Today, Pope Francis proclaimed Mother Teresa of Calcutta a saint.
“Let us conquer the world with our love. Let’s us interweave our lives with bonds of sacrifice and love, and it will be possible for us too conquer the world.”
“we can do no great things – only small things with great love”
St. Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us
Nice blog…I am a Benedictine oblate at Monastery of the Holy Cross in Chicago…I live in N Indiana but St Meinrad’s is a 5 hour drive, too long for regular visits!
Thank you, John, for reading and writing. Happy to know that you are an Oblate in Chicago. I’m on Holy Cross’ newsletter list to keep in touch with the good things the monks are doing. Sure, St. Meinrad’s is a long drive but the opportunity to go there every 2 years for a retreat may present itself. It has been several years since I’ve been to the Archabbey myself. We have St Meinrad chapters in NY and I have regular contact with the Benedictines here in CT and MA. Mutual prayers and friendship in Christ and St Benedict!