Being deeply transformed by the Word of God: more on Lectio Divina

Renewed interest in lectio divina has given many people the opportunity to know Christ better. Our attention to this timeless prayer of the heart has been captured in a variety of publications such as by Trappist Father Michael Casey, Trappist Father Charles Dumont, Benedictine Archbishop Mariano Magrassi, Catholic biblical scholars Stephen Binz and Scott Hahn, to name just a few. In the last 2 years the archbishop of Toronto, Thomas Collins, has done the yeoman’s work in getting his flock to dig deeply in the Word.

Vatican 2’s document, Dei Verbum, iterated: “All…should immerse themselves in the scriptures by constant spiritual reading and diligent study … in order to learn ‘the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ’ by frequent reading of the divine scriptures. ‘Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ'” (25).
Last year’s Synod of Bishops on the Word of God spoke to the value of practicing lectio divina and the Pope has named this practice in many of talks on prayer and the spiritual life many occasions in an effort lead us closer to Christ through Revelation.
Follow Archbishop Collins’ Lectio Divina.pdf. It’s brief.
Dare to try!!!!