Lord, through Your loving favor, You revealed to the
virgin Saint Eustochia of Messina, the hidden secrets of Your providential
care. Through the way of life of our mother Saint Clare she grew deeper in her
love for Christ and His Church. may we who know You now by faith, come to
rejoice with her in heaven, and see You face to face.
Saint Eustachia was a
daughter of a count & countess; before she could marry, her fiance died.
After the death of her father she became a Poor Clare kneeling at the foot of
Christ crucified. She spent her life devoted to the Blessed Sacrament, penance
and charity. Her mother and sister were nuns at the Abbey of Monte Vergine. She
was elected abbess of her community. Her body is incorrupt and is venerated by
the faithful annually on August 22nd.