Raising up saints and intercessors: witnesses to Christ urgently needed

A Church that
no longer raises up holy men and women among her priests, laypeople and
religious is a sterile mother. In fact, what matters the most is not the
construction of huge buildings or realizing great projects. What the Church needs
most is the witness of saints. Holiness is the sign of the Church’s
credibility. They are her letters of reference.

His Beatitude Fouad Twal
the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem
Beatification of Mother Maria Alfonsina Danil
November 22, 2009

Saint Gregory of Nyssa

St Gregory of Nyssa3.jpgYou have shown forth your watchfulness, and were a
fervent Preacher of godliness: by the wisdom of the teachings you have gladden
the Church’s faithful, Righteous Father Gregory, entreat Christ our God to
grant us his great mercy
(Troparion, tone 3)

God our Father, Saint Gregory, Your bishop, praised You by the splendor of his life and teaching. In your
kindness, as we forget what is past and reach out to what is before us, help us
to attain that vocation to which we are called.

Saint Gregory of Nyssa once said:

A greedy appetite for food is
terminated by satiety and the pleasure of drinking ends when our thirst is
quenched. And so it is with the other things… But the possession of virtue,
once it is solidly achieved, cannot be measured by time nor limited by satiety.
Rather, to those who are its disciples it always appears as something ever new
and fresh.

More on Saint Gregory of Nyssa may be read here.

Baptism of the Lord

Baptism of Christ 13th century.jpgIn the likeness of a dove, the Holy Ghost was seen: the Father’s voice was heard saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased: Hearken unto Him!

It is the Lord that commandeth the waters, it is the glorious God that maketh the thunder; it is the Lord that ruleth the sea. The Father’s voice was heard saying: This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased: Hearken unto Him!

Richard Neuhaus is not here…

RJN ordination1.jpgLast evening a segment of the faithful gathered at St. Patrick’s Cathedral for the Sacrifice of the Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Celestino Migliore, on the first anniversary of the death of a friend, Father Richard John Neuhaus. It is hard to conceive with ease that a year has past since Father Richard passed from life to Life. He died a year ago as a result of complications to cancer at 72.

Father George Rutler’s terrific homily may be read here.
Also, there is Robert Louis Wilken’s article, “An Anniversary.”

Saints Philip of Moscow & Herman of Kazan, Saints Theodore Solovetsky & Cornelius Pskovsky

Into Your Hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit. For the name of Jesus, and in defense of the Church, I am willing to lay down my life.

Father, we honor the martyrs Philip and Herman, Your bishops and Your monastic priests, Theodore and Cornelius. Through their struggles and by their intercession may we willingly accept any hardship while serving Your beloved people.

Blessed Angela of Foligno

Bl Angela of Foligno.jpgPraise to the holy woman whose home is built on faithful love and whose pathway leads to God.

Almighty God, You caused blessed Angela to excel in contemplating the mysteries of Your Son. Through he merits and prayers may we share in the same mysteries on earth and rejoice exultantly in the revelation of Your glory.
A 13th century third order Franciscan, Blessed Angela, gave her life to Christ based on a vision she had had of Saint Francis and after living a wild, and some would say sinful life. She was a wife, mother and a leader of other lay people who followed the Franciscan Rule for the laity.
Blessed Angela is the patron against sexual temptation, against the death of children, people ridiculed for their piety and widows. She is often depicted receiving Holy Communion from the Lord, or in the case of the image here, from an angel of the Lord (given her name, “Angela”).
The observance of the feast has had a number of changes: some calendars note her feast day as January 4th or March 30th, but the current Ordo has her liturgical memorial listed today.
An Italian website on Blessed Angela

Saint Raymond of Peñafort

St Raymond of Penafort.jpegThe whole law has found its fulfillment in this one
saying: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Almighty and compassionate Father, through the life
and teaching of our brother Raymond you show us that love is the fulfillment of
the law. Fill our hearts with love and so make us grow in freedom as your sons
and daughters.

Saint Raymond is the patron saint for attorneys, barristers,
canonists, lawyers, medical record librarians.

Jews to stop spitting on Christians, hopefully

NCR journalist John Allen posted a rather disturbing piece yesterday about Jewish youth who spit on Christian clergy in Jerusalem. Perhaps this is a good example of turning the other cheek or being despised for belief in Christ as Messiah. The public witness to belief in Christ and one’s consecration to the same is an extraordinary witness to the person of Christ who warned his disciples of acts of hatred. But whatever spiritualization of a disgusting insult you want to offer, the act is nonetheless a sign hate and I don’t think it ought to go un-addressed. Over-zealous youth is a problem whether you live in New Haven, CT, St. Louis, MO or Jerusalem. I wonder if the admonition of the tribunal there is strong enough to alter the behavior of Jewish petulant youth in question.

Read John Allen’s article, “Jews move to halt spitting at Christians in Jerusalem.”

Blessed André Bessette

Blessed André Bessette, your devotion to Saint Joseph is an inspiration to us. You gave your life selflessly to bring the message of his life to others. Pray that we may learn from Saint Joseph, and from you, what it is like to care for Jesus and do his work in the world. Amen.

St Andre Bessette.jpg

Pope John Paul II said this of Brother André:

A daily crowd of the sick, the afflicted, the poor of all kinds–those who were handicapped or wounded by life–came to him. They found in his presence a welcome ear, comfort and faith in God. Do not the poor of today have as much need of such love, of such hope, of such education in prayer?

One of Brother André’s friends said of him: “He spent his whole life speaking of others to God, and of God to others.”

