreau

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Spirituality. He practiced poverty to a heroic degree. He
never looked to do anything for himself. It was his view that everybody should
have better than he had and that everybody should have the best. He learned a
deep sensitivity in dealing with others. He was a man who understood people.
When he was a young priest, he was supposed to go study theology and he said,
“I don’t know theology, I can’t do this, I am not equipped to do this.” And,
his spiritual director wrote, “Rejoice above all that you see nothing in
yourself to depend on in this new post. That’s a very good beginning, to put
nothing of yourself into it and to await the Lord who will not fail you.”

(Cardinal McCarrick’s address on Blessed Basil Moreau, Stonehill College)

A prayer and other info on Blessed Basil Moreau may be found here.