Lavishly he gave to the poor; his generosity shall endure forever.
God our Father, you made your lowly servant Saint Francis Mary illustrious through every work of charity. Grant us through his prayers and example always to continue in sincere and humble service of our brothers [and sisters].
Some calendars have Saint Francis Mary’s liturgical memorial on September 19 and others on the 20th.
Know more about Saint Francis Mary
Another version of the saint’s life
My theory is that he was moved to accomodate the Korean martyrs on the 20th.
St. Francis Mary, pray for us!
I suppose since the liturgical observance of the Korean Martyrs is an obligatory memorial they’d take priority but we’ve had through the centuries more than one saint on a given day. For example, on the 23rd there’s the “Finding of the Body of St Clare” and “St Pio.” Which takes priority. For the Church universal it’s St Pio, but a Franciscan House may or may not have a choice? The old days of commemorating more than one saint was fine, methinks.