More on Blessed –soon to be a saint– André is found here, including the liturgical prayer.

Info on Brother André’s canonization of will be announced here soon.

Saint John Neumann

Father, You have given me all that I have in this world, even life itself. In
all my daily needs, help me to remember the needs of others too. Make me aware
of the need to pray to You not just for myself but for the Church, the Pope,
for the clergy and for people who suffer any need.

Make me as selfless as Saint
John Neumann. Throughout my life, give me the grace to direct my first thoughts
to the service of You and of others. Make my prayer – “Your will be
done” knowing that in Your mercy and love, Your will for me is my
sanctification. I ask this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen. (Prayer to
Saint John Neumann)

The liturgical prayer, a brief chronology and a prayer for
the saint’s intercession may be found here.

homily of Pope Paul VI, Sunday, 19 June 1977

Greetings to you, Brethren, and
sons and daughters of the United States of America! We welcome you in the name
of the Lord!

The entire Catholic Church, here, at the tomb of the Apostle
Peter, welcomes you with festive joy. And together with you, the entire
Catholic Church sings a hymn of heavenly victory to Saint John Nepomucene
, [1811-1860] who receives the honor of one who lives in the glory of Christ.

In a
few brief words we shall describe for the other pilgrims some details of his
life, which are already known to you.

We ask ourselves today: what is the
meaning of this extraordinary event, the meaning of this canonization? It is
the celebration of holiness. And what is holiness? It is human perfection,
human love raised up to its highest level in Christ, in God.

At the time of
John Neumann, America represented new values and new hopes. Bishop Neumann saw
these in their relationship to the ultimate, supreme possession to which
humanity is destined. With Saint Paul he could testify that “all are yours, and
you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s” (1 Cor. 3, 22). And with Augustine he
knew that our hearts are restless, until they rest in the Lord (St. Augustine,
Confessions, 1, 1).

His love for people was authentic brotherly love. It was
real charity: missionary and pastoral charity. It meant that he gave himself to
others. Like Jesus the Good Shepherd, he lay down his life for the sheep, for
Christ’s flock: to provide for their needs, to lead them to salvation. And
today, with the Evangelist, we solemnly proclaim: “There is no greater love
than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends” (Jn. 15, 13).

Neumann’s pastoral zeal was manifested in many ways. Through faithful and
persevering service, he brought to completion the generosity of his initial act
of missionary dedication. He helped children to satisfy their need for truth,
their need for Christian doctrine, for the teaching of Jesus in their lives
. He
did this both by catechetical instruction and by promoting, with relentless
energy, the Catholic school system in the United States. And we still remember
the words of our late Apostolic Delegate in Washington, the beloved Cardinal
Amleto Cicognani: “You Americans”, he said, “possess two great treasures: the
Catholic school and the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Guard them like
the apple of your eye
” (Cfr. Epistola 2 June 1963).

And who can fail to admire
all the loving concern that John Neumann showed for God’s people, through his
priestly ministry and his pastoral visitations as a Bishop? He deeply loved the
Sacramental of Reconciliation
: and like a worthy son of Saint Alphonsus he
transmitted the pardon and the healing power of the Redeemer into the lives of
innumerable sons and daughters of the Church. He was close to the sick; he was
at home with the poor; he was a friend to sinners. And today he is the honor of
all immigrants, and from the viewpoint of the Beatitudes the symbol of
Christian success.

John Neumann bore the image of Christ. He experienced, in
his innermost being, the need to proclaim by word and example the wisdom and
power of God, and to preach the crucified Christ. And in the Passion of the
Lord he found strength and the inspiration of his ministry: Passio Christi
conforta me
! (The Passion of Christ strengthens me)

The Eucharistic Sacrifice was the center of his life, and
constituted for him what the Second Vatican Council would later call “the
source and summit of all evangelization” (Presbiterorum Ordinis, 5). With great
effectiveness, through the Forty Hours Devotion he helped his parishes become
communities of faith and service.

But to accomplish his task, love was
necessary. And love meant giving; love meant effort; love meant sacrifice. And
in his sacrifice, Bishop Neumann’s service was complete. He led his people
along the paths of holiness. He was indeed an effective witness, in his
generation, to God’s love for his Church and the world.

There are many who have
lived and are still living the divine command of generous love. For love still
means giving oneself for others, because Love has come down to humanity; and
from humanity love goes back to its divine source! How many men and women make
this plan of God the program of their lives! Our praise goes to the clergy,
religious and Catholic laity of America who, in following the Gospel, live
according to this plan of sacrifice and service. Saint John Neumann is a true
example for all of us in this regard. It is not enough to acquire the good
things of the earth, for these can even be dangerous, if they stop or impede
our love from rising to its source and reaching its goal. Let us always
remember that the greatest and the first commandment is this: “You shall love
the Lord your God” (Matt. 22, 36).

True humanism in Christianity. True
-we repeat –is the sacrifice of self for others, because of Christ,
because of God
. It is shown by signs; it is manifested in deeds. Christianity
is sensitive to the suffering and oppression and sorrow of others, to poverty,
to all human needs, the first of which is truth.

Our ceremony today is indeed
the celebration of holiness. At the same time, it is a prophetic
anticipation-for the Church, for the United States, for the world-of a renewal
in love: love for God, love for neighbor.

And in this vital charity, beloved
sons and daughters, let us go forward together, to build up a real civilization
of love.

Saint John Neumann, by the living power of your example and by the
intercession of your prayers, help us today and for ever.